Awaken to Happiness Now Global Series

Our mission is to inspire and self-empower you to live your prosperous life with ease, joy, and love through a connection with Spirit.

Christine Day Special Offer

Christine Day

Christine Day


  1. Language of Light Series - III Masterclass
  2.  Self Healing the Physical Body

Total Value $339 

Total Value $339 - Special Offer $259

The Language of Light Series III - Masterclass

This module contains eight video classes designed to be worked with at your own pace.

The Pleiadians bring the initiations from the Higher Realms to us for the first time.

We as a human race are ready for this amazing life changing opportunity. These Higher Realm initiations take you on your unique awakening journey that will open your vision, moving you beyond the limited reality of life.

Meet yourself from a new perspective through this series of direct experiences that will enable you to begin living and utilizing an aspect of your energy that has previously been untapped within you. These powerful activations open you into new energetic states of creation, moving you into the full realization of your natural birth right of abundance.

An aspect of these Higher Realm initiations is the opening of four new energetic centers that will transform your energetic system within your physical and energetic body. There will be a re-positioning your DNA strands, creating a realignment to aspects of your higher self, opening a clarity and understanding of your life now, empowering you to take your next step.

The systems of your body will go through a cellular rejuvenation as you anchor new aspects of light within your cells, and you realign back into your unlimited potential for self-healing. Simultaneously there will be a releasing of old dense sabotaging patterns leaving your body and you are able to reconnect to the light aspect of Self that remembers the infinite possibilities for manifesting your heart’s desire.

You can continue to build and integrate different dimensional aspects of your four energetic centers, as you are ready. You will continue to be supported as you work by the Pleiadians, Lemurians and the pure loving energies of Mother Mary and the Christ energy.

Note: Each Module in the series is a “stand alone” course. You can take these Modules in any order.

The Modules do not have to be done sequentially. They are set up to be intensive courses for you to move through at your own pace. Each Module consists of eight video classes that are designed to move you through an accelerated awakening. You choose the Module that feels right for your next step!

I have no words to explain every experience that I had going through the Master Class III My Soul is elated and so incredibly blessed. I am expanding so fast and so beautifully just like a metamorphosis has happened to my being. Bless you. I will continue to integrate all of the energy that has been reopened to allow the flow of the divine within me! My intuitive abilities are also expanding to embrace all that I am. Love and Light!

Elena S.

Self Healing the Physical Body

Work with Christine on a journey into your body for “self healing” of your physical ailments.In a step-by-step process you will learn how to work within your body to meet and release pain and physical issues that have been holding in your physical body. You will be given sacred tools to access these areas that have been keeping you in a limited capacity in this lifetime. This is the time for you to take a conscious step towards your self healing of your physical body and to allow the full life force energy to flow free. The tools you will learn enable you to continue working on your physical body for your ongoing self healing.

To understand how to best utilize the information in the self-healing classes, what follows are the guidelines.

You need to work the different levels within the site intuitively. Once or twice a day is important to develop a relationship with the site and to work on healing the different levels within the site need healing.

You can work 3 consecutive days and sometimes all at once or one in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the evening. You need to feel out what is right for you.

It is best to complete one site before you begin another-complete meaning that you bring the site to a place of completion, and then move to another site.

You may at some point need to go back to the original site and do more levels. This is because a certain site may need to intergrate and then require another level of healing.

Trust your own guidance and enjoy your journey.

Testimonials ...

Thank you so much for your work and the transmissions. You have supported me in in-numerous ways. I do not have enough words. Your transmissions especially the light language hits real deep into my system. You have taken and opened me into new dimensions which I did not know exist. Thanks for your continued support, I hope to be as courageous as you are, I hope to hear the voice so clearly that the word courage is not needed. It would be a simple yes, a simple step forward.Lots of Love Many Regards


This was a very heart opening experience for me. I feel I moved through a lot of blockages and trekked through my emotional ‘baggage’. A lot of insight was gained and I appreciate the help I received from the Pleiadians to do so.


I remember in the midst of the programs thinking , oh, wow, this is real! I felt overcome with marvel & with gratitude during the experiences, because they are experience not only talk. Profound, Sacred. I actually don't have words good enough. This was a magnificent gift I gave myself & thanks for download capability can re-gift again.


The most moving and powerful spiritual experience I personally have ever experienced. Well thought out, planned and executed for sure. Yet the unquestionable and sincerely genuine-ness of Christine Day is the powerful force that allowed me to relax and start what I feel is truly me. Meeting me with love and assistance for the first time in this lifetime. I am humbly grateful.


This work is by far the ‘purest’ I’ve encountered. It is healing and transforming and clearly anchored and integrated – not just another ‘high.’ Christine is brilliant, warm and totally ‘present’ with an open heart. I highly recommend the Pleiaidan Seminars for anyone who is ‘serious’ about their role during these transformative times.


This was the missing piece to my spiritual journey. I have found a new enlivened path but at the same time feel like I am rejoined in my spiritual home. Truly a life-changing event. Christine is a beautiful, talented woman who has pushed us thru the initiations and made my understanding of the Pleiadians very real. I became aware of my sacred heart. Thank you.


It is hard for me to find words to explain my experience. It was very transformational. I have felt very strongly that I am here to ‘change the world’ but I have struggled with the ‘how’. I know now that starting with a change of myself will bring me where I need to be.


Christine Day

Christine Day

CHRISTINE DAY’s powerful and heartbreaking personal story has inspired audiences throughout the world. Born and raised in Australia, Christine experienced a traumatic childhood involving cult ritual abuse. In 1986, following a diagnosis of advanced systemic lupus, and having been told she had just two months to live, Christine experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, which enabled her to move into a place of self healing. She has now been symptom free for the last twenty-six years.

Over the past two and a half decades, Christine has become internationally renowned as the Pleiadian Ambassador, as a gifted spiritual teacher, healer and channel. Christine’s three books “Pleiadian Initiations of Light” “Pleiadian Principles for Living” and “The Pleiadian Promise” brings this work to a worldwide audience.

Christine and the Pleiadians regularly present 3-Day Pleiadian Seminars in different areas of the world. She has a twice-monthly Internet Radio Show on and her popular Pleiadian Broadcasts are aired at regular intervals and available free on her website. She writes a monthly column for Edge Magazine. Visit her website where she offers unique Online Video Courses and a wide range of material.

Christine Day

Christine Day


  1. Language of Light Series - III Masterclass
  2.  Self Healing the Physical Body

Total Value $339