Awaken to Happiness Now Global Series

Our mission is to inspire and self-empower you to live your prosperous life with ease, joy, and love through a connection with Spirit.

Awaken To Happiness Now - Season 14
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Awaken To Happiness Now Season 14 – Raise Your Vibration!

  • Promotional Materials – Links, Image, and Sample Copy

Here you will find a variety of resources to help promote the Awaken To Happiness Now Global Summit – Season 14. If you have questions, need clarification, or have a great idea to promote the Awaken To Happiness Now Global Summit let me know at . I am looking forward to creating magic and transformation with you this season.

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Solo Launch Email – September 27-October 2 or as soon as possible after

Are you ready to raise the vibration and frequency of your life and living?

There has been so much change, upheaval, and friction in the world, is it time for you to raise the vibration and frequency of your life and living?

Are you ready to raise the frequency of this beautiful planet and all of the people living on it? Are you ready to transform your life and the world?

Are you willing to be prosperous and radiant being that you truly are?

Are you willing to truly be more than who you think you are?
Would you like to truly connect within and co-create with Spirit this year to live your prosperous life, your radiant life?
Do you ever wonder why you keep dealing with the same problems over and over, year after year?
Do you wish you could move past your issues, blocks, and limitations that have been holding you back?
Are you ready to be prosperous, live in prosperity, and create your future now?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I invite you to join me on Season 14 of Awaken To Happiness Now! I have been asked to join Alara and her guests and community this season as we talk about and experience what it means to “Raise Your Vibration”. It is such a blessing to speak at a series whose purpose is to transform pain, frustration, and unhappiness into wellness, joy, and abundance. A series where you can get unstuck and become unstoppable and really be more of who you truly are and express happiness and joy in your life every day.

I invite you to join me on the Awaken To Happiness Now Global Series with host, Alara Canfield and many other Transformational Leaders. Experience the powerful energy processes, activations, healing techniques, and tools & strategies that will help you to move forward and shift your energy, life and consciousness forever!


When you register, you will receive access to all of the calls and the Happiness Kit to start you on your journey to a more renewed, fulfilled, prosperous, and happy life and it’s yours absolutely FREE. Register and get FREE Access to this amazing network of transformational leaders, teachers and thought provokers along with all of the wonderful BONUS gifts.

Alara is truly committed to helping you transform your life to a new level of consciousness through a connection with Spirit and I’m honored to be a part of her extraordinary interactive live event.I look forward to having you join us on this amazing journey of renewal, joy, prosperity, and happiness.

Day before Interview Email

Are you ready to raise the vibration and frequency of your life and living?

Join me tomorrow on Season 14 of Awaken To Happiness Now with my good friend Alara Canfield!

I have been asked to join her and her guests and community this season as we talk about and experience what it means to “Raise Your Vibration”.

Are you ready to raise your vibration and the vibration of this beautiful planet and everyone who lives on it? If your answer is yes, then I invite you to join me on the Awaken To Happiness Now Global Series with host, Alara Canfield and many other Transformational Leaders. Experience the powerful energy processes, activations, healing techniques, and tools & strategies that will help you to move forward and shift your energy, life, and consciousness forever!


When you register, you will receive access to all of the calls and the Happiness Kit to start you on your journey to a more renewed, fulfilled, prosperous,  and happy life and it’s yours absolutely FREE.Register and get FREE Access to this amazing network of transformational leaders, teachers and thought provokers along with all of the wonderful BONUS gifts.

I look forward to having you join us on this amazing journey of renewal, joy, prosperity, and happiness.
See you there!

Social Media Posts


Are you ready to raise the vibration and frequency of your life and living? Are you ready to live your prosperous life? I’m part of a free global series all about raising your vibration. Find out what goes into creating your prosperous future now. Register now.



Learning how to raise the vibration of your life and living and create your prosperous future now is more simple than you might think. Join me for a free global series that gives you the tools, processes, and activations to live your prosperous life now.



What does raising the vibration of your life and living mean to YOU? I’m part of a global series that dives into that and living your prosperous life. Join now!




Want to know the secrets behind raising your vibration? Check this out: < INSERT EXPERT OPT IN LINK HERE > #awakentohappinessnow

Looking to raise your vibration? Top experts share their tips to create your future. < INSERT EXPERT OPT IN LINK HERE > #awakentohappinessnow
