Courage to Be You - Embody Your Soul Gifts Masterclass with Rayania Chaenn
Please join Rayania Chaenn and me as we talk about ​​​​​Courage to Be You - Embody Your Soul Gifts.
Join ​us to explore:
  • Our next phase of Soul Evolution in human form
  • Reclamation of Self from Rejection of being a girl
  • Recovery of lifelong anxiety, over-giving, over-caretaking, people-pleasing and seeking external validation and approval
  • Uncover Soul gifts of Healing and Higher Dimensional Channeling
  • Stepping into Soul Mission & visibility
  • Embrace the uniqueness and the worthiness
  • + a Channeled Message & channeled Q&A
  • 60 minutes 1:1 RISE session with Rayania
Payment Plan Available
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Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE - Value $170
Special Offer $127

60 minutes 1:1 RISE Session WITH RAYANIA CHAENN
This 1 on 1 RISE Session is specially designed to support Starseeds, Empaths, Sensitives, HSP, Healers and Coaches that are feeling the strong calling to share your gifts to help, to be of Service and raise the
Your desires and inner calling are pulling you forward. You have done a lot of healing and inner work. You still feel your resistance, doubt, fear but you can also feel your growing longing to step up into the new and share your gifts and light.
In our 1 on 1 private time together, you will step into a safe alchemical space that transforms the lower density in your energetic field, mental body and emotional body. We will ignite in you the spark of Joy, Clarity and Creative Force you need in order for you to step into the New that has been calling you. You are free to bring questions and issues you would like to resolve. We will tailor the session to what you need that is in your highest good through channeling Higher Dimensional Consciousness and holographic healing.
We will work with a wide array of Higher Realm Team. You will also experience the pure frequency of your team of helpers and deepen your connection within yourself with your Guides and Highest Self. You will also
receive clarity and practical tools and steps to move forward in ease and joy!
This is for you if
  • You have experienced fear of being seen, imposter syndrome, or simply overwhelm at the thought of speaking your truth in front of people/an audience/social media. But You know you have a message to share. You are here to guide, heal, teach.
  • You know you are here for something bigger, you have a big mission and are here to contribute, to help people/animal/Nature/the collective but you do not know how and would like to have clarity, steps and support.
  • You desire to open up your psychic ability, to connect to your Spirit Guides and Star family and would like to learn how to deepen it, build confidence and trust in yourself.
  • You know your Soul is calling you forward into new projects or into the unknown but you distract, procrastinate and self-sabotage consciously or unconsciously.
  • You know you are Soul reincarnated here to enjoy this human experience, but you cannot connect to joy, feel weighed down by responsibility, family, relationships, money, health.
  • You know you are innately worthy, but your mind/body is living in the old belief system that you are still not enough, not doing enough, not good enough, and the list goes on. You experience bliss from activation, meditation, workshops, private sessions. You know you are supported by the Universe but your reality does not look/feel like it.
  • You feel called to act but you cannot see clearly or have been in analysis paralysis, doubt and perfectionism.
  • You know you are responsible for your life as well as breakthrough and growth. You are ready to create changes and new soul-aligned stories. And make this your best life ever ;-)
  • You desire to upgrade your days from self-doubt, confusion, overwhelm, procrastination, comparison to one of clarity, direction and purpose.


"I am thrilled to share my amazing experience with Rayania. It's genuinely difficult to find the right words to describe the impact of Rayania's work on my wellbeing. Her sessions have been so transformative for me. Rayania's approach to channeling is unlike any other I have experienced before. She has the unique ability to create a wonderfully safe and nurturing space where I could let go of my struggles, hurt, pain, and anger. The initial grounding at the beginning of each session was a true blessing in itself, and allowed
me to delve deep into the core issues I needed to deal with. As an introvert, I find it challenging to open up and express myself, but Rayania's energy and guidance gave me the courage to open up and voice my thoughts and feelings. It helped me discover
the shifts and the essential questions I needed to ask myself to find peace and healing.
One of the most remarkable aspects of working with Rayania is her ability to connect us with new guides. They have become an essential part of my life and help me shape my new reality. Thanks to Rayania, I've experienced a profound transformation in my identity and mindset. I approach life with happiness and renewed confidence to tackle any challenges that come my way. If you're going through a difficult time, struggling with emotional pain, or feeling lost, I wholeheartedly recommend Rayania's services. Her channeling sessions have been a lifeline for me, and I am eternally grateful for the positive changes she brought into my life." -  Safiya, Energy Healer
"I love Rayania’s energy, she has such clear and profound energy, I felt my energy field expanding and centring the minute we connected. The healing I received was intense, and a lot was shifted in such a short healing session. I felt the energy building up so high, that I could feel the dense energies being dissolved in the expanded field. My body was radiating light and energy, while shifting. I feel like a brand new person, so happy and grateful for this profound experience. I can highly recommend a healing session with Rayania, she is such a beautiful gifted Soul Sister!" -  Jasminka, Sound Alchemist, the Netherlands
“Each session with Rayania Chaenn resembled a beautiful, uplifting and astonishing journey. With her kind words and tender voice, she lead me with questions through the process, listening attentively, sparking my creativity and imagining powers, nevertheless guiding me to a result, an answer, an ah-ha insight. Intuitively, she chose the path, that suited me best. In our sessions, all those old and new wounds were healed. I encountered my true self and revealed my soul‘s plan. Today, I know how to find my inner calm, activate my energies, feel safe and supported, grow to my true size with confidence and passion." - E.Z., Germany
“Rayania's energy is so warm and friendly. My channelled session surpassed all expectation. Everything resonated! The information that came through was so insightful and clear with practical techniques that i can integrate into my day life, to carry this deep
healing that i received onwards and make the positive changes in my life. Very empowering for my own spiritual and human journey. I also found the information concerning my galactic family amazing too! THANK YOU Rayania ... what a beautiful and powerful gift you are sharing." - J.S.,  UK
"I’m so very grateful for my channelled clarity session with Rayania! It didn’t take long for her to gently, yet skilfully bring out into the open what I really wanted help with. It’s as if she listens not only with her ears, and heart. But also with a very refined, broad- spectrum sensitivity that quickly led directly to the most important core issue I was actually seeking guidance for, but couldn’t quite put my finger on. I felt completely safe the whole time. Supported by a wonderful sacred space of acceptance, understanding, and a deep lovingness, while enveloped in a sense of divine love expansiveness. I got exactly what I needed and wanted. And so much more! I feel Rayania is truly excellent at what she does. A multi-gifted »miracle-maker«. Thank you, thank you, thank you!-" - S.A.
“I just want to say a heart felt thank you for your help and support through the 4 sessions we had together. Your gentle and patient approach with such compassion added to the sense of safety. The very first session I felt heavy carrying so many wounds and anxieties. I was holding emotional pain and struggling with clearing myself from everything that was blocking me moving forward. After each session I felt better, freer and lighter, by the last session I felt stronger physically, emotionally, mentally, with greater clarity. I have also noticed people are different towards me in a good way and I am certainly not as apologetic or as vulnerable as I previously felt. It was also important for me to know I could act as a proxy for my son in a separate session-" - V.B.
“Rayania is a very warm, gentle and gifted lady. My session with her was both insightful and validating on some concerns I had. I gained valuable insight to a resistance I was feeling but unsure of the origin. within the session I was given clarity and guidance of the
steps I needed to take to overcome and heal this. Rayania is a pure and a true channel for the higher realms and I am truly grateful for my experience with her." - A.O.

Rayania Chaenn

Rayania Chaenn, known affectionately as the People Whisperer, is an intuitive Channel, Energy Healer, and Galactic Retreat Host. Rayania's soul journey is nothing short of extraordinary; she was present at the very Creation of Earth Consciousness and has since reincarnated thousands of times in service to the evolution of Gaia
and this galaxy. With an Oversoul connection to Green Tara and a soul makeup
intertwined with Kuan Yin, Rayania embodies profound compassion for this earthly human experience. Her Dragon soul lineage and past life as a Lemurian infuse her with the ability to traverse mystic realms and draw upon ancient wisdom.
Rayania's path has been one of deep learning and mastery. Trained in Past Life Regression, Inner Child Healing, Spirit Release, Crystal Healing, and a multitude of modalities, she skillfully blends her expertise with guidance from spiritual beings and higher consciousness to facilitate profound healing and clarity. Through this alchemy, she helps others realign with their true Soul Frequency. From a challenging beginning—rejected at birth for being a girl, not allowed to have voice—Rayania embarked on a lifelong quest for meaning and success based on external validation. She suffered lifelong anxiety and immense fear programs. Her nearly two-decade
career in Technology Business immersed her in the cutting edge of 3D reality, setting the stage for her transformation into a devotee of her Soul's purpose. Now, she channels wisdom from higher realms and teaches the sacred truths she has unearthed along her journey. Rayania is committed to empowering fellow Starseeds, Empaths, and Sensitives to reawaken to their own truth and innate creative power as embodiments of Creator Consciousness. Her mission is clear: to guide others in rediscovering their inherent gifts, reclaiming their true Soul Essence, and co-creating lives aligned with the highest timelines of New Earth Consciousness. Join Rayania on this transformative journey, where the heart opens, healing flows, and authentic soul expression blossoms.
  • 60 minutes 1:1 RISE session with Rayania
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali(Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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