Finding and Following Your Calling​​​​ Masterclass with ​​​​Donna Hill
​Please join ​Donna Hill and me as we talk ​​about Finding and Following Your Calling.
Finding and following your calling is one of the most magical and sacred gifts you can give yourself. It is also a sacred offering to the world. When we are expressing our purpose or calling, we are aligned and in flow. It is one of the keys to living a richer,more fulfilling life. Some experts would say we are honed into our purpose, that it evolves over time as we grow and develop as humans. Yet there are many ways we can accelerate these changes and break through to new levels of awareness, creativity and expression. Whether your calling is a new relationship, better health or a new project, etc. we will assist you in accessing the keys to further you on your path to happiness and wholeness.According to author William Bridges there are three stages to our callings. The first stage is an ending of our old ways of being or doing; a time of loss. The second stage isa neutral zone where we are waiting, wondering, not knowing. It can feel like we’re stuck. The third stage is new beginnings when we find the courage to move forward in anew direction.
In this experiential conversation and group attunement we will help identify which stage you're in. We will also:
  • Assist you in building a strong foundation to move forward with courage.
  • Clarify your talent and abilities.
  • Attune into your authentic energies of joy, bliss, natural excitement and curiosity.
  • Uplevel your manifesting abilities.
  • Access and enhance your creativity and intuitive abilities.
  • Resolve traumas and energy blockages that are holding you back.
  • Assist in resolving grief and loss (job loss, relationship loss, loss of health, etc.).
  • Bring more harmony, peace and fulfillment to your daily life.
Additionally, Donna will tune into the group energies and bring through any messages for the group. We will also discuss the two main themes for the last half of 2024.
There will be lots of time for questions and mini healings with audience members. Also we will do an empowering group energy process at the end. This entire discussion will be healing and uplifting.
  • 90 Minute one on one Session with Donna
Payment Plan Available
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If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.


Special Offer $197

Aligning with Your Purpose and Sharing Your Gifts With the World
Healing Intensive: One 90 minute one on one personal session
We will meet in sacred space to create a container of healing energies to uplift,transform and align you to your calling or purpose, whatever it may be. Donna will read your field and bring through any guidance that will assist you in moving forward. Using a variety of modalities and light language, sound and light frequencies and vibrations,Donna will clear your genealogy, past, future, parallel lifetimes; retrieve soul fragments.The work could include working with your inner child. We will also partner with your ancestors, spirit guides, Archangels, Ascended Masters or even benevolent et. We will call in your star seed or soul family to assist you, attune you to your Divine Blueprint which holds keys and codes to relationships, wealth and abundance. We will attune your manifesting abilities so you are comfortable with bigger creations. When we are finished all your physical and energies will be aligned and attuned to the Christ consciousness. Finally we will bring you onto the highest possible timeline. This is an intensive breakthrough session.
Your one on one session will be by phone (if you live in Canada or the US) or skype if you live in other parts of the world. Sessions are usually not recorded.


She Read My Field Completely and Helped Me Heal
​​“​Recently I had a session with my friend of many years, Donna Hill. She works on the clearing and integration of some of our deepest timeline issues. Yes, I'm talking about the biggest stumbling blocks we've all felt during these times. She helped me to integrate some old "ancestral" energies around "fear and control." She read my field completely and helped me heal and integrate my "pure light" into those spaces that once held fear. All this is done to quickly shift this old space into healing. Donna works with you deeply to help, listen, engage and love. Plus she's available to follow up with you and give loving kindness.” - ​Darius Barazandeh, USA
I Felt Safe and Well Guided... I Really Could Feel the Healing Energies Working!
​​"​I did a healing session with Donna. It was the best online energy work session I have ever experienced. I felt safe and well guided. I really could feel the healing energies working. Lots of things came up. Also all the things which Donna sensed in the spiritual world resonated with me. Things I've never thought of. Donna is empathic and really knows what she's doing. She has a special ability to connect with the spiritual world and bring the message to the person who needs it. Also her energy healing abilities are exceptional. All in all she's a highly skilled healer. I highly recommend her. Thanks so much!" - ​Tea J., Peru
Long-Standing Destructive Patterns Were Gone
​​"​Donna is a powerful healer. She is compassionate and intuitive. I’ve had just three sessions with her and have been able to shed long standing destructive patterns and I have even been able to come to clarity regarding a situation I have been facing in my personal life. I am a healer myself and have experienced many healers. I have to say that Donna is a healer of the highest degree." - ​Jaymini, USA
She Opened a Door That I Thought Was Closed
​​"​I am a physical empath. Recently, with all these strong ascension energies hitting me on many levels and feeling people's pain daily it was too much for me to handle. I was at a breaking point. Donna Hill sensed that I wasn't doing well and we did a distance healing session. In less than 5 minutes after she started I already started to feel much better and calmer. I was really amazed at how quick her healing worked. She continued the healing, working on many levels. Through her feeling and insight she helped me realize many things that I needed to work on and also on how to deal / work with the ascension energies so it doesn't affect me as much. I am so thankful for what Donna did for me. Days later I'm still feeling much better. She opened a door that I thought was closed. She knew exactly what to work on and where some blockages were. Anyone looking to work with a great person / healer, this is the person . Thank you again." - ​Yanick, Canada
There’s Always Been a Powerful Solution to Everything We Do
​​"​I have worked with Donna Hill for the last two years. She is a very caring, strong and compassionate healer and angelic channeller. It's always an amazing experience working with her. She's helped me clear my genealogy and past lives in romantic relationships and some current family issues. We have also worked with money issues, cord cutting and manifesting. There's always been a powerful solution to everything we do. Donna goes beyond, in encouraging me and does bring a lot of funny moments to break the ice. Every session I've ever done with her has always been powerful. I am always grateful for her help." - ​Sean M, Canada
My Vibration Related to Money Was Increased and Allowed More Confidence in Spending and Receiving
​​"​​Donna helped me learn about energetic boundaries and taught me exercises to increase the male energy connection in my soulmate relationship. I also participated in a group abundance energy session, that I feel was very successful! My vibration related to money was increased and allowed more confidence in spending and receiving." - ​​Andrea, USA
Donna Has a Unique Talent for Healing That Is Above and Beyond Anything I Have Ever Known
​​"​​​Donna has a unique talent for healing that is above and beyond anything I have ever known. She works with the angelic realm, utilizing the seen and unseen worlds for lasting change. I am a single mother with four kids, living in a small town in Arizona. When Donna first offered to work with me I had no idea what to expect, but soon found that the results were revolutionary. When Donna has a session--hang on to your seat belts because life is about to change! Donna's Wealth and Abundance Session, for me, could not have been more timely. Things seemed just about as bleak as they could be. I had been depressed because our family car had been declared dead by our mechanic and I had lost my job because the Spa that I worked at as a therapist sold to a private owner. After Donna's Wealth Healing session, I felt different immediately. Emotionally there was a beautiful lightness of being, as if I was floating in a sea of abundance. Somehow I just knew that everything was going to be ok. There was a calm in our household, that was surprising, since we were all stranded without a car 10 miles from the nearest grocer. The very next day we received an income tax return check in the mail a whole month early! And shortly after that an anonymous check appeared in the mail for $3,000, which to us was a fortune! It was from a anonymous party who said they wanted us to get a car. I know that these blessing are the direct work of spirit, propelled by Donna's session as the catalyst. Now our lives have continued on in a way of steady, upward, progress. I will be forever humbled, amazed and grateful for Donna and the work that she does." - ​​​Charlotte, USA
​You Feel “Seen” on a Soul Level and What Came Through for Me Was 100%Accurate
​​"​​​​Donna Hill is a highly intuitive healer who was able to help assist me as I was going through a challenging time in life. She has a special gift in the way she connects with and communicates with the Spirit world. She is able to bring in healing energies with the assistance of our own guides and she most vividly and accurately shares visions and messages that come through.You feel “seen” on a soul level and what came through was for me one hundred percent accurate. During our personal phone session, I felt the healing energies coming in and my body felt grounded and peaceful. There were also some questions that got answered in terms of my chosen path in life, in which I am very grateful.I have also had the delight of joining an online group meditation with Donna as the facilitator. This was a very positive experience where I felt streams of healing energies come in and doing its work in clearing blockages and balancing the chakra systems. She was able to tune in to the group as a wholeness and intuitively feel what needed to be worked on, all the while assisting us with visuals and guided meditation.If you are looking for more clarity along your life’s journey or wish to clear and balance your body – mind – spirit, I will strongly recommend all services offered by Donna Hill." - ​​​​Ingvild, ​Norway
​Helped Me Connect to Source Consciousness and Fill My Being with Light
​​"​​​​​I highly recommend her as a healer and companion on your journey. Donna is a sensitive and loving healer. She is a gifted energy healer and multi-dimensional technician. Before my healing I was feeling very lost and in much despair. Donna helped me connect to source consciousness and fill my being with light. I highly recommend her as a healer and companion on your journey of transformation." - ​Sarah, USA
​When I Have a Session with Donna, I Always Come Out Feeling So Much Better!
​​"​​​​​​My mind is clearer, my heart is clearer and I feel more grounded. I feel understood and supported. Donna is connected to spirit and always picks up on exactly what’s going on. She helped me with physical health issues, ancestral clearing and also connected me to my animal totem in a deeper way. Sessions are light and often filled with laughter. I appreciate every time we have a session." - ​S​onia, ​Canada
​Transformative Health Changes for All Family Members!
​​"​​​​​​​My 10-year son has always had severe oral tactile defensiveness as a part of his sensory processing disorder, which makes feeding him a nutritionally balanced diet very difficult. We went through all the doctors and therapies that were available to us with very little forward movement and even less hope. When I realized that my son’s issue could be helped energetically, I tried a few practitioners who gave good insight, but nothing concrete was ever attempted, until Donna worked with him. After a few energy sessions, crystal healing techniques and the myriad of healing modalities that Donna has to utilize, my son was making some visibly noticeable changes. Over the last 6 months he gained 5pounds and has gone from “Nope not trying it” to trying new foods where he actually is chewing, swallowing, and repeating it more than once. He is enjoying brand new foods which is something I haven’t seen him do since he was a baby. This is HUGE!! I really believe Donna has made a huge impact on all of our lives by her humble service and amazing God-given healing talent. She is so intuitive, very patient and thinks out-side the box, which is what we needed. So refreshing! I highly recommend Donna and her healing services. She has helped not only my oldest, but all of my family members including myself and I can say that without her and the grace of God, we would be in a different place health-wise right now. God bless you Donna and thank you.” - ​​Margaret, USA

​Donna Hill

​Donna Hill is a multifaceted spiritual practitioner, known for her expertise as a Divine Sequencing Master Practitioner, Soul Reader, Angelic Channel, and a practitioner of Light and Sound healing. She also holds the distinction of being a Divine Wisdom Code Activator. From early childhood Donna was attuned to the flowing currents of infinite consciousness that enlivened her existence. This profound awareness ignited a lifelong exploration into the eternal realms of Source, God, and Creator. Throughout her journey, which included enduring periods of illness, financial challenges, and personal loss, Donna's unwavering connection to Source served as both her sustenance and healer. Within this sacred realm she experienced the freedom to create a life that is both abundant and deeply fulfilling.
Donna's calling lies in illuminating the profound truth that at the core of their being, individuals are deeply, completely and unconditionally loved. She empowers them to tap into this deep connection with Source, to explore their Sovereignty as Soul and to undergo deeply transformational and lasting changes in their lives. Moreover, Donna demonstrates how this connection can usher in experiences of pure bliss and happiness that is independent of external circumstances or challenges.
  • 90 Minute one on one Session with Donna
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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