Tools and Techniques for Mystical Consciousness Masterclass with Patrick Prohaska
Please join Patrick Prohaska and me as we talk about Tools and Techniques for Mystical Consciousness.
Join us as we discuss:
  • Learn how to align yourself with the universal principles of creative power.
  • Discover three simple techniques you can use today to expand your consciousness.
  • Find out how to safely access your portal to the beyond whenever you’d like.
  • Learn how to supercharge your lucid dreaming tonight.
  • Are you searching for a magic wand? Find out how to be the magic wand you’ve been looking for.
  • Dreamscape: Practical Mysticism Online Course
  • Dreamscape: Practical Mysticism Online Course
  • Private Integration Session with Patrick
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE A - Value $​279
Special Offer $111

Dreamscape: Practical Mysticism Online Course
Dreamscape: Practical Mysticism weaves together powerful tools and techniques for altering consciousness in a profound and fulfilling way. It's mystical because it allows you to escape the shackles of three-dimensional space and linear time, so you can explore cosmic realms normally hidden from the intellectual mind. And it's practical because it can empower your life in the here and now.
Align yourself with the hidden universal laws of harmony and vibration, and learn how to activate your own personal portal into higher dimensions. We’ll focus on breathwork, lucid dreaming, plant medicine, soundbathing, pineal gland stimulation, vortex management, and much, much more.
This course features lectures in both video and audio format, plus transcripts of every lesson.
You can enjoy the lessons online through the Light Bridge virtual classroom, or you can download the audio recordings to listen on your own.
Check out these awesome lecture topics:
Module 1: The Hidden Harmonic Laws
1. What is Practical Mysticism?
2. Does Consciousness Create Reality?
3. Hidden Universal Harmonic Principles
4. The Power of Doing: Manifestation for Deliberate Creation
5. The Power of Being: Charisma for Spontaneous Creation
6. Practical Exercises for Expanded Consciousness
Module 2: The Waking Dreamscape State
7. Conscious Control of Brainwave States
8. Light Bridge: Harnessing the Power of the Dream State
9. Unleash Your Creativity
10. The Quest for a Magic Wand
11. Practical Exercises for Dreamscape Consciousness
Module 3: The Sleeping Dreamscape State
12. Refreshing Sleep Workshop
13. What is Lucid Dreaming?
14. What is Lucid Living?
15. Your Dreamscape Playground
16. Lucid Dreaming Workshop
Module 4: Consciousness Beyond the Portal
17. Your Gateway to the Beyond
18. Mystical Vortex Management
19. Pineal Gland Stimulation
20. Breathwork: Spread Your Angel Wings
21. Plant Medicine and Other Portal Activators
All this, plus awesome surprise bonuses!

PACKAGE B - Value $449
Special Offer $189

​Everything in Package A
​Private Integration Session with Patrick
Embody and deepen dreamscape consciousness with a private, one-on-one integration session with Patrick. Not only will we activate your personal portal, you’ll experience the power of Light Bridge attunements and belief sculpting. Each Light Bridge session is tailored to your needs and desires. You set the theme, and then we work together to uncover limiting subconscious thoughts, beliefs, biases, and expectations that block you from achieving your goals. I’ll also do energy work as necessary, including trauma clearing, brain balancing, physical healing, guided manifestations, and more. Private sessions run about 55 minutes.


“OMG!!!! That was A M A Z I N G !!!! My entire body tingles at the end of our sessions. YOU are truly a gift to all mankind and I wish everyone were receptive to your talents. WE all need YOU...whether WE know it or not. I love you Patrick! THANK YOU!” - Jeff L.
“The result (of our two sessions) has been "fantastic"! I have not felt the low vibration emotional energies I had previously lived with for as long as I can remember! I really appreciate your sensitivity in effectively addressing my lifelong issue that was genetically based - I am finally feeling a peacefulness I have never previously felt for any length of time. Thank you very much!” - Steven R.
“I just wanted to follow up on the results of my healing session so far. In a word: WONDERFUL! Thank you again SO MUCH! Your calm and commanding presence during the session made it not only enlightening, but also very enjoyable.” - Melinda H.
“Through Patrick, I’ve come to realize that a backdrop of energy exists behind the physical world, and by accessing this energy, I can actually thrive in the here and now! Patrick is well versed in so many areas of humanistic, spiritual, and energy work that I consider him to be a genius. Most importantly, however, is his character. I find his “bedside manner” impeccable. He’s kind, compassion, generous, patient, astute, and humble. His services and teachings are truly worth exploring.” - Steven T.
“Your healing ability is extraordinary! I had done a meditation session before our session and thought I felt good, but then WOW! It was not good in comparison to how wonderful I felt after the session with you. Amazing wake-up call to how truly gifted you are and I am most grateful. Thank goodness I found out about you.” - Marcy
“WOW, WOW, WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS HOW GREAT THIS IS.  I have listened to speakers since 2011, many wonderful speakers, but the work you do is soooo incredible.  I even got my husband to listen to the call, and that is a miracle in my books, first time ever he would listen to any speaker. I have nominated myself to be your #1 FAN!!" - Marion O.

Patrick Prohaska

Patrick Prohaska is an author and life coach specializing in personal empowerment, consciousness expansion, and sexual healing. Patrick has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy of science and a Master’s degree in the religions of ancient India, and developed the Light Bridge system of healing and personal transformation. He’s the author of Brain Cells: Escape Your Mental Prisons and Dream Yourself Awake: The Power of Lucid Living, as well as the forthcoming book Myths to Stop Living By. Patrick is available for lectures, seminars, and workshops around the globe. When he’s not teaching or communing with a client you’ll find him exploring the Colorado wilderness.
  • Dreamscape: Practical Mysticism Online Course
  • Dreamscape: Practical Mysticism Online Course
  • Private Integration Session with Patrick
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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