How to Stay Resilient in Uncertain Times by Using the Infinity Wave with Hope Fitzgerald
Please join Hope Fitzgerald and me as we talk about How to Stay Resilient in Uncertain Times by Using the Infinity Wave.
In this interview we will talk about:
  • flexibility rather than resistance
  • practicing empathy and compassion
  • staying out of judgement: considering all sides
  • from victim to beacon: remembering your role
  • be "in the world, not of it"
  • like-minded community is key
  • Digital Copy of The Infinity Wave
  • The Original Practices
  • 30 Minute Personal Dowsing Session with Hope
  • 30 Minute Personal Dowsing Session with Hope
  • Digital Copy of The Infinity Wave & The Original Practices
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If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Special Offer $70

​​​Digital Copy of The Infinity Wave & The Original Practices
​​​Digital Copy of The Infinity Wave
The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion and Flow
The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion and Flow is the story of how the Infinity Wave arrived as a gift to the world from a loving Universe for navigating tumultuous times, and a guidebook for how to use this new multi-dimensional tool of Love and Compassion to easily enhance day-to-day activities and provide a path to spiritual evolution.
Before the Infinity Wave suddenly appeared, Hope Fitzgerald would have described herself as a counselor with a life-long, private devotion to spiritual development. But when a surprising series of visions introduced the Wave, it upended her life, boosting her into a more public arena and eventually evolving her into a medium and channeler. This book consolidates the Infinity Wave basics and offers access to the original recorded practices that arrived in the early days of Wave discovery.
The Original Practices
The Original Practices
These enlightening recordings will help to Awaken Infinite You, the one who exists in unity consciousness, owning your energetic capabilities and knowing you are a multi-dimensional being here to co-create in an evolving World!
This introduction to The Infinity Wave was lovingly created and loaded with life-changing energetic transmissions.

- Practice One – Introduction to the Infinity Wave - A gentle way to begin the interaction with the Infinity Wave. You will hear some context of how the Wave arrived and be encouraged to take the next step in your own evolution, which in turn will affect many others. YOU matter very much!
- Practice Two – The Infinity Cradle - Now that you've experienced the Infinity Wave, it's time to put it into practice. This energetic breaks up resistance, cleanses and smoothly flows through your body to bring a new sense of peace and ease. Explore the freedom of being released from gravity while being held in love and compassion. This is the change that makes all future change easier!
- Practice Three – Body Appreciation - Now that you've experienced the Infinity Wave within you, this practice invites a kinder relationship between you and your body. What does this have to do with evolution? The more we are consistent in our lives the faster we can evolve. So many of us are kind to the earth but extremely critical of ourselves, not realizing that they are one and the same! Because we want to be in celebration of the Earth, we need to learn to be in celebration of the miracle of our bodies, no matter how imperfect they may be. With this practice, you can switch off the critical voice and move into compassion and gratitude for the magnificent home you walk around in.
- Practice Four – Swim in the Earth - This Infinity Wave practice explores the powerful spiritual realm of the Earth. Enlightenment is knowing the Divine we associate with "above" as well as the Divine found "below" in the planet itself. Indigenous people have known this for thousands of years but many of us have forgotten. Explore the 'Earth of you' in a unique way with the Wave and emerge longing to serve her as she so generously serves us.
- Practice Five – Time Travel - In this 3-dimensional reality, we are held within illusion of the constraints of Time, Space and Gravity. Now that you have experienced release from Gravity, you can also gain freedom from Time. As the Infinity Wave sweeps you along, you'll discover that Time is a wave that you can ride and adjust, and not a linear mechanism that holds you fast.
- Practice Six - Powercell - Did you know that you are a conduit between Heaven and Earth? Not only that, but you can become a potent powercell for change on the planet. In this Infinity Wave practice, you will learn how to tap into the earth's energy to charge you up for what wants to be done, whether it is kicking an old habit or getting through your workday.
- Practice Seven – Crystal Columns - The truth is, we are all born with direct access to our Creator and the many dominions that emanate from that original place. In this Infinity Wave practice, you will discover the balanced connection that is your divine birthright. This is one of the most sacred practices in the set...
- Practice Eight – Journey to Your Grace Garden - Letting go of the old is a necessary step towards Awakening Infinite You but sometimes that can be hard to do. In this track, you will be invited to compassionately release past hurts, traumas and burdens in order for you to be free and available for the more evolved experiences that lie ahead. You will find incredible comfort, beauty and serenity in your grace garden!
- Practice Nine – The Infinity Wheel - Can you imagine a world of peace? The Infinity Wave can help make it a reality! Use this practice with a group to compound the intention of love and compassion for wherever it needs to go. It all starts with you, AND it truly does take a village to effect global change!
"As both the conduit and the master technician, Hope offers all one needs to understand and use this miraculous tool. Anyone who chooses can immediately access the love, compassion and flow contained in the Infinity Wave, and see instantaneous blessings as a result." ~ Dr Janice Seward, MA
"Hope introduced me to the infinity Wave years ago, when she was called to bring it to humanity. I was beyond fortunate to be in her orbit at that time, for the Infinity Wave is perhaps the most brilliant and powerful tool for healing, personal expansion, and putting love into the world. This simple and life enriching practice has comforted and grounded me, enhanced my relationships and connected me more deeply to Mother Earth, and our Universe. I am beyond grateful to Hope for listening to the call and sharing it with the world. This book is so needed. It is a gift. And so is Hope Fitzgerald." ~ Barbara Newman, author, The Dreamcatcher Codes
"Hope Fitzgerald offers us all great inspiration in her book, “The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion and Flow.” In her authentic story she tells the story of how the Infinity Wave came to her, how to use the Infinity Wave, and lessons of life she has gained from her experiences. Simple yet profound, the Infinity Wave can lighten our struggles in life and strengthen our courage to be true to who we are and who we have come here to be through service. I recommend this book to all who want to use a heart centered tool daily to add ease and intention in all that they do." ~ Marypat E., St. Louis

Special Offer $80

​​​​​​​30 Minute Personal ​Dowsing Session with ​Hope
30 Minute Personal Dowsing Session with Hope
My powerful Intuitive Dowsing method quickly discovers the issues and offers a clear path forward.

Sometimes a single session can set a person on the right track. Other times, sticking to the changes required for a new vision can need additional support. To this end, I also offer a series of coaching sessions to guide clients through unfamiliar landscapes.

We get A LOT done in half an hour. With the dowsing rods, we’re able to penetrate to the heart of an issue quickly and efficiently. Typically, clients feel tremendous relief when confirming truths arise, and they end the session calmly, with a strong sense of next steps.

As perhaps the most ancient technology on the planet, dowsing has been used to reveal earth elements for millennia. An 8,000-year-old painting in the Tassili caves in Northern Africa (Sahara) depicts a person with a forked dowsing stick or rod, no doubt looking for potable water. Through the ages, dowsers have also been used to search for veins of metals such as tin and copper, and more recently for oil and gas.

Dowsing can also open windows to Universal wisdom, which is primarily how I use my rods. We’ve been working together for nearly 25 years and have established a beautiful relationship that allows me to access those intelligences for whoever is in need of answers.
"I had a lot of questions to ask, and Hope helped me fine tune my list to focus on the most important ones for the present moment. She gave me very clear, precise answers creating an illuminated pathway to the next destination of my journey. In a short amount of time, I gained immense transparency on the actions I need to take for my desired outcomes. Hope Fitzgerald is gifted in tuning into the subtleties of your life and the world around you. By tuning into the subtleties, the bigger vision can be perceived, which then enables you adjust the present. If you are at a crossroads in life, and need clarity and guidance, I highly recommend a session with Hope Fitzgerald. She has immense integrity, and she graciously initiates a warm, loving, open, space to work together connecting into to the innate intelligence of the Universe we all share." ~ Terri S., NYC
"I have experienced many healing modalities and sessions as the owner of a wellness center, so everything I promote has to come through my knowledge and heart. Hope is exactly that. Through the help of divine guidance and her infinite knowledge, she can tap into any scenario and extract the heart of the matter - the truth and essence of the happening – and can provide clarity and a firm foundation which encourages one to look within. A session combining clearing, channeled messages, wisdom and tools to go forward with that knowledge… it is a WOW. I cannot ask for anything more." ~ Barbara S., NY
"Through our dowsing session with Hope, my skeptical husband and I were guided toward a new life plan that revealed itself clearly. Our individual interests were validated and merged into what we are now referring to as our 5-year plan to retirement. Now, one year into that 5-year plan, things are going along beautifully well, following a path that flows with ease and confidence. The experience with Hope confirmed my belief in the gift of dowsing (and even my husband’s) and I have even become interested in learning to dowse myself. I whole-heartedly recommend Hope for spiritual guidance and insight through dowsing. She is truly an inspiration to me, and her Divine talents are a gift to our family." ~ Rhonda K., TX

Special Offer $140

​​​Digital Copy of The Infinity Wave & The Original Practices
​​​​​​​30 Minute Personal ​Dowsing Session with ​Hope


"I am BLOWN AWAY by the Infinity Wave system and have been told by my guides this is the NEXT technology in the evolution of things like Ho'oponopono and EFT. The Infinity Wave can move you instantly out of crises and into your soul vision of peace, possibility, abundance and power. We have been using it here at Healing With The Masters for several months with astounding results. Take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity and start using The Infinity Wave to change your world!” - Jennifer McLean, Healing with the Masters
"I believe that the Infinity Wave represents the next phase of human transformation...I highly recommend that you apply it in your life!" - Darius M. Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution
"Hope Fitzgerald is a Healer's Healer. She is kind, compassionate and her work gets to the heart of what's going on inside you and transforms it for the better. I recommend her work with The Infinity Wave to my friends and clients as a powerful energetic tool that anyone can use to create immediate and profound change. It has helped me on many occasions to heal difficult relationships, create deeper understanding and generate peaceful resolutions to challenging problems. I feel lucky to say that she is MY healer." - Karen Abrams, Master Theta Healer and Relationship Expert
"My experience with Hope has been more than I could have ever expected. Her direct connection with the divine and her relationship with her guides is extraordinary. Hope shares so many of her gifts without expectation simply to help others with their spiritual and emotional health. Hope's generosity and clarity amazes me, and I feel blessed to know her." - Nanci Donohue
"I am loving your Infinity Wave meditations! I have for years, since 2009, been trying to get in touch with love, compassion, Source, Divine, God, Universe. I must truly say, that I have only listened to the first 4 meditations in Infinity Wave and I feel the Divine for the FIRST time! I just feel into the visual Wave with love, flow, gratitude, and compassion, and feel one with the Universe and fell so much peace and love within. I love this work Hope and cannot wait to experience the rest of Infinity Wave and Evolve Now!" - Michelle Schwab
"I thank you VERY much for the Infinity Wave. Being a healer and 
a teacher, this is the answer of an enduring long term request/prayer/vision I have. I AM totally in it and SOOOOOOO happy to receive it! I love being a part of it. Much love to you!" - Bianca
"Feel the nurturing energy from this Wave Energy process - it’s yummy!
Once you get into the feel of energy wrapping around you, and even allowing your body to sway, or, in any way the energy of the Infinity-Wave wants to dance with you - with an open-mind this could be amazingly up-lifting. How does it get better than that? How much more fun could show up right away? I'm so grateful to Hope Fitzgerald for bringing this forward. It is truly a gift. What else is possible in contribution to fun and joy?" - Callie K. Lavina
"I spent 35 years in therapy trying to stop repeating patterns from the abuse in my childhood. It wasn’t until I learned to practice the Infinity Wave that I was able to reclaim my life for good. In the workshops I learned how to center myself even when faced with very tough circumstances. I am so thankful for being introduced to the Infinity Wave and can only imagine how much the world could heal if everyone knew about it." - Sheri B.

Hope Fitzgerald

Since 2010, Hope has been passionately sharing "The Infinity Wave" a 10th-dimensional tool revealed to her in a series of visions, to accelerate personal and global spiritual evolution, leading to more joy and freedom even during tumultuous times. Her recent bestselling book, The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion and Flow, describes the Wave’s astounding arrival and the ensuing lessons it brought. She’s conducted workshops on this powerful energy, appeared on various platforms and thanks to the Wave’s influence, has developed into a channel for a wide range of etheric masters.
As a dedicated spiritual guide for nearly 30 years, Hope has utilized Intuitive Dowsing to empower clients with rapid life insights and transformations. Additionally, she serves as an energy healer, a certified Neurofeedback Practitioner, and a Death Doula, integrating sound, Reiki, and essential oils into her work. Hope also leads groups to potent global sites to teach the art of communicating with landscapes, believing that when the powerhouse of the human heart interacts with a highly charged site, an alchemy occurs that can create a profound shift in consciousness.
  • Digital Copy of The Infinity Wave
  • The Original Practices
  • 30 Minute Personal Dowsing Session with Hope
  • 30 Minute Personal Dowsing Session with Hope
  • Digital Copy of The Infinity Wave & The Original Practices
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Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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