How Animals Guide Humans with Laurie Moore
Please join Laurie Moore and me as we talk about How Animals Guide Humans.
Join us as we discuss:
  • Animals are role models
  • Animals work through life issues side by side with us
  • Animals choose roles to help us be happy and evolve
  • Animals need are deep attention and meticulous care in every way
  • 15 Minutes Human or Animal Personal Session
  • 30 Minutes Human or Animal Personal Session
  • 50 Minutes Human or Animal Personal Session
Payment Plan Available
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Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Special Offer $111

Human or Animal 15 Minute Session

Human Reading and Coaching

You can spend years going to a combination of coaches, therapist-backgrounds, readers, hypnotherapists, DNA transformers! Or from the all-in-one gal, Dr. Laurie Moore, you can receive the molten, clear synthesis of the most effectively potent, loving and highly transformative speed-of-light energies, techniques, awakenings and understandings to shift your life in 1-9 sessions.
  • Improve Relations with relationships, wellness & prosperity.
  • Receive clarity and support on underlying realities so as to transform, release, and manifest.

Animal Sessions

Talk to the globally known expert woman with a heart of gold who truly hears, feels, and sees the souls, hearts, and communications of your loved animals.
  • Find out what your animal friends are feeling, thinking, and experiencing.
  • Have your questions about your animals answered.
  • Talk to living animals of any species on the earth or passed over.

Special Offer $222

Human or Animal 30 Minute Session

Human Reading and Coaching

You can spend years going to a combination of coaches, therapist-backgrounds, readers, hypnotherapists, DNA transformers! Or from the all-in-one gal, Dr. Laurie Moore, you can receive the molten, clear synthesis of the most effectively potent, loving and highly transformative speed-of-light energies, techniques, awakenings and understandings to shift your life in 1-9 sessions.
  • Improve Relations with relationships, wellness & prosperity.
  • Receive clarity and support on underlying realities so as to transform, release, and manifest.

Animal Sessions

Talk to the globally known expert woman with a heart of gold who truly hears, feels, and sees the souls, hearts, and communications of your loved animals.
  • Find out what your animal friends are feeling, thinking, and experiencing.
  • Have your questions about your animals answered.
  • Talk to living animals of any species on the earth or passed over.

Special Offer $333

Human or Animal 50 Minute Session

Human Reading and Coaching

You can spend years going to a combination of coaches, therapist-backgrounds, readers, hypnotherapists, DNA transformers! Or from the all-in-one gal, Dr. Laurie Moore, you can receive the molten, clear synthesis of the most effectively potent, loving and highly transformative speed-of-light energies, techniques, awakenings and understandings to shift your life in 1-9 sessions.
  • Improve Relations with relationships, wellness & prosperity.
  • Receive clarity and support on underlying realities so as to transform, release, and manifest.

Animal Sessions

Talk to the globally known expert woman with a heart of gold who truly hears, feels, and sees the souls, hearts, and communications of your loved animals.
  • Find out what your animal friends are feeling, thinking, and experiencing.
  • Have your questions about your animals answered.
  • Talk to living animals of any species on the earth or passed over.


“I am so happy to know that the session I gifted to friends with Dr. Laurie Moore was so good for them. As I said to my friend, Dr. Laurie Moore is "THE-BEST-OF-THE-BEST" in all she does and her Animal Readings, too. Dr. Laurie is one of the few people that I can truly attest to having the Highest Integrity always, with so much expertise. Of course, Integrity means Honesty as well as she is of the Highest LOVING People on this planet. I am so blessed to have her in my life.” - Pattie Mills
“Wow! What a beautiful reading and you have our cat pegged, Dr. Laurie Moore! Thank you so very much for doing it so quickly and thank you to Pattie with all my heart. Pattie gifted us the session. You have given us hope again.” - H.
“I want to thank you for doing a reading on Gina the dog. Since I spoke to you she seems to be a different dog. She is much calmer, loving, and has not had one pee accident in the house. She seems a lot more grounded. There is a noticeable difference. I almost feel as though some demons were cast out of her. Have you ever had an experience like this with any of your clients? I feel that this is more than just a coincidence. I just wanted to share this with you. Thank you.” - Debbie
“I never knew of this world before. Now I can hear animals. Now I hear what people are saying deeper than the worlds. My husband, mother, and sister used to do things that frustrated me. Now I listen deeper than their words. I listen to their hearts and it's so simple. Compassion, love, peace in all life. I hear many animals and respond to their needs. Jessie your cat approached me and helped me to find peace in all life, to let go of unfavorable habits, to be me.” - Kat
“Dr. Laurie Moore is TRULY ONE of the MOST GIFTED Animal Communicators I have ever worked with. Not only does she have a keen sense of connecting with the animals' deep inner knowing, experience, beliefs and feelings, she also delivers this information with great accuracy, care and compassion. The animals she works with, as well as their humans, receive TREMENDOUS benefits from working with her - benefits which add to their lives and improve the quality of their overall emotional and physical health, as well as their relationships together. I highly recommend her! Laurie, YOU are MAGnificent! BRAVA!!!!" - Lori Ann
“When neither of us had a job for over a couple of months, we became devastated. It looked like my spouse and I were about to lose our electricity, water and soon after our home. Dr. Laurie called to say not to worry. She said that I would meet a man with a woman standing right behind him who would offer me a job very soon. She said I had lessons to learn about self-love and she described some very personal details of my childhood which were spot on. She said she could not do a full session with us for ten days! At that time life was so bad so it felt like eternity. On the session date she designated, everything she said came true. We have all the money we need, I met the man with the woman standing behind him who gave me the job and our faith in life has deepened. I am learning lessons of self love. Thank you, Dr. Laurie for being the beautiful person you are." - The Larsons

Laurie Moore

Dr. Laurie Moore , human and animal communication reader  is also a doctor of expressive psychology, lmft, hypnotherapist  and somatic and emdr practitioner Was a graduate and undergraduate  psych teacher at San Fran State University, Chico State and Johnson State College. Author of The Cat’s Reincarnation: Transformative Encounters with Animals and Healing and Awakening the Heart:  Animal Wisdom for Humans, and numerous other bools   Appeared on BATGAP, NBC, CBS, CNN.com, Species Link, Lauren Galey, John Burgos Beyond the Ordinary as well as hundreds of other venues. Taught seminars round the world, founded and ran an The Miracle Ground and love Climate Spiritual Satsangs  and Seminars Organizations. Wrote Column for Center Network, The Connection and Jenningswire.
  • 15 Minutes Human or Animal Personal Session
  • 30 Minutes Human or Animal Personal Session
  • 50 Minutes Human or Animal Personal Session
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali. ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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I consciously choose to attract only those who are in perfect alignment with my energy, while shielding myself from anything that doesn’t serve my highest good. I open myself to receiving abundant financial blessings, and may all generosity return tenfold to its source! And so it is. xoxo