Package A
- Live 30 minute Auracle Healing Cards phone/Skype reading with Leslie. (Value $225)
- 56 Auracle Healing Cards and their meanings in pdf format. (Value $725)
- Two Bonus MP3 recordings (Value $44)
Total Value: $450, Special Offer Only $197
Package B
- Everything in Package A (Value $994) plus:
- Auracle Healing Cards Set (Value $75) Local/International USPS Shipping is included in total purchase price.
- Extra Bonus MP3 recording (Value $22)
Value: $1091, Special Offer $275
During your reading, you will be asked to choose 4-6 Auracle Healing Cards or Colours from the Colour Chart found at the bottom of this page. Your personal story will unfold and dialogue with your soul, your Guides and Infinite Light will begin. Leslie will translate what your soul is conveying, and how you wish to bring resolve. During this time, you will also receive healing transmissions of Light, fusing your cells with Unconditional Love, or Love without judgment, through each Colour frequency chosen. Before the session is over, Leslie will give suggestions on how to tap into your Divine Blueprint (why you are here), accelerate your healing process and expand in soul awareness.
The pdf’s are intended for use of transmitting a constant wave of healing vibrations into your sacred space or environment. If you want to do readings and/or healing sessions, you will have the Auracle Healing Cards in physical form for this reason. This way your Deck will always be complete which is necessary to have a true reading.
By printing your Auracles from the pdf, you don’t have to take them down from any healing space you’ve created in your house, your office, your bedroom, meditation room, etc. These pdf Auracle Healing Cards give you the opportunity and the freedom to print out and work with the Colours you choose on demand. Truly a gift of healing transmissions that gives time and time again.
These are just some suggestions as to how to utilize the pdf Auracle Healing Cards. Because these are out of the box and unlimited in their use, it is up to you to discover how to use them for yourself in the best way that works for you.
To use from your computer:
If you choose to print these, I would suggest printing them no larger than 8.5 x 11 because it begins to pixilate beyond that. They look beautiful printed on photo paper and laminated. These printed Images and Mandalas can be used in the following ways:
This delightful meditation will connect you to your Magickal inner child. It opens gateways into your playfulness, personal power and joy, which allows you to step into the Light of your own brilliance and individuality.
As you connect more deeply into this frequency, the illusions of fear, criticism and separation will begin to dissolve because they are simply part of the program and script you’ve been given by your ancestral, societal and family lineage.
This beautiful meditation will help you to feel the vastness of your Self by connecting more deeply into the Universe from which you came.
The Violet frequency creates elevated states of awareness through uplifting thoughts forms.
The more expanded your consciousness becomes, the more easily you will let go of toxic, fear based thoughts because they do not sustain the vibration or Sound of Love within you.
This process is called transmutation in which the distortions in your DNA creating harmful thought forms are being shifted into those of Illumination.
Kadoish, Kadoish, Kadoish, Adonai, Tsebayoth means, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts”. This Ancient and Holy Chant bridges Divine Realms into the Earth dimension, creating Sacred Space wherever you are.
It opens a direct channel to the Masters of Light who embody the Christed Consciousness which bring Protection around your energy field, bring Divine Attunement, open Holy Grids within your body and clears all fields multi-dimensionally. As well, it opens gateways within your inner “Mosaic of Uniqueness”, the Colours you express your Self with in this life. These Colours infinitely divide like cells within your body Awakening you to new levels of teachings and truths allowing you to experience your Iridescent Self.
This has been encoded or layered into each Auracle tens of thousands of times to create a symphonic vibration of Love which moves through your multi-dimensional essence as well as atomic structure, and can be felt. ITS vibration resonates with CREATION, therefore will diminish anything lesser in ITS Presence when chanted or viewed.
Readings with Leslie Sloane are magical. She gets straight to your core with clear and concise clarity and delivers the information in a strong yet peaceful manner so you are not even aware you are being guided into action oriented steps you will need to make. She gives you that little kick in the butt while sprinkling the information with faerie dust. I love readings with Leslie because her work is absent of ego, judgment or projection. I'm a Psychic Medium so I know the importance of a reading without ego, judgment or projection and Leslie is a master at it. That is the way readings are supposed to be; free of the earthly person who is delivering the message and just filled with the love and guidance of Spirit. You will truly get to know your soul during a reading with Leslie.
After my reading, I felt a clear and deeply connected to my soul’s truth. Leslie's cards instantly revealed my soul message. Her cards are layered with healing energy and can be placed anywhere on your body for rapid healing. I'm so grateful for Leslie and her magical deck of cards. - C.B.
From the moment I met Leslie I knew she was an extraordinary person! I am in awe of her knowledge, her vibrant personality that just shoots you up through the roof with joy just being in her presence! Her readings are so amazing- it's like she knows you better than you know yourself but you resonate with every loving word! She is always radiant, smiling, loving, funny, and so insightful. Thank you Universe-how did I get so blessed to find her?
Every time Leslie has held space for me, whether that be in an individual healing, a workshop, or a specialized ceremony, she has always brought a dimension of true love into the space. She has made me feel worthy of my own self and worthy of divine love. Her words and advice are always full of love and presented in a loving way, though she isn't afraid to call it like it is when that approach is needed. She has helped me grow immensely and I will always be grateful for that.
I've had healing sessions with Leslie and also attended her workshops. At first I was skeptical, how could this person who laughs all the time be a serious healer? Well, she does a great balancing act between her laughter and joy and the depth and broad scope of her work. During the healing sessions, I felt supported, loved, cared for, and later filled with joy and confidence. During her workshops (each one was different) I was stunned by the deep experience, the connection she made us feel to her and to all present. Her voice and tone changed, or that is how I felt, her words taking us deeper inside and at the same time connecting us to the universe. Highly recommended!
"As a Life Transformation Leader, Energy Healing Expert and Wellness Professional, I have studied and currently practice many holistic vibrational healing methods. Leslie's Auracle Healing Cards and Auracle's Color Therapies are beyond what even the most advanced light workers have ever experienced. These Auracles truly are infused with living, healing light energy that work to shift the body, mind, and spirit into coherence. Her readings and magical, layered, light healing creations align us with our highest vibrational soul messages and illuminated states of being. After spending time with Leslie, I am amazed, as I am left feeling lighter, happier, energized and more alive!"
I have had numerous experiences with Leslie after a conversation where she has told me what color and card her guides are showing her. When I get home I shuffled my cards (eyes closed) spread them out and chose 4. The first two I pick are the exact ones she was shown! Of course when I read them I know exactly why. She is an earth angel with an extraordinary gift!-
I cannot say enough about how accurate Leslie's readings are! Always perfectly fitting into what is happening in your life at that moment!!! The depth of the readings are astounding. The Auracle Healing Deck is powerful and has live energy that you can actually feel! Amazing! I love it!
Working with Leslie is like talking to your best friend, only better. She touches on things that you didn't even know were there and then she brings them to light in a loving and compassionate way. She has a wonderful sense of humor and knows exactly how to tell you what you need to hear. "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!"
Leslie's possesses an uncanny ability to "see" and name the deeper currents moving in one's life at any given time. She is a gifted "reader" -adept and insightful, and knows how to give the healing that is needed. She is truly a delight...And a talented Way-Shower, with a hearty dose of humor thrown in! You will fall in Love with Leslie, for that is who she is and what she is all about.
"A reading from Leslie captures the essence of what my soul is desiring for me to know and grow into. It's like 3 years of deep meditation on steroids. I like fast, accurate, and applicable...and Leslie never fails to deliver. I may cry tears of recognition and relief but I can also count on that special twinkling of humor that is Leslie's brand...and gets me laughing silly as well. As a teacher, gems of wisdom and knowing from ancient mystery schools and beyond fall upon those with ears to hear. Don't miss an opportunity to be delighted, entertained, and transformed by the Queen Fairie herself...Ms. Leslie."
"Talking with Leslie is like reuniting with an old friend -- or a deeper, wiser part of your own soul. Bubbling over with a rare combination of ancient wisdom and playfulness, Leslie radiates love, understanding and healing energy. Her enthusiasm and joy for life are contagious."
Wow! What an honor and privilege it is to receive this high reading. I have found Leslie to be not only most intuitive reader but also very much aligned with my high possibilities and her reading helped me to aligned myself with my highest good. I love that her readings not only provide me with clarity and hope but also give me clear tools as to how to move through my challenges (using her healing cards). I will forever remain grateful for the reading and healings that Leslie has provided me with and for the difference that these have caused in my life! Thank you, dear Queen Fairy Leslie.With gratitude,
Truly Felt like My Soul was Talking to Me
I’ve received a few Soul readings from Leslie. And just to share a recent experience - as I was going through a health crisis, she gave me a reading that revealed what was at the emotional root of my condition. Everything that she said was RIGHT on! And her reading revealed a clear path that resonated completely with my core, my heart. During the phone session, I felt the healing transmission coming through and in that moment, my heart rate lowered to a more normal range and I had tears of release. I rested after and the transmission continued. Wow! Plus, the vibration of Leslie’s voice carries such joy, optimism, and love that it really helps to assimilate the information on multidimensional levels. I used the PDF Auracle Healing Cards that she sent me and they’ve really helped in my process of going deeper and releasing things that I didn’t even know where there. Thank you, Leslie Sloane, for helping me to hear my loving and accepting Soul!!!
An Open Source Mystery School within a STUNNING DECK of Sacred Mandalas!
As a twelve year facilitator of colour therapy and a huge fan of Auracles Colour Mist Sprays, I have to say The Auracle Healing Deck is one of the most comprehensive and awe-inspiring sets of cards ever. It has personally shown me & others where the embodied truth resides between an honest & clear layout of the soul’s journey through light (conscious) and shadow (unconscious). Without being ‘new age polarized to just the light’, it gently reveals the egoic shadow of the unconscious with Deck 2 and allows the user to be fully inspired & empowered by Deck 1. Rounding out the artistic brilliance are the colours, worded codes and geometries that exhalt the user into the universal language of the soul. It is an absolutely brilliant example of having a master deck at your hands! I love it! and I promise you will not regret diving into the immensely colourful world of Leslie Sloane & the Art of Radisha, Buy it right now & Be The Multi-Dimensional Shift forever….:)
The Best and Most Healing CardsSo, so very HEALING!!!
These cards are not only beautiful but deeply healing. I love to place one of them in front of me when meditating or on my night stand during night because I can feel such a strong healing energy vortex that they create. They make connecting with high guides clear and easy. The most beautiful gift you can give to anybody and so deeply healing. They also help with opening up and strenghtening intuition. It always amazes me how accurate they are! BEAUTIFUL, HEALING, INTUITIVE and so full of radiant love and intergalactic guidance. ≈ JP
What a Blessing!
I am extremely impressed with these beautiful cards! I am a Medium/Clairvoyant myself, and Leslie, who created these, definitely knew what she was doing. They not only have helped me personally, but my special needs son, who has trouble communicating, has greatly benefited by being able to let me know how he is feeling, opening lines of communications I could never have imagined. If you have a child or person that cannot communicate their feelings and emotions, these are created for them, and I cannot thank Leslie enough for her profound gifts!! I have these cards and recommend them highly!
A Winner!!
The images in these colorful cards are beyond beautiful… Iconic and amazing, they invite and invoke deep, insightful dialogue- and can be used either solo, or for others you may be “reading.” They are timeless- the kind of gift that truly keeps on giving!! Exquisitely crafted, and uniquely double-sided, these living portals of wisdom will enlighten every possible shade of your souls query, and ultimately inspire you… Double Bravo to the artist and the author for creating this stunning, joyous deck!!
Master Healing Cards – Beyond Tarot or any other cards
A session with these cards is like being in the presence of the most powerful Master Healers. I can feel the cells in my body shifting as I sit with these gorgeous cards. Infused with the Healing Energy of Divine Love – and using the alchemy of Sacred Geometry, chant, tone, color, and powerful imagery – these cards are actual Portals and Vortexes into Higher Dimensions. Simply laying the mandala on my body produces deep healing, relaxation, relief…and often…giggles and joy. They have helped me to fall into a peaceful sleep at night. The accompanying book lovingly guides you in a deep journey to your most sacred and precious self. The exquisite birch wood box holding the cards is symbolic of Mother Earth providing nourishing sacred medicine for us. To call these “cards” is almost an injustice. If your Heart longs to Heal, or expand…these cards are for you. If you want to love on someone with a fun, healing, wisdom gift – this is it!!!
Beautiful, powerful and amazing cards.
I have been a professional Medium for many years. In my private readings with people, I use cards such as Tarot and Angel Cards. I have never experienced a deck of cards like this before. The artwork is truly stunning. The images tell a story, but they go far deeper. Each card has a wondrous mandala on it. There is an energy that these cards emit that is difficult if not impossible to explain. As one sits with the cards, there are unmistakable shifts and changes one will go through. All I can say is that these cards offer the potential to experience deep healing. If you are interested in realizing your potential in your lifetime, these cards provide a great tool for personal growth and transformation. ≈ George
The readings with Leslie and the Auracle Healing Cards are awakening. They help you to remember your soul awareness and guide you to heal from the love in the sacred messages and beautiful images. Life changing a true gift for the spirit. Xo.
The first time I heard Leslie speak was at a group workshop of about 30 people. She had this delightful, energetic “elf-like” presence about her though the words that came out of her mouth were profound ancient wisdoms that I have only heard from the great ones in the “New Age” community. I knew I was in the presence of the “real deal” once she gave the readings to everyone in the room. As each person pulled a card she gave them an inspiration message that was short of masterful. I’ve been committed to Leslie’s work and the Auracle Healing Cards ever since.
Leslie's workshop was deeply spiritual, interesting, and oh so much fun! She is a joy to listen to, so magical!I truly love the Auracle Healing Cards. I love working with them and are easy to use. I feel they are a living entity. The beauty and depth can be overwhelming. Thank you for your guidance and teachings.Much Gratitude
I have never met a soul quite like Leslie Sloane. She dances with and rejoices in the divine every minute of the day. Her devotion to honoring the divine, herself, and others creates a beautiful healing space free of judgment. She surrenders herself to the messages of the universe and holds the recipient in a space of love and trust. In combination with her cards the readings are direct and uncompromising, evidence the divine wants us all to reach our full potential.Her cards are similar to guides, guides that love you and show you the true love: the tough love. There have been times when I was reluctant to see the mirror that was being presented in the reading-- sometimes the truth is hard to swallow! The cards hold you in so much love as they reveal the discord beneath our masks; the cards don't judge, they merely reflect. Once I let go of my self-judgement I grew tremendously in my spiritual life. Leslie has created a deck that cuts through the fog of ego. It's powerful; filled with beautiful light energy and calls upon the energies of the most powerful light beings in the universe. It isn't for the faint of heart, but it is more than capable of assisting you in extraordinary ways on the joyous and at times grueling path to enlightenment.
When I first came to Leslie, I had a lifetime of pent up tears and heartache locked within the depths of my Soul. I felt as if I was carrying a 100 pound heart, as years of trauma and abuse that I had suppressed had taken its toll. I was suicidal and addicted to painkillers…I just wanted to numb the emotional pain. We started working with the Living Energy Deck and there were two cards that came up that had to do with the sadness and the anger and rage I had been carrying since childhood. During sessions we worked with the Aqua 2 card and the Burnt Orange 2 card. I took these cards home with me and continued to use them in my meditation practice. One night, after I finished my meditation, I placed both cards under my pillow and as I fell asleep, I began to feel waves washing over my chest area and it felt as if lifetimes of heartache and anger were being released and washed away. I woke up several times during the night and had bouts of crying followed by waves washing over my Soul. It was such a healing experience. This process continued for several days…A continuous releasing of toxic emotions.These cards are full of life, love and bring miraculous healing. I have been forever changed! I am still navigating through the healing process, but working with Leslie’s living cards has helped immensely. I am emotionally stronger, and more in touch with my creative abilities and more freely able to express my true inner self. I am better able to trust my inner knowingness and have developed a closer relationship with my Guides (through working with the cards), who keep inspiring me to believe in my worth, lovableness and right to receive. ≈ Suzanne NielsenI am so blessed to be the owner of the Auracle Healing Cards. After a beautiful session with Leslie, I went home and chose Coral 1, which couldn’t have been a better fit. I first was surprised at the ‘I See You’ written below the angel. As I read Leslie’s description of the card, it resonated with me. The nights I sleep with it over my body I have vivid dreams…I feel a greater sense of self and self-love and strength that’s increasing day-by-day. I have worked on myself as an actor and artist, but there is something magical that this particular card has been doing for me since I have been sleeping with it. I anticipate my health issue has healed itself when I go in to get checked next month partly due to my diet and route towards naturopathic medicine but also from sleeping with this magical card over my body!!!! These cards bring me peace, love, contentment and safety everywhere I go! I even meditate with them and hear vibrations!
Leslie is a Master Healer and alchemist who uses multi-dimensional frequencies through Colour, Sound and Sacred Geometries, to inspire higher quality of life and personal balance through Loving states of consciousness, thoughts, words and actions. Leslie was born with the ability to see Universal Matter, or particles of “Iridescent Light”. This ability allows her to see and live in multi-dimensional realities at once. Her unique gift helped her to understand how to create multi-dimensional healing tools which have helped thousands of people Awaken to their True Divine Nature and infinite possibilities of Abundance, through Spiritual Alignment. Leslie brings an awareness which moves beyond the 3rd dimensional box into places of expansion which allow healing within the soul to take place on many levels at once through the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and etheric or spatial states of being. As an Auracle, she has been offering private healing sessions and conducting workshops since 1994 using Colour Therapy.
In 2005, Leslie founded Auracle’s Colour Therapy and created twenty-five liquid healing Colours, which later evolved into the foundational work for what is now the Auracle Healing Cards. Leslie also journeyed to Egypt to finish her first book, “The Power of Love Through Colour”, which was published in 2007. Leslie returned to Egypt for the third time in October of 2014 to receive clearer visions and deeper insights about her Soul Purpose, which has always been to teach others to connect to their Authentic Selves so they may live Happily, Freely and Passionately. What emerged was a beautiful story as to why the Auracle Healing Cards came through, what they really are, and how they are helping humanity to Awaken.
“By understanding the language of Colour, its messages, and how it pertains to our daily lives, our sense of Peacefulness, Serenity and Balance will be restored. Clarity, new direction, and infinite possibilities will present themselves instantaneously. To Awaken and Self-Realize IS the healing. It is through this Magickal process of becoming aware of and aligned with our Divine Blueprint and our Authentic Selves, that we and our planet can be made Whole again.”
Total Value: $994, Special OfferOnly $197
Value: $1091, Special Offer $275