Awaken to Happiness Now Global Series

Our mission is to inspire and self-empower you to live your prosperous life with ease, joy, and love through a connection with Spirit.

Anrita Melchizedek's Special Offer

Anrita Melchizedek

Package A - 12 Golden Age Transmissions of Light

Item 1: The Trinity Lords Shield of Light and the Inner Tree of Life

Item 2: Activating the multidimensional Light Bodies and experiencing the 12 Light Body/I AM Avatar Blueprint Templates through the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Gateway Recalibration

Item 3: Initiations of the Rose

Item 4: Shamballa Ray Activations of our unique ESP Gifts

Item 5: Invocations to experience the Seven States of Dreamtime Consciousness

Item 6: Christ Consciousness Soul Purpose Activation

Item 7: The Seven Sacred Fires of Purification

Item 8: The High Priesthood Training Telewebinar

Item 9: The Light Frequency Remodulation Program

Item 10: The Atlantean Pyramid and the 12 Master Crystal Temples of Light

Item 11: Re-Activating the Original Divine Blueprints of Creation

Item 12: Teachings of the Golden Age of Light ~ The New Earth Way Shower Rites

Total Value $396 - 75% Discount

Package B - 24 Golden Age Transmissions of Light

Includes everything in Package A plus 12 more transmissions.

Item 13: Activation of the Lemurian Seed Crystals

Item 14: The Arcturian 5D Crystalline Cloak of Light

Item 15: The Key of Solomon Activation of the Holy Pentacles and the Arc of the Covenant

Item 16: The 12:12 Gateway Activation Integrating the Christed Heart

Item 17: Uniting of Flames Rites

Item 18: Activation of our Six Multidimensional Light Bodies and Integration of the Inner Christ

Item 19: Aion Portal Activation and Activating 7 Multidimensional Light Chambers within our Heart

Item 20: Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements

Item 21: Initiation into the Great White Universal Brotherhood Unlocking our Divine Blueprints and the Illusion of Time

Item 22: Activation of the Sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta and the Golden Solar Sun Disc within our Hearts

Item 23: Anchoring and Activating the Light Rays of the 12 Mighty Elohim

Item 24: Activation of the Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield of Light​

Total Value $792 - 81% Discount

Each of these beautiful channelled transmissions of Light are one and a half hours to two hours in length, taking you into an experiential understanding of the ascension teachings that Anrita shares Overlighted by the Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek.

As a Pleiadian Starseed, High Priestess and member to the Order of Melchizedek, Anrita weaves an understanding of our Cosmic Heritage through Lemurian, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt with teachings from the Kabbalah, Sacred Geometry, Melchizedek Initiations and Rays of Light. Anrita brings together these incredible celestial activities of Light in such a way that we find ourselves merging with Soul Mates and Twin Flames, heading to Ascension Seats Overlighted by the Christed Extraterrestrials, journeying to Crystalline Cities of Light, connecting to Shamballa and working with the Rays of Creation, traveling timelines and Golden Ages, all merging and converging into this magical Now moment in AWAKENING AND REMEMBRANCE. In the knowing of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love walking the Pathways of Divine Love.

These Golden Age transmissions cover DNA Activations, Light Body/Merkaba activations, Inner Masculine and Feminine Rebalancing, Twin Flame Re-Unions, Atlanta and Lemurian Healings and Crystal frequency activations, Melchizedek Initiations of Light, Activating the Petals of the Christed Heart, Initiations of the Rose, Starseed Activations, 12 Light Body/I AM Avatar Blueprint Templates and so much more. A true adventure of remembrance and Love through the knowing of ourselves in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

Although some of the transmissions were done around planetary events, they are essentially timeless. As an added bonus, there are many eBooks and transcribed offered with these teachings and most Mp3 downloads allows you the option to download with or without background music.

Package A - Special Offer $97

12 Golden Age Transmissions of Light

Item 1 - The Trinity Lords Shield of Light and the Inner Tree of Life

As we experience the pathway of Divine Love in this Golden Age of Light, we are embraced within the etheric Electronic Ring of Fire of Helios and Vesta, a shield of pure God essence. As we align to the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, as well as deepen our connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we are offered the gift of the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, a beautiful 12-pointed star with two infinity symbols embedded upon the star, one horizontal and one vertical. This Shield of Light initially activates through our inner Tree Life along the spinal column, imprinted through our chakras and the Overlighting of Lord Michael, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Archangelic Leagues of Light. Once fully actualized, it forms a spherical shield 54 feet in diameter around us, surrounding the diamond sphere, the Golden Fruit of Life and Metatron's cube, which links us ninth dimensionally in the Cosmic Heart of God.

Item 2 - Activating the multidimensional Light Bodies and experiencing the 12 Light Body/I AM Avatar Blueprint Templates through the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Gateway Recalibration

Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful equinox telewebinar transmission as we collectively experience the third wave of Cosmic Christ Consciousness in this sacred year of 2016 through the activation of our multidimensional Light Bodies and the various levels of our Light Body/I Am Avatar Blueprint as we enter into the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Gateway of Light.

What we term the multidimensional Light Body is the collective and individual experience of the New Earth templates, sacred geometries, numerologies and fractal geometries that activate around our physical body, energy field and hologram dimensionally; expressed through the radiance of our Body of Light, our I Am Avatar Blueprint, our connection to Soul and Star Family, and the integration of our Beloved I Am Presence through our lower bodies as we walk the path of Divine Love knowing we are all One.

Item 3 - Initiations of the Rose

Join Anrita and the Elders in this beautiful transmission of Light as we enter into Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart and deepen our journey along the path of the Rose into the Divine Feminine through the Initiations of the Rose.

As we activate the Grail Codes of the Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousness, we merge with the Goddess archetypes thru the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose.

As we purify our lower mind as these open hearts and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we release the vestiges of any perceived level of separation or blame unforgiveness or judgment within our hearts, embracing the Pathway of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose.

Through a series of Light transmissions, invocations and affirmations, we experience a renewed balance between our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, embracing and integrating all aspects of ourselves within our Christed Hearts, within the Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousness. And so it is!

Item 4 - Shamballa Ray Activations of our unique ESP Gifts

Join Anrita and the Elders as we connect into the Diamond Light Grid, and travel in our diamond Light Bodies into Shamballa for the next level of our Soul's Forward Evolution ~ activating a deeper level of our unique ESP gifts. Overlighted by Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis, and the Order of Melchizedek, as we move deeper into the Christed Petal of our Knowing Heart, and our own unique abilities, we experience a renewed sense of our Soul's purpose.

Item 5 - Invocations to experience the Seven States of Dreamtime Consciousness

Join Anrita and the Elders as we travel in Soul consciousness into the Pyramid of Dreams along the Light Grids in Australia.

As we awaken and actualize the knowing of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life, we experience expanded states of consciousness, reflected not only in our everyday lives through our connection to our Beloved I Am Presences and the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, but also through our dreams, dreaming into this reality the One Reality of All That Is as we to move back and forth between realities.

Come join us in this sacred dreamtime transmission as we collectively dream our reality into being in this Golden Age of Light.

Item 6 - Christ Consciousness Soul Purpose Activation

Join Anrita and the Elders in this telewebinar transmission, taking us ever deeper into our heart's dreaming and the remembrance of our Soul purpose. It is a time of greatness, as we follow our Divine Blueprint, the blueprints of a starseed.Whether we are coming into a deeper remembrance ourselves at this Now moment, or whether we are already in Service, a beautiful manual, co-created with the Beings of Light from On High, the Christ Consciousness Soul purpose activation will be the focus of this teleseminar, taking us deeper into our heart's dreaming, into our heart's passion and Soul purpose here on earth.

Anrita will start with a transmission by the Elders, and an understanding of our Soul's purpose. Following this, you will be guided through the Christ Consciousness Soul purpose activation. In this process, we connect to our Higher Light and activate the chakras to a deeper level of Divine Love, as we experience the pathway of Christ Consciousness, of One Unity Consciousness. Additionally, we come into a deeper sense of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and our ability to co-create with the Company of Heaven in fulfilling our Soul purpose.

Item 7 - The Seven Sacred Fires of Purification

Come join us in the beautiful sacred Cosmic Fire of Purification telewebinar. The sacred Cosmic Fire of Purification in its simplest form is the expansion of Spiritual Light within the physical body, allowing us to carry out the Will of God as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. It is the intention of God's Light that directs and guides us in our everyday Life, purifying our lower bodies, and taking us ever deeper into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.Join Anrita and the Elders, through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta and the many Christed ET's of Light from On High in this telewebinar as we move through seven sacred fire purification rituals.

Item 8 - The High Priesthood Training Telewebinar

Precious hearts, if you are drawn to work through your Beloved I Am Presence as an initiate of Light, and wish to experience a more consciousness understanding of ancient Egyptian and Atlantean Mystery School Priesthood teachings through the Halls of Amenti then this telewebinar is for you.

The High Priesthood Training takes us into a deeper understanding of the Qabala, sacred geometry, rays, and initiations, and is Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, who brings through these ancient and universal teachings of Light, adapted from the Temple teachings in ancient Egypt and Atlantis. These teachings awaken the remembrance of initiations of Self Mastery in parallel realities, as the dormant DNA is activated, and the immortal etheric chromosomes are potentially activated.

We experience four initiations in this telewebinar, undertaken in Soul consciousness through the Halls of Amenti, brings a deeper actualization of our I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light as we build our multidimensional bodies of Light. Additionally, we bring a unified focus of Service in Love to the Divine through Self Mastery skills.

Item 9 - The Light Frequency Remodulation Program

Join Anrita and the Elders in The Light Frequency Remodulation Program. The Light Frequency Remodulation Program works on every level of our Beingness. Every sub-atomic particle in the Universe has a frequency signature; every organ, body part, chakra, gland, thought, feeling and belief emits an energy signature. When in alignment with Source, in vibrational resonance, we create new expressions of Source based on our thoughts and feelings, adding to the collective expansion of Divine Love.

When in misalignment to Source, we create contrasting experiences to give rise to the new idea of what we truly desire within our lives to remember our magnificence and preciousness. However, these misaligned frequencies, these imprintings of false beliefs and judgments can further create a sense of feeling out of balance, or having no control within our own lives, and take us into the pain body with the primary belief that we need to experience pain and suffering for our Soul’s growth.

The Light Frequency Remodulation Program presents us with a series of tools and techniques to align us deeper into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, into the knowing that we are truly these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, being able to tune in and align to these higher dimensional frequencies and co-create our reality with the One Reality of All That Is.

Item 10 - The Atlantean Pyramid and the 12 Master Crystal Temples of Light

"The Pyramid of Atlantis etherically houses the 12 Master Crystal Temples from Atlantis, which opens the dimensional portals to all dimensions of Light, to all Golden Ages of Light, and with this, allows the Crystalline Consciousness emanating from these Master Crystals to activate at a cellular level, and through the chakras, taking you beyond the illusion of realities in time on this Earth plane. To the knowing sweet ones, that you are supreme creator in form within the quantum crystalline field of One Unity Consciousness. To heal what needs to be healed, and to truly experience and know yourselves in your full magnificence and Light through the celebration of the Divinity of every thought, feeling and action".

Join Anrita and the Elders as we travel in Soul consciousness into the Golden Pyramid of Atlantis, and from here, enter into each of the 12 Master Crystal Temples of Atlantis Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and with Thoth as our Master Guide. We experience a deeper integration and activation of these twelve Master Crystals, as they activate through the 12 primary chakras within our bodies, and additionally draw up all the gifts, sacred geometries and healing energies of the Atlantean Light Grid Crystalline frequencies through affirmations, invocations and the Christed Timelines

Item 11 - Re-Activating the Original Divine Blueprints of Creation

As these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we choose to embody on the lower dimensions in human form to experience a full range of emotions, heal our own Soul wounds and to take the Light of Creation into the shadow aspects for ourselves and all Life. We encode this information within our original Divine eight-cell blueprint, reflecting the Divine Blueprint of Creation, and carried out initially under the veils of illusion and the roles of victim and persecutor consciousness to truly know ourselves as these Master Beings of Light, and co-creators to the Company of Heaven.This collective process aligns our will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God, and re-activates our individual original Divine Blueprints of Creation.

Item 12 - Teachings of the Golden Age of Light ~ The New Earth Way Shower Rites

Join Anrita and the Elders in the New Earth Way Shower Rites Overlighted by the sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta.In this Golden Age of Light, we have the potentiality as the Way Showers, Light Workers and Star Seeded Ones to truly experience our full magnificence and preciousness as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.The New Earth Way Shower Rites is a series of seven rites accelerating our Spiritual evolution, and assisting us in our co-creation of Heaven on Earth.

Package B - Special Offer $144

Includes all 12 Transmissions from package A plus 12 more Golden Age Transmissions of Light

Item 13 - Activation of the Lemurian Seed Crystals

Join Anrita Melchizedek and the Elders as we travel to the Pyramid of Lemuria, and receive eight Lemurian Seed Crystals, holding the knowledge and story of Lemuria. Seeded by the Lemurians, these crystals are encoded with the wisdom, Love and unity of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and the Lemurian Golden Ages of Light. We activate the Lemurian Seed Crystals through our own hearts, and the hearts of all humanity.Come join us in this sacred activation of the Lemurian Seed Crystals in the remembrance, celebration and integration of the Lemurian Golden Ages of Light.

Item 14 - The Arcturian 5D Crystalline Templating Cloak of Light

Join Anrita and the Elders in this online healing telewebinar as we connect with the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light who will help us activate 14 of our own programs of Light through our 5D Templating Crystalline Cloak of Light.The Arcturian Emissaries of the Light are 5th - 7th dimensional Light Beings, advanced healing technicians and master healers, who have gifted us with many wonderful Spiritual tools and techniques, and now offer us another multidimensional healing tool. They are looking forward to connecting with you and assisting on your ascension journey.

Item 15 - The Key of Solomon ~ Activation of the Holy Pentacles and the Arc of the Covenant

Experience a deeper sense of our ability to manifest our hearts dreaming, and assist in the re-activation of the Arc of the Covenant. Experience the activation of the Holy Pentacles through the Key of Solomon consecrated to Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon respectively. Clear religious distortions, both on a personal level and planetary level, and experiencing a deeper sense of our connection to one another in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

Item 16 - The 12:12 Gateway Activation ~ Integrating the Christed Heart

As we experience this sacred gateway, we are taken deeper into the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness which activates within the heart and thymus chakras of all Humanity.The 12 Golden Petals of the Christed Heart activate from Shamballa and allows old cellular memories, judgments, false beliefs, and human mis-creations, to be purged, embraced and transmuted back into the Cosmic Heart of all Creation.

Item 17 - Uniting of Flames Rites

This Activation will take us through the Uniting of Flames Rites to deepen our understanding of how we are coming together as the sacred Flames of Love in Twin Flames re-unions. Collectively we will deepen our service work and shift the consciousness of all Life on this earthly plane.These Uniting of Flames Rites help define the different Soul and karmic contracts, help us embrace and love ourselves, will activate the 13-Body chakra system within us, integrate the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light and connect us to our Twin Flame and Soul Cluster.

Item 18 - Activation of our six multidimensional Light Bodies and integration of the Inner Christ

Through this activation, we will travel through all dimensions of Light in the creating and activating of the blueprints of our six multidimensional Light Bodies. We will receive keycodes and sacred geometries to activate our Light Bodies at each of the various dimensions and receive powerful invocations, affirmations and frequency codes to fully activate our multidimensional Light Bodies.

Item 19 - Aion Portal activation and experiencing seven multidimensional Light Chambers within our Heart

At the Now moment where a heliocentric configuration took place at the peak of the Uranus/Pluto square that lifted all Life into a greater level of Cosmic Conscious awareness, we are offered an opportunity to experience the Crystalline Solar Sun Disc of Light within our hearts through activating 7 multidimensional Chambers or Petals of Light within our heart.Experience the ability to anchor a higher frequency of Divine Love, observe changes in your perceptions and realities, and create expansion of ESP gifts and more!

Item 20 - Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements

In this transmission, we experience a series of 7 Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale attunements. We are offered an opportunity to connect to and recode the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, linking with the etheric Golden Dolphin and Whale pods, the many Legions of Light, Light Workers and star seeded ones as we activate this collective OMM-Wave resonance of Divine Unconditional Love for ourselves and for All Humanity.

Item 21 - Initiation into the Great White Universal Brotherhood ~ Unlocking our Divine Blueprints and the Illusion of Time

The Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood uplift the consciousness of all Life on this sacred earth. Unlock your Divine Blueprint to experience the activation of the Starseed Crystal Gene, and a deeper sense of Joy, Oneness, Abundance and Divinity within our own lives.We will also enter into the etheric Chamber of Light within the Great Pyramid and activate within our third eye, the 48 symbols of immortality into each cell within our bodies.

Item 22 - Activation of the Sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta and the Golden Solar Sun Disc within our Hearts

Join Anrita and the Elders as we experience the sacred Comic Fires of Helios and Vesta who will activate the Golden Solar Sun Disc within our hearts. In our focus of creating Heaven on Earth, our increased Light Quotient can affect and create change within our realities as we walk the pathway of Divine Love.As each quality activates within our hearts, we experience particular invocations, affirmations, Light Chambers, merging timelines, Crystalline Sun DNA Template Activations, a re-union of hearts, and our connection to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

Item 23 - Anchoring and activating the Light Rays of the 12 Mighty Elohim

Through this activation, are offered an opportunity to experience the highest wisdom of God as we assist the Mighty Elohim to anchor and activate Elohimic Flames of Light so all Life may experience their Highest Potential as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.We end this transmission with a focus on World Peace, linking with the many Legions of Light, Light Workers and star seeded ones anchoring and activating the Flame of World Peace.

Item 24 - Activation of the Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield of Light

This Activation will help you create your own Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield-a sphere of Light radiating around the body and energy field, giving you access to the five Healing Chambers of Light. These Chambers recalibrate and restructure the lower bodies, organs and body parts to bring about rejuvenation, healing and rebalancing and protects us from environmental toxins, harmful electromagnetic radiation and energy of others.The Shield of Light clears out old false beliefs and judgments while bringing greater frequencies of Light into our energy fields, physical bodies, organs and body parts for good health, vitality, increased energy levels and emotional well-being.

Your work has made such a huge difference on my journey over the past year. I don’t think I’ve cried as much with anyone else’s work — deep tears of revelations, releasing of layers that carry much for humanity well beyond any particular lifetimes, remembrances of Who and What I truly Am… way way way beyond words. Goodness, though there are times, like now, where it just all seems so beyond tiring I just want to be done, somehow I feel it IS the homestretch. Your Presence and being able to attend once a month is one of the few things that has helped me keep going! So Grateful for that. Infinite Blessings


I thank you deeply for the Light Frequency Re-modulation Program. I admire you for so openly putting your work out into the universe touching so many hearts. I am a Lightworker and I would love to teach this program to as many as I may be allowed to by the Divine Light. Thank you once again. Love and Light


I wanted to tell you that I found your New Earth Way Shower Rites Tele-seminar to be exceptionally beautiful and powerful. I haven’t listened to such high frequency channeled material in a long time. I dearly miss the connection to all the Ascended Beings of Light. Thank you so much for bringing forth these teachings. Namaste


Thank You again for such a beautiful and amazing journey in the New Earth Way Shower Rites. It was a fabulous day of healing and deepening into the Love and Oneness that we all ARE. I am so grateful to YOU and Elders for the loving, wise, and generous gifts of healing, learning, and growing. You are a precious gift Anrita, and I continue to treasure YOU for your incredible contribution to our Brothers and Sisters in the Light. Infinite love, blessings, and namaste!


Anrita Melchizedek


Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, an ascension network of Light offering numerous programs of Light in the form of eBooks, Mp3’s, CD’s and audio DVD’s, as well as vibrational energy products.Anrita is an author, channel, star ambassador, Light frequency encoder and workshop facilitator. She further has the gift of healing, and focuses this energy through the ascension workshops and lectures that she facilitates primarily on a global level. Anrita is a master teacher and also offers many training programs via tele/webinar as well as individual consultations, including DNA activations, Light Body/Merkaba activations, Soul purpose activations and channeled readings by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek. Anrita’s teaching style is uplifting and inspirational, and above all, offers keys to Self Mastery.

Anrita Melchizedek

Package A - 12 Golden Age Transmissions of Light

Item 1: The Trinity Lords Shield of Light and the Inner Tree of Life

Item 2: Activating the multidimensional Light Bodies and experiencing the 12 Light Body/I AM Avatar Blueprint Templates through the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Gateway Recalibration

Item 3: Initiations of the Rose

Item 4: Shamballa Ray Activations of our unique ESP Gifts

Item 5: Invocations to experience the Seven States of Dreamtime Consciousness

Item 6: Christ Consciousness Soul Purpose Activation

Item 7: The Seven Sacred Fires of Purification

Item 8: The High Priesthood Training Telewebinar

Item 9: The Light Frequency Remodulation Program

Item 10: The Atlantean Pyramid and the 12 Master Crystal Temples of Light

Item 11: Re-Activating the Original Divine Blueprints of Creation

Item 12: Teachings of the Golden Age of Light ~ The New Earth Way Shower Rites

Total Value $396 - 75% Discount

Package B - 24 Golden Age Transmissions of Light

Includes everything in Package A plus 12 more transmissions.

Item 13: Activation of the Lemurian Seed Crystals

Item 14: The Arcturian 5D Crystalline Cloak of Light

Item 15: The Key of Solomon Activation of the Holy Pentacles and the Arc of the Covenant

Item 16: The 12:12 Gateway Activation Integrating the Christed Heart

Item 17: Uniting of Flames Rites

Item 18: Activation of our Six Multidimensional Light Bodies and Integration of the Inner Christ

Item 19: Aion Portal Activation and Activating 7 Multidimensional Light Chambers within our Heart

Item 20: Angelic Golden Dolphin and Whale Attunements

Item 21: Initiation into the Great White Universal Brotherhood Unlocking our Divine Blueprints and the Illusion of Time

Item 22: Activation of the Sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta and the Golden Solar Sun Disc within our Hearts

Item 23: Anchoring and Activating the Light Rays of the 12 Mighty Elohim

Item 24: Activation of the Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield of Light​

Total Value $792 - 81% Discount