Package A
Total Value $600
Package B
Total Value $725
In a world where we’ve been raised to put others first, self-love can often feel self-centered. Setting aside time for self-love may cause feelings of guilt, and we often struggle to maintain a dedicated self-love practice. It can be frustrating. We know we need self-love, yet we have difficulty giving ourselves permission to allow it.
We were never taught self-love in school, and most of us didn’t learn about self-love in our homes or churches. What has the absence of self-love cost you in your relationship with yourself and others? If you’re like most people, this has caused break-ups, divorces, shallow relationships, bad business deals and sorrow.
So what can you do to allow self-love?
JoAnne Palladino and Shmaya, the Beings of Light have created the perfect solution- Energetic activations and guidance on your path to self-love that can set a strong foundation to transform your life in 21 days!
Just think, in less than a month from now, you can have a new habit of loving yourself fully. And if your life gets shaky, you can use these tools to clear your field again and again!
Now you can benefit from Self-Love and share these activations with yourself and loved ones!
Loving yourself is magical. Self-love is a powerful force that will positively affect every single aspect of your life. No more giving in to your inner-critic; no more listening to that voice telling you that you’re not good enough; no more settling for less than you deserve. Self-love empowers you to make healthy decisions that serve you in the highest good.
We’ve all heard the benefits of self-love and we know that self-love is something we need. The real question is how. How can we learn to love ourselves?
To Heal Your Life, Actualize Your Potential and Accelerate Your Destiny
In this first session, JoAnne Palladino introduces you to Shmaya, the Beings of Light. She explains and starts to share this high frequency of Love and Grace to transform you and clear your energetic field.
She shares the frequencies of Shmaya’s Language of Light, a profound energy transmission from a higher dimensional source, to help you evolve to self-love and higher consciousness.
Through these activations you can:
This first video starts your journey to remember who you are. JoAnne explains her definition of love to welcome you on this remarkable opportunity to live a life full of divine self-love.
In this Activation, JoAnne showers you with Shmaya’s Light Language and Reiki energies to release any debris in your Auric field. This release can be from people close to you, from the human collective, those who have passed, and the energetic magnetic field that is everywhere. When your field is full of energetic debris it can cloud your judgments, emotions, mental capacity, physical energy and your connection to Source.
The Clear Auric Debris video:
This clearing in invaluable for anyone who is sensitive to energy or an Empath!
In this energy transmission, JoAnne and Shmaya offer a path to peace by quieting the mind chatter that creates and amplifies fear and worry. The activation releases the stuck energy of self-critical thoughts and replaces them with self-loving thoughts.
The benefits of quieting your mental chatter are:
This is a great activation for people who want to have clarity of mind inviting the ability to hear, listen and be guided from the heart.
In this fourth activation, JoAnne and Shmaya release the pent up emotions that you have not expressed, and are held and stuck in your body. She teaches you how to embrace the emotions rather than denying them, to embrace and clear them without judgment.
This video Includes:
These high frequencies can unblock your stuffed and denied emotions and invites you to expression your feelings freely and mindfully. Express and speak your truth!
This fifth activation can remove physical blockages to love. The body is the holder of truth and your pain can be a messenger to alert you that something needs to be released. In most cases, physical discomfort of the body is caused by emotions that have been denied or thoughts that are depleting your energy.
JoAnne and Shmaya offer:
The energy stream in your body will flow freely releasing physical discomfort that has been held in the body allowing a peaceful grounded state within you. Honor the body and embrace your sacred temple with this activation.
In this sixth activation, you will be reconnected to your source of divine love. You will be reconnected to sacred unity within yourself and within the collective.
Shmaya offers the following frequencies and lessons:
When you reconnect with your sacred self, you can naturally embody self-love again. You are an expression or an extension of Source.
JoAnne has put a wonderful self-inquiry journal together to support you as you Clear Your Path to Self-Love. In this video she explains why she created it and how you can increase your results.
Included in the journal are:
You can use this journal and activations for years…each time you go through the material, you will go deeper into a connection with your true self…Love in Form.
JoAnne Palladino
JoAnne is offering a gift of direct communication with Shmaya, the Beings of Light, a message that is essential for the conscious awakening within you and the collective on the beautiful planet Earth. The awakening that arises from the grace and beauty of the frequencies of the Language of Light goes beyond physical ailments into the very essence of the individual.
JoAnne extends this gift to the world through a variety of offerings and products with honor and integrity. Her intention is to respect the deepest and most fervent desire of any human being, who is longing to evolve to a higher level of well-being and joy through the Loving Grace of Shmaya, the Beings of Light.
I feel deeply connected to Source, to my natural state of peace and joy, and I always receive exactly what I need during my sessions with JoAnne. When JoAnne channels Shmaya, I could feel every cell in my body awakening or re-awakening to the Truth. It’s feels to me like a remembering that we are all connected and that we are not separate from God.
JoAnne is masterful at weaving in healing, messages and any other resources to support my awakening. I love Shmaya, the Beings of Light because it is authentic, I feel better and more at ease with life. JoAnne’s guidance has been life changing for me and I trust her with my ‘stuff’…keeping me going back for deeper body/mind/soul connection.
At a group gathering JoAnne channeled Shmaya, the Beings of Light and immediately I was in a loving space a true… Divine appointment.The chronic throbbing in my head and chest flow out and dissipate was the great first gift. JoAnne and Shmaya as my guide and healer, allowed me to release emotional, and karmic cellular memory issues. I can see and feel my life as an on-going adventure...a time to be joyful and share my light.
JoAnne’s energy work has become richer over the years with Shmaya. It is soul work at its finest. As I go through the waves of my transformation and embrace health and healing opportunities, she has the ability to get me back into my body. She always provides insightful guidance that helps me be at peace, trusting and allowing what is next for me filled with more joy.
JoAnne’s private and group sessions gave me a sense of gentle anticipation and trust as she brought forth Shmaya. What emerged was a strong, loving presence and connection to the Divine. I was dealing with some stress-related issues. During and after my session I experienced a renewed sense of inner peace, calm, and balance. I am able to let go and find forgiveness of others and of myself more readily than in the past.
JoAnne is a gifted energy healer who has taken my Reiki sessions to a whole other level of healing. JoAnne’s gifts allow her to “listen” and to “see” what healing needs to take place. In doing so she customizes her healing sessions to each of her clients. To that end, none of my sessions have been the same yet the healing experience always happens. JoAnne has the amazing ability to know what needs to take place...cleansing, detoxification, energizing, calming, release….I feel so blessed to have been introduced to JoAnne and her multidimensional gifts. As a gifted channel, JoAnne also brings Shmaya, a Language of Light, to many of her healing sessions. These experiences have truly elevated each of my healing sessions with JoAnne. I feel an “otherworldliness” or much deeper spiritual connection to the healing energies being offered. My sessions with JoAnne always feel gentle, yet powerful, fluid, sacred, transformational and abundant in love.
When I received the amazing energy that JoAnne brings through (Shmaya) I feel love and light in the everyday life and I am emerging as the best possible self. JoAnne is an artful, kind and compassionate soul.
I was referred to JoAnne through a highly regarded friend. At the time I had some health concerns. I had no preconceived notions about JoAnne’s gifts or what the session would be like. She "scanned" me and shared her insights which were totally accurate. With total trust I laid down on the table and handed over my physical, emotional and spiritual self to her.Once she completed a "multi-modal" healing, she shared what she had felt and seen. It resonated deeply for me. She is a sacred healer and friend. She has opened my heart and has lead me without words, through her healing intention towards self-healing.
JoAnne Palladino was chosen to bring the high frequency of Love and Grace to our planet at this pivotal time. Her intention is to guide others to live from their hearts, embody their own light, and create the shift to unity consciousness. Shmaya, the Beings of Light, energy words flow through JoAnne as an expression of the Divine and invites a trust and an elevated awareness to us during these extraordinary times of awakening.
Since 2002 JoAnne has been extending her divinely guided gifts to many throughout United States. She is a Reiki Master-Teacher, Intuitive and a seasoned Health facilitator who channels the high frequency of Light Language to influence the ascension of the collective.
Package A
Total Value $600
Package B
Total Value $725