Awaken to Happiness Now Global Summit

Our mission is to inspire and self-empower you to live authentically with ease, joy, and love through a connection with Spirit.

Elizabeth Locey's Special Offer

Kelly Hampton

Elizabeth Locey

Package A

Item 1 - Own Your Throne: Money and Sovereignty

Item 2 - 30min 1-1 call with Elizabeth - Being Mythic Frequency Evaluation

Package B

Item 1 - Powerful Oracle Transmission from  Rock Your Intuition Program

Item 2 - Being Mythic Frequency Evaluation

Package C

Item 1 - Being Mythic Consultation and Mini Oracle Message

Package A

Total Value Over $600 - Special Offer $177

Item 1 - Own Your Throne: Money & Sovereignty- Value $195

“Own Your Throne: Money and Sovereignty” Series

This 3-call series features over 8 ½ hours of healing exercises and divine answers to participant questions about money and sovereignty from the Akashic Records. Issues of money and its relationship with power have been writ large in Western culture with the US presidential candidature (and then victory) of Donald Trump.

It has become patently obvious that in 2016, what makes a candidate electable isn’t her or his intelligence, compassion, “statesmanship” or personal charisma, but that candidate’s access to money.

Because, for better or for worse, in our society, Money. Is. Power.

Now, this isn’t the first time money has had a major impact on a presidential race in the US and beyond, but the sheer over-the-top nature of Trump’s behavior as a candidate has drawn back the curtain on some very rickety scaffolding that is holding our society up. More on this in a minute.

After the wild success of my “How to Flourish in 2016” Live Oracle Transmission on the first Monday of the year, I knew that the next call needed to be about money. I looked at my calendar for the year, and put it in May, because that’s when I “had time” for it. Boy, was I in for a surprise! Turns out that the Money, Sacred Economy, and New Economic Paradigm call had to be fast-tracked to February. And then the single call morphed into a series of 3, all within one month.

I was in heavy resistance to creating this as a series, partly because as I prepared for the first call, I apparently hit some tripwires in the patriarchy's security field. All my technology went down for a week, and I felt like a lone warrior armed with bow and arrow in front of the gates of a great walled city that was armed to the teeth and holding all the cards and resources. Several divine sources told me not to market the series widely before it happened so that I would feel (and be) less exposed.

And, it was all perfect. I can see now that leaving this money healing until May was too close to the party nominating conventions, and that people’s frustrations and fears could get too intense and destabilizing by then. I can also see how a single call wasn’t nearly enough to move through all of the new information about how to sort out your feeling about money and how you interact with it. Indeed, it feels like this will be an annual series, with upgrades available for each new year. As a subscriber to this series, you’ll be the first to know when I announce the 2017 call.

Many people (including me, more often than I care to admit) feel that they are powerless when it comes to money: that instead of owning money, that money owns them. Some describe it as feeling like a prison; others like a master/slave relationship: they feel like money has them in a kind of vice-grip à la Darth Vader, or that their money situation is a boot on their throats.

For so many people—the affluent included—this has felt all too true for centuries. That’s the old economic paradigm, one that far predates capitalism as an economic system.

The time has come to birth a NEW economic system onto the planet. This system is all about sovereignty and the reintegration of the Sacred Masculine with the Sacred Feminine. In other words: the fall of the age of Patriarchy.

Own Your Throne Call #1: Reclaiming Your Sovereignty

“Own Your Throne Call #1: Reclaiming Your Sovereignty” including 3 ¼ hours of healing exercises and channeled answers related to shifting your financial matrix

This call was originally intended to stand alone, and it addresses such issues as how to expand your capacity for receiving, how to heal your relationship with money, what it means if you’ve been feeling thwarted in your financial goals. Essentially, this call is all about opening up to Magick (including a special vision for Lightworkers of getting out of their own way) for better financial health. That magick is LOVE. (Self-love, generosity, trust, and surrender.)

Own Your Throne Call #2: Divorcing the Patriarchy

“Own Your Throne Call #2: Divorcing the Patriarchy” including 2 ½ hours of healing exercises and channeled answers about untangling yourself from the current, fractured, socio-economic structures

The truth is that neither men nor women have full access to their thrones under the Patriarchal system. This call explores how to see where you’ve gotten yourself entangled, and starts the process of unraveling where you’re caught in the net and re-weaving a new, more powerful story, both for yourself and for your finances.

Own Your Throne Call #3: The Sacred Marriage

“Own Your Throne Call #3: The Sacred Marriage” including 2 ¾ hours of healing exercises and channeled answers about integrating the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine to re-create wholeness in individuals, and, by extension, society

One of the places where most Western humans need reintegration is in their masculine and feminine. This call delves deeply into ways to bring wholeness to your heart (compartmentalization and splitting-off being hallmarks of the current, and moribund, Patriarchal system) so that you can employ and deploy that Love Magick - outlined in call #1 everywhere.

Item 2 - Being Mythic Frequency Evaluation - 30min 1-1 call with Elizabeth

“Being Mythic Frequency Evaluation” a 30-minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth to discern where you are on the mythic scale and offer concrete suggestions for boosting your mythic status

Package B

Total Value Over $350 - Special Offer $99

How are really owning your intuition and being mythic related, you ask? Well, they cannot actually be separated. Being mythic means living your soul’s essence; it means living up to your full potential as outlined in your Akashic Records (your soul archive) for this lifetime. Intuition and Akashic Records are intimately linked: your Higher Self hangs out in your Records, and her/his whisperings based on the information available in your Records are what we understand to be intuition.

Choose this package to experience the Akashic Records on a deep level, and begin opening up to your own Mythic Being status.

Item 1: Powerful Oracle Transmission from the Records of Intuition

Exclusive access to the “live” channeling of the Akashic Records of Intuition, opened on the high holy day of Imbolc, 2016, in Elizabeth’s final Rock Your Intuition program.

This whopper of a call has well over 2 hours of potent answers about intuition in relation to fear, intuition in relation to moon cycles, empathy, being grounded, food sensitivity, how desire, intention, intuition and resistance work together, karma, divine calculus, surrender, delight, and much, much more. Get immediate access to the download!

Item 2 - Being Mythic Frequency Evaluation - 30min 1-1 call with Elizabeth

“Being Mythic Frequency Evaluation” a 30-minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth to discern where you are on the mythic scale and offer concrete suggestions for boosting your mythic status

Package C

Total Value Over $700 - Special Offer $197

Item 1: Being Mythic Consultation and Mini Oracle Message

Get access to your personal Akashic Records with Elizabeth! In this short channeled call, you’ll get to ask your personal Record Keepers what your Mythic Self looks like, what the most important thing is for you to do to step into your Mythic status, and how to accomplish that. Prior to the channeled session, you and Elizabeth with have a short 1:1 Mythic Being Consultation. Following the Akashic Records portion of the Mini Oracle Message call, there will be time for strategizing with Elizabeth based on what the Keepers told you. Expect this call to run 30 to 40 minutes, and then spread your wings and fly!

When you purchase this package you’ll receive a pdf explaining what kind of energy to expect heading into your Records, how to prepare, and what to do afterwards to ground yourself. Then book your Mythic consultation time, where you’ll do a short frequency evaluation, and then you and Elizabeth will find a mutually-agreeable time for your Mini Oracle Message.

Elizabeth Locey


Elizabeth Locey, Ph.D., is a Way-Shower, Oracle, and Crystal Priestess. She helps women and select men to expand and walk their intuitive edge right to their Greatness. A prominent entrepreneur recently said of Elizabeth: “as an Oracle, she shines when guiding people through their darkest fears into Love.” Indeed, the very first answer she received from her Akashic Records in 2008 was “You are a Truth Teller with capital T’s. And when you sing your Truth Song, imprisoned angels are set free.”

After a distinguished 13-year academic career—as an award-winning professor of French & Women’s Studies, well-known scholar and leader—Elizabeth made a sharp right turn. On 01/01/10, no doubt spurred on by the Blue Moon/Lunar Eclipse of the night before, she quit her guaranteed-salary-for-life job. With one click of the “send” button, she went from being a socially sanctioned Wise Woman as an academic and scholar, to picking up her staff as a spiritual teacher/channel/healer, and has never looked back.

Elizabeth has been interviewed on the radio and telesummits dozens of times, and you can read her personal development work on her blog and in the best-selling volumes Sacred Practices (2016) The Power of being a Woman (2015), and Conversations that Make a Difference (2013). Consider contacting her if you are looking for a powerful speaker at your next event.

If you are at a crossroads and looking for Divine answers, doing Oracle work with Elizabeth may be the perfect solution. Be warned, however: getting access to your Soul Truth, and healing fears and self-sabotage can become addictive!

In addition to her private Oracle Consultations, Elizabeth offers public Oracle Transmissions, where callers can receive answers from the Divine Plane to their own questions about a topic that needs elucidation. She also mentors select men and women, and hand picks a few among her clients to train as Oracles. Her regular offerings also include classes on using crystals as well as on working with and trusting your intuition.

Finally, Elizabeth organizes potent in-person retreats, both in the States and abroad; her next trip abroad is for women looking to reclaim their power by connecting with Mary Magdalene in the South of France, in July of 2017.

Join her at and be sure to reach out to her—she loves to hear from people she has touched.

Kelly Hampton

Elizabeth Locey

Package A

Item 1 - Own Your Throne: Money and Sovereignty

Item 2 - 30min 1-1 call with Elizabeth - Being Mythic Frequency Evaluation

Package B

Item 1 - Powerful Oracle Transmission from  Rock Your Intuition Program

Item 2 - Being Mythic Frequency Evaluation

Package C

Item 1 - Being Mythic Consultation and Mini Oracle Message