Awaken to Happiness Now Global Series

Our mission is to inspire and self-empower you to live your prosperous life with ease, joy, and love through a connection with Spirit.

Marlene Johnson's Special Offer

Marlenea Johnson

Package A - Magical Money Manifestation - Value $1000

  1. Prepare to Prosper mp3
  2. Divine Eraser mp3
  3. Fountain of Truth
  4. 24K Gold Manifesting Grid
  5. 24K Gold Money Magic Shower
  6. 24K Gold Permanent Prosperity
  7. 1 2 3 Manifest It!!!

Package B - Magical Money Manifestation Extension- Value $1500

  1. Everything in Package A
  2. Smash the Glass Ceiling mp3
  3. Breaking the Inner Mirror mp3
  4. Luxury and Prestige mp3
  5. Winner's Circle Free B's mp3
  6. 24K Gold Bank Account mp3

Package C - Personal Session with Marlenea- Value $1800

  1. Everything in Package A
  2. Everything in Package B
  3. 30min Personal Session with Marlenea

Package A

Total Value $1000 - Special Offer $97

Magical Money Manifestation

Prepare To Prosper

Setting the stage : We'll be clearing the way to receiving an ever increasing flow of 24 k Gold Money Manifestations.​Sit back, relax and just absorb it all in.

Divine Eraser

I will be using my 24k Gold Magical Eraser during this process.Which Magically erases all the old residue, patterns and beliefs with ease. Then I am doing a 24 K Gold Abundance Wash process which will have you feeling squeaky clean.Sit back, relax and receive.

Fountain Of Truth

24 K GOLD INFUSION OF EMPOWERING TRUTHWhich is your new Magical Manifestation RealitySit back, relax and absorb the Gold

24 k Gold Manifesting Grid

This is my most powerful process!Guided meditation: Journey deeper and deeper into 24 k Goldpower. You will be fully engaged, charged up, energized and plugged in to your 24 k Gold Manifesting Grid.

24K Gold Money Magic Shower

Receive, receive, receive!During this process you will experience blast of high vibrational showers. Wave after wave after wave of beautiful Infusions of Magic Bliss.Sit back relax and receive it all.

24K Gold Permanent Prosperity

This process sets Permanent Prosperity in place. During this journey, you will align with infinite ever increasing financial upgrades.Sit back and enjoy the ride.

1 2 3 Manifest It!!!

This is a Bonus Track:I will be utilizingMy 24 k GOLD MAGIC WANDStand up in your power!!!There's endless possibilities now.Let the magic begin.

Package B

Total Value Over $1500 - Special Offer $147

Everything in Package A +

Magical Money Manifestation

Magical Money Manifestation Extension

Smash The Glass Ceiling

The encoding frequencies in this track will smash the glass ceiling so you can embody a limitless mindset.

Breaking The Inner Mirror

Cleansing process to remove old self limiting beliefs, traits, and patterns. Your inner mirror portrays images of yourself out into the world and is mirroring back into your life what it's portraying out.

Luxury And Prestige

This activation will install your true wealth which is your divine blueprint.

Winner's Circle

We'll be installing the 24 k Gold frequencies for sudden luck, being chosen, open to receive.

24K Gold Bank Account

15 Minute Guided MeditationWe'll be entering into the vortex of the elite. Here you will meet your Angel of wealth and your higher self.You will be fully engaged and now plugged in to your 24 k Gold Bank Account. Access it anytime.

Package C

Total Value Over $1800 - Special Offer $197

Everything in Package B +

Magical Money Manifestation

Magical Money Manifestation Extension

Personal 30min Session with Marlenea

Marlenea Johnson

Personal Session with Marlene

Private one to one 30 min session with Marlenea.

BONUS - 24K Gold Magic Carpet Ride

24K Gold Magic Carpet Ride

Come take a Magical Journey with me today!I'll be rolling out my 24K Gold Magic Carpet and taking you for a ride into the Vortex.One will need to be laying down fully relaxed during this Guided, Hypnotic process. My voice will be echoing toMy 24 K Gold Magical Music. You can wear headphones if you'd like. If you fall asleep,it is still going to work it's Magic!30 Minutes

MIRACLE MONEY - I am so ecstatic! I have been using your mp3's daily. The results are amazing. It's like someone turned on a money waterfall in my life. Everyday I am receiving money. I started my own business. I moved. All my old fears have vanished. I stepped out of my old stuck sabotaging mindset and into the real me. Whatever you did, I can not explain. All I know is it worked! And if worked for me it will work for anyone. More testimonials are coming!!! Blessings for all you do,


FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT - its like someone turned on the lights. I didn't know how it would work, as simple as it is. I'm a single mom that was living in fear everyday. I happened upon a video and found Marlenea. I contacted her and was determined to see results. I used her 24k Gold package and my life drastically changed. My fear suddenly left. I got a great paying job and my bills are paid with money left over. I see the light now! Thank you,

N. Moore

FROM ALMOST HOMELESS TO HOMEOWNER - My family and I were on the outs for years. I was about to be homeless. I contacted Marlenea. After a few sessions clearing family patterns, forgiveness work, and using her mp3's, my dad contacted me. He told me that he was giving me a home, totally free! THIS IS AMAZING! Everyone looking for the real deal, look no further! Contact Marlenea I love her,


FREE CAR - After working with Marlenea, someone delivered a car into my front yard, totally FREE for my family. I thank God for leading me to her. Now we are able to get to work and have more money. It works! Magic and Miracles for sure.


Marlenea Johnson


Marlenea Johnson

Magical Marlenea, says it all! When she waves her 24k Gold Magic Money Wand and says, 1,2,3 Manifest It; Money and miracles really do begin Manifesting! She's the real deal.Self taught, Internationally known; Master Manifestor, Abundant Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Light worker, Intuitive Energy Healer, and a Clairvoyant Angel Channeler.Magical Marlenea has assisted over 12,000 people worldwide.She meets them on the level they are at and elevates them at the speed they are ready to experience. The goal is to empower them to easily "manifest their hearts desires and thrive" living a life of infinite possibilities!Dealing with years of abuse and financial ups and downs, Marlenea knew that she had to break free from the stress and fear money issues were causing her. Her healing journey began in her teens. Reaching out to God in urgent prayer, she was miraculously healed many times. On several occasions, Angels have appeared bringing messages, sprinkling Golden stars upon her, and saving her life.As a young woman, working as a nurses aide, she found herself speaking healing to stroke patients and seeing them start moving paralyzed limbs. When her niece was in a coma, for 30 days after getting hit by a car, she walked in the room and said, If you wake up now you can go to Mc Donald's. Her niece woke up, and was sent home a few days later.People have shown up asking for assistance in every area of their lives. Marlenea prefers working with healing their finances. Once the root causes are removed, layer by layer, magical results occur. Not only do their finances improve but their health and relationships as well.Given the Golden Key that unlocked her Magic Money Manifestations from Source, she now teaches others what she's learned. Using an array of energetic processes given to her by Source, she has manifested free cars, a new home, thriving businesses, free gifts, jackpots, miracle money; just to name a few. Many of her clients have experienced the Magic results as well.She's been called "The Prosperity Princess." And Yes, she does wear a Golden crown. Come experience the Magic of 24 k Gold Activations and Financial Freedom for yourself.

Marlenea Johnson

Package A - Magical Money Manifestation - Value $1000

  1. Prepare to Prosper mp3
  2. Divine Eraser mp3
  3. Fountain of Truth
  4. 24K Gold Manifesting Grid
  5. 24K Gold Money Magic Shower
  6. 24K Gold Permanent Prosperity
  7. 1 2 3 Manifest It!!!

Package B - Magical Money Manifestation Extension- Value $1500

  1. Everything in Package A
  2. Smash the Glass Ceiling mp3
  3. Breaking the Inner Mirror mp3
  4. Luxury and Prestige mp3
  5. Winner's Circle Free B's mp3
  6. 24K Gold Bank Account mp3

Package C - Personal Session with Marlenea- Value $1800

  1. Everything in Package A
  2. Everything in Package B
  3. 30min Personal Session with Marlenea