​​​​​Embracing Your Gifts ​Masterclass with ​​Theresa Vee
Please join ​​Theresa Vee and me as we talk about ​​​​​​​​​Embracing Your Gifts​, as well ​there will be live Q&A and processes.
Join us on this call ​as we ​​discuss:
  • ​How to find and connect with your gifts—and why you might have been disconnected in the first place.
  • Making the space for Grace and allowing ourselves to shift and grow
  • The 3 fears that keeps us from fully embracing our natural gifts
  • The special time we are in and how much support we have—even by realms that are notorious for avoiding humans!
  • The 5 steps of embracing our gifts and how we can keep expanding on them.
  • The superpowers that lead us right to our Purpose
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If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

​​​​​​​​THERESA'S PACKAGE - ​Reg. +$​​​​​​​428
More than ​​​​​​​78% Off

​SPECIAL OFFER - $​​​​​​97

​Item 1: Embracing Your Gifts Meditation Package

​These meditations will help you to clear and transmute that which has stood in the way of your connecting with and embracing your gifts. As you grow into more of Who-You-Truly-Are, You will naturally begin to feel more fulfilled and be able to work toward creating the life you’ve always dreamed about.

You’ll become a true source of clarity, Purpose, and Love in a world that sorely needs to be in touch with those things..

You can use these tools as often as you feel called.

• Healing Obstacles with the Violet Ray (24:55 min.)

• Journey to Your Work Pyramid (23:20 min.)

• Energetic Realignment for the Life of Your Dreams (24:24 min.)

​Item 2: Working With the Angels Course

​Pre-recorded 3-part course with bonus PDF that will have you working with the Angels right away!

In this largely experiential course, you'll establish and deepen your connection with your angels. You'll learn powerful visualizations, processes, and techniques to call on, connect, and communicate with them all day, every day! (Or as often as you wish...)

Have you ever wondered:
  • How can I tune into the angels? 
  • Is there a special way I have to ask for help?
  • How can I be sure the guidance I am receiving is from them?
  • How can I hear/see/understand them and interpret their guidance?
  • Are there angels communicating with me right now? How do I know which ones?

If so, this course is for you.

The Angels are always by your side providing signs, answers, and assistance in each and every moment—whether you are looking for energetic protection, guidance surrounding a challenge or question, or encouragement along the path of your life. Let’s get you tuned in!

Through this course, you’ll discover how you can connect and work with the Angels every day to increase your energy, promote flow, and experience more peace, ease, and grace.

Here are just some of the things you’ll learn:
  • Practices for your energetic protection and personal growth that are powerful, yet simple and easy to incorporate into your day to day life
  • How the angels can help you move energy blocks—physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual
  • How to build a strong relationship with your guardian angels and your archangels
  • Recognizing and interpreting the signs and messages from your angels
  • How to open yourself and your space to guidance from your angels
Each recording is approximately one hour long.

​Item 3: Connecting with the (Mostly) Unseen Realms

​Pre-recorded 4-part audio course with a workbook for each where you’ll learn about and connect with your “unseen” assistance right away!

We need to begin working much more closely with our beautiful planet. Many of our (mostly) unseen friends are ready and willing to work with us to create a much more harmonious and balanced world.
In this series, we will explore four of the various kingdoms:
  • Angels—you’ll meet your own personal guardian angel(s) and the Archangels that are the best fit to work with you at this exact time, learning how you experience their energy so that you’ll recognize when they are near.
  • Dragons, who are very present right now and during all periods of great Change.
  • Fairies (and some Gnomes)—assist us in working together with nature, as we are re-establishing a more symbiotic relationship with the earth.
  • Unicorns, who are seeking to work with those who bring purity and help them enhance it.
discovering who they are, how they operate, how they are able and willing to assist us. Together, we will open up safe, comfortable, and clear communication.
This series indulges your inner child as well as your serious spiritual seeker, mixing high-level spiritual concepts with joy and creativity.
This series will:

  • ​open you to communication with friends and allies you didn’t know you had

  • ​provide you with safe space and protocols to call on these friends and helpers

  • ​help you to learn to set up a welcoming space so your “unseen” friends can become part of your everyday life

  • ​bring you into the energy of joy and child-like wonder

  • ​provide you with more reliable support and love
Each of the sessions runs approximately one hour. 

Who is the package for?

This package is designed to provide you with the tools that you need to get you in touch with your own Gifts—which will give you access to more of your Guidance and Purpose. Each piece is curated to help you to embrace more of your power and potential so that you can show up as the brightest and most energized Light possible.

After all, when you’re working with Divinity, there’s nothing stronger!

If you’ve been feeling that you are not sure what your gifts are at this point or if you would like to clear your way to being of even greater service to the world, this package is for you!

​Benefits of the package:

​• You’ll get clearer on your GIFTS, and how to use them in the world.
• Get connected to the world around you in incredible ways that support you and increase your joy, effectiveness, and energy flow.
• Experience more ease and flow in your life.
• You will deepen your connection to yourself, the world, and Grace.
• You’ll be able to en-joy better health because you’ll be returning to your natural frequency.
• You will experience and understand the depth of support that is available to you in every single moment—and be equipped to call it in yourself.



​​"​​​What flows through you is too beautiful, Angelic teacher that you are. Bless your heart. I am closer to the Angels than ever since having my session with you. Bless all those participating in your work. Theresa is a pure soul." ~ ​Caroline M.
​​"​​​Theresa has the energetic capacity of a love surgeon—removing all the debris that are no longer true for you and your highest service. After working with her, I was able to fully release huge stories of the past that were running my system but I could not unwind myself. It was a total body upgrade to allow me to serve at the highest level of living light." ~ ​Joanna Green
​"​​​Theresa has a profound ability to hold others in the field of unconditional love. In that field, the shifts we desire are so much more easily within reach, because the resistance has melted away. This is Theresa’s greatest gift: loving us towards our greatest, most alive, and most aligned lives." ~ N​isha Moodley
​"​​​​Theresa is a natural intuitive healer. She connects with the Angels with ease, grace, and devotion. Her desire to serve clearly comes from a place of love. I felt so held and taken care of throughout our conversation. My reading left me filled with immense faith and gratitude. It also inspired me to take action. It was nothing short of magical and miraculous." ~ ​Paula Orozco

​​Theresa Vee

Theresa Vee helps spiritually-led, empathetic people increase their vibrancy, health, and wellness, so they can have more energy and feel more alive, on-Purpose, and fulfilled. ​She teaches tangible tools to break free of cycles of overwhelm and over-giving so that people can get back into the flow of the synchronicities and miracles that are their birthright, heal into the magic of their Divine Perfection, and live their Purpose for being here. ​Theresa is a channel of Love and leader of spiritual (r)evolution, reaching over a million people through her speaking engagements, workshops, readings, and sessions. In addition to her extensive spiritual training, she is also a certified and well-credentialed holistic health and wellness professional and Ayurvedic Health Counselor.
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If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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