Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “​Sacrifice” From the Brain and Body Masterclass with ​​​​​Cathleena Hailley
Please join ​​​​​Cathleena Hailley and me as we talk about ​​​​​Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “​Sacrifice” from the Brain and Body.

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Restoring the Original Soul ​Fragmentation and ​Releasing the ​Imprint of “​Sacrifice” from the ​Brain and ​Body 9 ​Week ​Series
A 9 week activation series to align your Soul’s essence to interact with your brain and physical body in pure unity consciousness with all things.
Restoring the beginning Soul fragmentation imprint
Because of the indoctrination of false frequencies, we have experienced Soul fragmentation or quantum entanglement, which has caused humanity to become a story instead of the amazing Source sovereign creator that we are. Through false light and sound signatures there has been an imprint of certain false frequencies of which consciousness has aligned itself to, through this quantum entanglement.
The brain chemistry is malleable, that is, its composition to matter is easily changed. Through an understanding of how matter is influenced by brain waves or frequencies will allow for the creation of brain waves of your choosing to exist.
We will step into the brain as frequency, as sound and light, to bring the brain itself into a synergy with all body systems, as divine union of self with self, divine Hieros/Gamos with divine creator or source as consciousness.
This is the main frequency to engage with the brain as a pathway of grace and ease for the brain to understand and interact with consciousness as source consciousness.
To bring the brain in synergy with the body systems and all matter is to begin the zero balance point or opening, like a portal, of divine information (consciousness) easy access.
We will be stepping into the brain and body systems with a zero point of brain function as understanding. An understanding of self to your body, your relationship to the body, to call back home the original fragmentation or Soul fragmentation imprint of specific emotional responses. This will free up the story they carry that has been the unconscious Director of your life experiences.

9 Week Activation Series

Week 1 - ​Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Sacrifice" from the brain and body-Cardiovascular system

To allow sacrifice within the cardiovascular system, allows for the sacrificing of life force energy itself.

The cardiovascular system is the life force of the physical body. This life force is not only that of what you referred to as physical but your soul essence as well.

The heart is the entry point of your soul origination. To allow sacrifice within this system stops your soul essence from entering your heart space or technology. This keeps your pure essence as source from being realized in this current physical reality and incarnation.

The negative agendas plan is to have you engage sacrifice to allow for the fragmentation of your soul essence to occur and to stop the full embodiment of your full essence as source to be realized.

To release the frequency of sacrifice from this system begins the real process of full embodiment of self as source within this human incarnation. This process of releasing sacrifice will allow for the embodiment of Soul

fragments lost or trapped in other aspects of self which have been previously unaccessible. In other words you will be able to know your true essence as source and your reason for incarnation in this now moment. This will begin your true process of self realization on a soul level in human form.

Week 2 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “​Sacrifice” from the brain and body-Digestive and Urinary systems
The frequency of sacrifice within the digestive system allows for the pure nature of nutrients for nurturing of the body and soul to be bypassed. The pure nurturing of body via physical digesting of foods is the process of taking a greater care of that within your human existence.

To allow for sacrifice as a frequency within this system allows for the nurturing of self as source to also be bypassed.

We are soul, energy or source, that which you are is source. For self to sacrifice that which you are by allowing yourself to bypass self-care or nurturing is allowing that which you are as source to be bypassed and left un nurtured.

This process will never allow your true source self to be realized within your physical body. As you do this within this system, you will never allow for true nurturing of self and thus true health and well-being to exist.

The eliminating of water from the body, the consciousness of that which you are in physical to experience sacrifice, allows for the eliminating of those parts of self that are being released to your physical experience to be sacrificed. This only perpetuate the cycle of self-sacrifice to continue.

To allow for elimination of self to be sacrificed, allows for self to be sacrificed by all others as we are one. Allowing this to be brought back out to the physical world allows for the frequency to continue through the world.

To eliminate sacrifice from these body systems begins the process of self nurturing and self-love as source. As the true nature of self as law of one occurs, the release of sacrifice allows for the full embodiment of self as source occur.

Week 3 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “​Sacrifice” from the brain and body-Endocrine and Lymphatic systems
The endocrine system is the master regulator of emotions or emotional temperament within the body, it also allows for the movement of these emotions as energy throughout the body. As a system itself this one is most important to your awareness as source through your experiences of these emotions.

To allow sacrifice within the system takes away all ability to truly experience yourself as source within this human experience. To allow sacrifice in essence turns your focus inward to that of information given to you through your mind as you will not be able to monitor your emotions as true frequency to feel.

The lymphatic system is the regulator of your physical experience as the fight or flight response, in other words it is the place the body decides something is good or bad or right or wrong for itself. This deciding so to speak is based on the communication of the cellular body to each other as bringing in life or taking it out.

To allow sacrifice within this system simply confuses the communication, so much so that the cells begin to simply fight among themselves or in other words it creates chaos within the system. Chaos is fear which only causes more of itself to exist. This is often why many of you have physical conditions you cannot explain and cannot seem to remove.

To release sacrifice from these systems will restore the emotional communication which in essence will restore your ability to feel and interact with the body and outside world as who you really are, pure source consciousness having a physical experience.

Week 4 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “​Sacrifice” from the brain and body-Muscular and Nervous systems
The muscular system is the mover of the body, it allows the body to move through space and time.

To allow sacrifice within this system allows for movement upon the earth to that of sacrifice. In other words it allows for you to not be that of yourself through movement but that of another, like a puppet. To be sacrificed by others is the tool of the collective for the masses. What this means is the frequency of sacrifice is being used to make choices of your existence instead of that as a sovereign being. You are allowing yourself to be internally controlled and thus literally externally controlled as moving yourself to locations, jobs, events that you are not an energetic match with.

To allow for sacrifice within the nervous system further controls your movement around and within the body, as the nervous system is the master system of feeling within the body. As you allow for sacrifice within this system you allow for the negating of your feelings to occur. This is created both within the body and what is perceived outside the body through movement.

Inside the body creates an absence of feeling allowing for physical conditions to occur. Outside the body or as you move through the physical world it allows for a numbing of your self through your every day experience, taking away your own soul signature from interacting and thus creating.

To release sacrifice from these body systems will allow for you to begin to show up within your life. You will be able to start to feel what you like and don't like in terms of your physical reality based on your soul self not that of ego created by your beliefs. This will begin your process of pure experience within and upon this earths experience.

Week 5 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the frequency of “​Sacrifice" from the brain and body-Skeletal system
The skeletal system is the structural system of the body, it is the strength so to speak of standing and moving the physical body. The bones contain information for the body to know itself as a structural being.

To allow sacrifice within the skeletal system allows for all that you are who moves around the world to be sacrificed. Allowing sacrifice within the system of communication to the body as its structure, causes the structure to become rigid. Never allowing flow to the structure of the body and those to your life outside the structure or of the world as you know it.

Sacrifice means you are not allowing your true create her self or so self to exist. To allow this as your physical structure, causes you to exist in a rigid structure of control, limits and judgments.

To release sacrifice from this system allows for communication about structure to be that of freedom, movement, creativity to exist both inside and outside the body.

This freedom of movement related to structure allows for a greater flow of geometries that are in harmony with who you really are and why you were here, to calibrate with your physical experience.

Allow for this calibration, allows for you to create and live the life meant for you, from the rhythm of your heart instead of the limits of the mind.

Week 6 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the frequency of “​Sacrifice” from the brain and body-Respiratory system
The respiratory system is the life force system for breath of life to the body. The breath as a consciousness allows for a flow to all of the body systems as well as a deeper connection to mother earth.

Breath is the expression of self to mother earth or all that is outside of you. You express yourself through your breath as consciousness and as self or ego self as expression through sound as your voice.

To allow sacrifice within this system stops your consciousness and your divine expression as this consciousness, from connecting as source to all there is. It stops your unique expression of self from ever connecting to all there is upon and within this earth.

To sacrifice your own consciousness and expression is to stop your pure essence from ever expressing itself. Think of holding your breath, keeping it in as in sacrificing your own presence from another, this only creates more of that that you do not desire as you only create or allow the creation of that of another.

To release sacrifice from this system gives back divine flow of your core essence as source to your life and life flow. It allows for pure expression of self as source to be experienced and contributed to all there is.

To allow for sacrifice to be released allows for life force energy as source to flow as one as the law of one with all there is. Divine flow is your birth right as source and is in divine order with all there is.

Week 7 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of ”​Sacrifice" from the brain and body-reproductive system
The reproductive system is the creator/creation center of the body. It is the place where we both physically create life as physical form and energetically create life as energy and frequency.

To allow sacrifice within this system negates all of who you are from ever creating life, life as you know physical or physical life forms of free will.

We know you understand the soul chooses the life path of its own choosing, however what might not be known is when a human chooses life from sacrifice energy, usually through partnership, the path of that soul who chooses the energetic experience is also chosen. In other words the experience path of life experiences is guided from that of sacrifice.

This means souls who choose this experience may not be in full synergy and harmony with the host so to speak or mother and father. This is often why families seem to be in such disharmony.

To release sacrifice from this system will allow for true creation to occur from that that you are a creator being. Not from that that you have become.

As we release sacrifice from this system harmony is restored within the creator/creation center allowing the process of physical creation to be in harmony. This physical creation is both that of life forms and that of physical reality within and upon Gaia.

Week 8 - Restoring the original soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of "​Sacrifice" from the brain and body-the integumentary system
The integumentary system consists of the hair, skin and nails, it is the communication centers for the physical experience.

Frequencies move through and as these systems sending messages to all body parts and organ structures.

To allow for sacrifice within this system allows for all communication to be that of sacrifice, in other words it allows for all communication to the body to be that of holding, hiding, judging or experiencing that of another.

The frequency of sacrifice is that of letting another be, instead of oneself. It is a practice of hiding or shutting down.

To allow this as a communication to the body and body systems tells the body to go into flight or fight all the time. It creates a shutting down or in essence, a retreating to the mind and closing of the heart.

It creates the idea that things are not safe. Keeping you in survival all the time.

To release sacrifice from this system allows for you to experience your environment as pure experience. It allows you to feel your own senses and create your own experiences based on your own emotions. In other words it allows you to truly experience the zero point or the heart space, instead of the mind space.

As this occurs you are able to experience yourself as source and create instead of follow what has already been created. It allows you to move out of the limits and limitations and into the all possibilities.

Week 9 - Restoring the original soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of "​Sacrifice" from the brain and body-Brain
​The brain is the master computer so to speak of all the body systems. It is the go too for information to and from the body. It is the reasoner center of the body to the outside world.

As we communicate with the brain, the information given and received is communicated in multidimensional levels to the physical body and physical experience.

To allow for sacrifice within the brain creates a sacrifice frequency or energy moving within and outside of the physical experience. This experience interferes with the natural rhythm of your souls agreement to be here within and upon this physical experience. This sacrifice energy becomes the dictator of your entire experience.

As you allow this frequency within your physical body, the body systems become that of sacrifice. In other words, they no longer function at the rate of your soul signature but at the rate of the sacrifice frequency. This frequency carries many other frequencies, fear and lack are just a few.

To release sacrifice from the brain begins to free up the entire human experience to that of divine flow, the flow of life itself, the adventure of life and life force energy to be able to flow freely, this free flow allows for the creativity of your soul to engage your physical experience. This flow of experience will be for your physical body, allowing perfect health to exist as well as the flow to your entire life experience. This will allow for you to experience creativity that is of your soul essence, to create life as your heart truly desires.



9 Week Activation Series

Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “​Sacrifice” from the brain and body 9 week series
See package A above for more details.
A 9 week activation series to align your Soul’s essence to interact with your brain and physical body in pure unity consciousness with all things.

​50 Minute Personal Zoom Session with Cathleena

​50 Minute Personal Zoom Session with Cathleena


“​​On my spiritual journey there are only a few humans that I have experienced and known that have the level of multidimensional awareness that Cathleena possesses in relationship to frequencies. During group energy work she can zoom in on and discern the most minute frequencies that are playing out within the individuals as well as in the collective of the group. She is masterful at matching the frequencies required to alchemize and integrate deep healing work both in the micro of humanity as well as the macro of Gaia. However, what allows Cathleena to stand out in my heart as a true Master healer of humanity and Ambassador of Gaia is that she shows up authentically everyday holding the mirror up and diving deep into her own shadows, while coming out on the other side embodying more of her true God Self. It’s an honor to be on this Earth journey together as a friend and fellow Light Colleague.” ~ ​​Brooklin Rayne
“​​Hello to everybody who has the great fortune to meet Cathleena. I came down from Bhutan with extreme pain in my knees. I went to the doctor when I came back and they took an MRI-scan of my knees. They found a tumor in my knee. they knew the kind of tumor and said it had to be operated as soon as possible. They send the pictures to the hospital and they would contact me. In the mean time I had a session with Cathleena. She guided me in a state where we cut loose the tumor and made it in smaller pieces so it could be integrated by the body. It all felt very good and tingling. A week later the surgeon and his specialist team phoned me and told me that they cold not find the tumor any more. And that an operation was not needed.But what I liked the most about Cathleena is how she embraces you into her heart energy. You feel so cared for. She easy taps into your energy fields and really connects with you. I felt so connected and cared for and somehow all by doubt melted away. I sincerely hope that many people may benefit from her extra ordinary gift and her warm personality. I feel extremely blessed to know her. Thank you very much dearest Cathleena.” ~ ​Bar-che Dorje, Buddhist teacher at Nyingma Aro gTÃ
“​​When I found out Cathleena was going to be in my hometown for a lecture, I immediately felt a strong nudge (push, shove!) to book a private session with her. At the time, I didn’t know a lot about Cathleena’s work but I was inexplicably drawn to her. I am so grateful I followed that inner wisdom to connect with her! I can honestly say that I left my session with Cathleena not FEELING like a new person – I WAS a new person. In the days that followed my clearing and reset, I felt surges of euphoria that I have never experienced before. The energy was palpable and electric. I have since come to realize my frequency did, in fact, change and my body was adjusting to the new energy. The feeling was profoundly liberating. I have met with many different practitioners over the years but my session with Cathleena was extraordinary. I’m so happy I purchased a Frequency Adjuster of my own so I can continue to attune and balance my energy moving forward. Thank you, Cathleena for sharing your tremendous love and light with others!” ~ ​​Kelly DiPucchio, Author

​Cathleena Hailley

Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and in particular with Jesus, Metatron, and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint. As the lineage of the life Architect her Crystalline DNA signature not only carries the frequency of perfect pitch to align to the original Human templet, Earth templet and this Universes templet, but continually recalibrate this alignment.
Having incarnated as an Arcturian, Andromedan, and as a member of the Council of 9 Galactic Collective, Cathleena brings the knowledge of human patterns of existence, along with her extensive knowledge and work with interplanetary and galactic portals. Through this, she accesses human patterning with galactic information, technologies and energies to fully access their original soul’s blueprint. Cathleena has a business degree and has worked with many professionals and medical practitioners in her massage therapy practice for over 28 years, she has experienced layers of human patterning, personalities, and life expressions. Her background in massage, using techniques as Rolfing and Myofascial has allowed her to begin to access more subtle energies connected to the emotional patterning that creates an individual’s life. Through her understanding of sacred geometry, she has channeled a vibrational device from the Arcturian collective. Cathleena now uses all of her business knowledge and experience with sacred geometry to align with her resetting the crystalline DNA.
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