​​Pets as Ascension Guides Masterclass with Denise Mange
Please join Denise Mange and me as we talk about ​​Pets as Ascension Guides​.
Join ​us and your animal companion ​in a transformational discussion on how your animal companions help you bridge energies from 3D and 5D realities.
Through exploring your bond with your pets, learn to see and experience the world and all relationships in your life more deeply, so that each pet nuzzle, color, symbol, shape, emotion and number helps point you toward the next step in your ascension path.
Join ​us to explore:
  • ​How sacred contracts between humans and animal companions – whether embodied or transitioned -- allow you to journey into a deeper relationship with yourself and step more fully into your gifts and broader role in the universe
  • ​How our pets and animals in the wild are handling major energetic clearings on our behalf
  • ​Ways that animal companions walk alongside you helping you bridge 3D and 5D realities
  • ​How animal companions help you release old stories and co- create a new, more soul-aligned narrative
  • ​The cosmic connections animal companions are helping us anchor into our new reality
  • ​How working with pets, chakras, sacred geometry and numerology can actually help you develop your intuition, call in your tribe, and propel you on your ascension path
Denise will be offering mini readings live on the call.
  • ​One on One 30-Minute Intuitive Reading Session
  • ​Translating Your Pet’s Behavior  (Recorded Presentation)
  • Guided Journey To Meet Your Power Animal (MP3)
  • Clearing Through Animals (PDF)
  • Journey To The Akashic Realm (MP3)
  • Bonus: Join The Monthly Pet Prana Membership Oracle Card Reading (Live Zoom)
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Value $​​382 - Special Offer $​149

​​Are you ready to unleash the transformative power of the relationship with your pet and allow your spiritual gifts blossom?
Are you ready to vibrate at your authentic soul frequency and attract more heart-centered people, experiences, and opportunities?
Through exploring your relationship with animal companions, by releasing energetic clutter, and journeying to higher realms, you can access a deeper relationship with yourself and your role in the universe.
Join me and your animal companion on a transformational program to unleash higher vibes for 2024 and beyond.

​Enjoy a 30-minute reading to go deep with Denise and the energies supporting you to learn more about the role your animal companion is here to play in your life, identify what energetic clutter you are ready to release, reveal what energies and consciousnesses are here to support you at this moment of your journey, and get your questions answered. At the end of the reading, you'll receive a recording of our time together.

​Dig into this pre-recorded audio on the new way forward in pet guardianship and how your pet and the natural world act as a mirror to help you identify and replace energetic patterns in your life that might be holding you back. Discover why it is important to take an observer’s stance, the role of the chakras in creating shifts in yourself and your pet’s behavior, and the most important questions that can propel you on your path of transformation alongside your furry, scaled, finned or feathered friends.
​Every animal carries its own magic. And as we connect more mindfully with the energy of our power animals, we can tap into that same energy and wisdom to help guide us along our path. In this recorded audio guided journey, we will tap into a power animal that wants to support you and your pets at this moment. You can revisit this guided journey anytime you are seeking wisdom or support from the animal kingdom.
​Fetch a PDF explaining the different energies that affect our own on a daily basis, and learn a guided process to help you instantly and effortlessly clear energy from the collective, ancestral lineage, those around you, and your own limiting beliefs via the animals. Use this practical technique throughout your day to vibe at your highest frequency.
​The pure love we have for our animal companions is one of the strongest access points to help us more quickly and efficiently tap into the high vibrational energy of other dimensions, realms, and timelines. Sit, Stay, and Relax with a 24-minute journey in which you are invited to explore the Akashic Realm alongside the energy of your pet and Lion. To effectively embark with any journey with your pet and access this realm, follow the steps in the PDF to leverage the portal energy created by the love you share with your pet.

​Get a glimpse at what it’s like to be part of our Soul Pack Membership by joining the pack via zoom for an animal oracle card reading, where each participant receives a card and mini reading.


​"This philosophy has been so helpful in bridging the gap between the more traditional behavioral training I have done and the training I have done on the more energetic side. I love that this philosophy addresses both! What you have developed and incorporated into this work is really amazing and I've seen differences already within my dog and myself."
"Denise is gifted beyond words. Her ability to bridge both animal behavior and energetics that are at play behind the scenes is very deep and profound. I have worked with her via readings, numerology for my dogs, and online courses, and each time has been very special and moving. I cannot say enough about what a beautiful spirit Denise is!"
"​Denise helped our family in ways no one else could. I refer to Denise as The Intuitive's Intuitive. As both an Intuitive and an Empath myself, I am very choosy with whom I trust to accurately read energy and also provide compassionate insight and support. I trust her wholeheartedly. One reading with Denise will change your world."
"​​Kind. Compassionate. Insightful. Trustworthy. These are just a few words that come to mind when I think of Denise, but barely scratch the surface of who Denise is.She's a game changer."
"​​​Denise is an amazing intuitive, with such a huge compassionate heart. My reading today was a huge gift and has helped so much in lifting much of the sadness and helping me understand the transition of my beloved."
"​​​​Denise’s reading was profound. Her information was spot on and continues giving me clarity after our reading. Her contribution to my life is priceless. She is meant to do this work and help many more to come."
​“Denise is one of those rare people that claim she has a connection with animals and actually does.”

​Denise Mange

Pet Expert, Pet Intuitive & Founder of Pet Prana®

Denise Mange is a certified dog trainer and pet intuitive. After a decade of working at some of the most prestigious advertising agencies in New York City, Denise left Madison Avenue to work with pets and their humans, eventually creating her own mindful pet lifestyle brand, Pet Prana®. Combining traditional training techniques with energetic considerations of pet guardianship, Denise’s work highlights how everyday interactions with our pets have the power to transform us.
Her proprietary process, Translating Beyond Behavior, provides a roadmap to how your pet’s behaviors can give you specific insight into the transformation that is ready to take place, including which habits, beliefs, and patterns to release so that you and your pet can vibe higher. Think of it as self-help, for Pet's sake! Through Pet Prana®, Denise offers best-in-show pet training classes, one-of-a-kind courses on energetic aspects of pet guardianship, remote animal communication sessions, and free resources. Her articles have been featured in publications spanning from pet guardianship to conscious living. Denise has been interviewed on numerous radio shows and podcasts, has sat on expert panels, and has been a featured speaker on keynote stages. Denise received her BS from Boston University, her dog trainer certification from Animal Behavior College, and is a certified Intuitive Energy Reader through top experts in the field.
  • ​One on One 30-Minute Intuitive Reading Session
  • ​Translating Your Pet’s Behavior  (Recorded Presentation)
  • Guided Journey To Meet Your Power Animal (MP3)
  • Clearing Through Animals (PDF)
  • Journey To The Akashic Realm (MP3)
  • Bonus: Join The Monthly Pet Prana Membership Oracle Card Reading (Live Zoom)
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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