​​​​​​Healing, Purpose and Mastery in 2024 with Whale Consciousness and Ocean Light Masterclass with ​​​​​Natasa Stojanovic
Please join ​​​​​Natasa Stojanovic and me as we talk about ​​​​​Healing, Purpose and Mastery in 2024 with Whale Consciousness and Ocean Light​.
Join ​us to explore:
  • What 2024 is inviting us into so that we can move on with more flow and live aligned with our divine blueprint
  • How your soul calling might be inviting you into personal growth and the exact healing you need (personal story)
  • The missing link when it comes to truly changing our lives and following our calling
  • ​The power of Ocean Light and Whale Consciousness Codes for healing and expansion
  • How swimming with humpback whales in their natural environment can be a life changing experience
  • More Practical ways to connect more deeply with the whales and their healing power, and to receive the codes of light the ocean and the whales are here to share with us
  • ​​45 minutes 1:1 Quantum Leap Ocean Light and Whale Frequency Activation & Healing Session
  • ​​Releasing the fear of being seen, heard and fully expressed (Pre Recorded Audio)
  • ​​60 minutes 1:1 Quantum Leap Ocean and Whale Frequency Activation & Healing session
  • ​​Releasing the fear of being seen, heard and fully expressed (Pre Recorded Audio)
  • ​​25 minute Guidance and Integration Session
  • Bonus - ​Transmute overwhelm and stress into flow, peace and calm (Pre-​Recorded Audio)
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE A - Value $​​​​​​​277
​​Special Offer $​​​​1​​11

​45 minutes 1:1 Quantum Leap Ocean Light and Whale Frequency Activation & Healing Session
​Heal what is holding you back and rise to the next level of your potential, expression and calling.

You can receive support in any area of your life.
This is for you if you wish to:
  • show up more powerfully for your spiritual gifts and divine service
  • activate your DNA to the next level of potential and expression
  • heal and transmute old wounds, limiting patterns and beliefs holding you back in any area of your life
  • reclaim your authenticity, sovereignty and freedom to be you
  • ground into more vitality, wellbeing, flow, joy and peace or
  • find clarity about your next inspired and aligned steps
This session is a combination of the most powerful healing modalities with channeling pure divine Codes of Ocean Light - transmissions of light, sound, frequency and information-, creating the vibrational field to allow your DNA to remember who you truly are and why you are here.
More often than not, the magnificent whales and dolphins will join to bring their amazing healing energy to the session.

PACKAGE ​B - Value $​​​​​​​​111
​​Special Offer $​​​​​44

​New Channeled Transmission & Activation
Releasing the fear of being seen, heard and fully expressed

(powerful channeled pre recorded audio)
​​This is far more than an activation. It is a powerful channeled message and vibrational experience to support you to rise as the lightworker that you are.

It speaks to all who wish to heal what keeps them back of expressing freely, share their voice and gifts more powerfully, and rise and shine as the love and light that we all are in truth.

Every time you listen to this recording, you will hear something new and experience a new level of consciousness.

PACKAGE ​​C - Value $​​​​​​​​​644
​​Special Offer $​​​​​244

​60 minutes 1:1 Quantum Leap Ocean and Whale Frequency Activation & Healing session
​​​If you wish to go deeper, this is for you.
Heal what is holding you back and rise to the next level of your potential, expression and calling.

You can receive support in any area of your life.
This is for you if you wish to:
  • show up more powerfully for your spiritual gifts and divine service
  • activate your DNA to the next level of potential and expression
  • heal and transmute old wounds, limiting patterns and beliefs holding you back
  • reclaim your authenticity, sovereignty and freedom to be you
  • ground into more vitality, flow, wellbeing, joy and peace or
  • find clarity about your next inspired and aligned steps
This session is a combination of the most powerful healing modalities with channeling pure divine Codes of Ocean Light - transmissions of light, sound, frequency and information-, creating the vibrational field to allow your DNA to remember who you truly are and why you are here.

More often than not, the magnificent whales and dolphins will join to bring their amazing healing energy to the session.

​Releasing the fear of being seen, heard and fully expressed

(new and powerful channeled transmission - pre recorded audio)
​This is far more than an activation. It is a powerful channeled message and vibrational experience to support you to rise as the lightworker that you are.

It speaks to all who wish to heal what keeps them back of expressing freely, share their voice and gifts more powerfully, and rise and shine as the love and light that we all are in truth.

Every time you listen to this recording, you will hear something new and experience a new level of consciousness.

​25 minute Guidance and Integration Session
​So often we receive the guidance, the inspiration, the codes, the healing…. And we feel elated for a while, but then… until life catches up again.

Often it is because we are not taking action in this physical reality, we do not take the time to rewire our nervous system or we do not ground the changes through aligned practices.

In this session, we address exactly that piece, the next steps, grounding the changes into your being, nervous system and life. 

You will receive guidance for your most aligned next steps, so you can live as the next version of yourself in this physical reality.

I will lead you through questions, help you tune into your own intuition and wisdom, and transmit the guidance that I receive from spirit so you can be the change you wish to see in your life and the world.
​Bonus: Transmute overwhelm and stress into flow, peace and calm Ocean Light Language Meditation and Activation
(expansive pre-recorded audio)
​In this meditation and activation, you will be guided to fully land in your body before receiving a powerful healing activation from the Ocean Light and her beings, the magnificent whales and dolphins.

This soothing and expansive activation helps you to release what is not yours, raise your vibration and rebalance your energy.
You will leave rejuvenated and restored, feeling more grounded and at peace.


​"​​​Amazing breakthrough session with Natasa! I planned this call to overcome money and success blocks. During the discussion, Natasa identified a belief and a pattern I had, and we focused the healing energy on it. Then, I had a vision of a very specific moment of my childhood where this belief had been created. We released it and all the emotions associated with it through sound, music, visualization, it was very powerful and emotional! Afterwards, I felt liberated and my fear dissolved. Three days later, my book was announced as a finalist of a Book Awards in the UK! Since, I had amazing career opportunities, and most of all I feel fearless and aligned. I am so grateful for Natasa, she's kind, compassionate and very professional. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to transform and become the best version of themselves." -  ​​Laëtitia Nguyen
​"​​​​I had a session with Natasa at the height of experiencing acute back pain that was shooting up from my shoulder into my neck and head. She did an energy clearing session with me and I felt relief right after the session and the pain completely left my body within 5 days. She guided me through a meditation where she help me identify some unprocessed emotions and then did an activation where she channeled light language that was so beautiful and POWERFUL. I could feel the energy shifting within me and releasing from my body. I felt so safe and loved in her presence which no doubt allowed what needed to come to the surface to be cleared. It felt like she intuitively KNEW exactly what I needed in our session. I feel so lucky that I had this experience with Natasa. She is truly an incredibly gifted healer!" -  ​​​​Robin Maharay
​“​​I have had the blessing of doing 2 sessions with Natasa thus far and found both experiences to be profoundly life giving. As a psychotherapist and healer myself, I was impressed by Natasa’s capacity to go deeply into spirit to source the energy to transform generational trauma energetically. She is incredibly attuned. Her work and radiant presence are transformational and life giving. I truly found her a joy to work with. It is my honor to recommend the work of Nataša to those who are on the path of awakening and healing. My experience is that Nataša is a profoundly gifted healer working from source to heal and empower others. She is of utmost integrity and truly brings her passion and joy for sharing the light language to awaken the light within." - ​Susan Beth Dorfman
​“​The clarity from ocean light language is too amazing for words. To clear so much so quickly and it’s not something that happens and then disappears, it’s lasting. Words that had tightness and tripped me are light and easy now. Natasa is so present, not just with me but the message she carried. I know without doubt it was as I was meant to receive it, without question. We’re often led to believe that it will take a long time to clear something but it’s not necessarily true. Working with Natasa is as light as air, as deep as the deepest ocean all wrapped in love and care.  You know your highest good is above all." - ​​​​Jill C. Brown
​"I had a very beautiful healing session with Natasa. Her energy is extremely pure, which is important to me when choosing a healer or coach to work with. Natasa brought absolute love and light into the session, and I felt her compassion and presence with me the entire time. She tuned into my emotions and energy, and everything that she shared resonated at a deep level. Natasa has an amazing gift to channel Ocean Light Language and energy. She combined this with her other powerful tools to create an amazing healing container. I look forward to doing deeper work with Natasa in the future. She is a great leader and guide to assist others in stepping into the New Earth energies." - ​​​​​Cymry Mongan
​“​Natasa was a light I recognized instantly on a soul level. During our session we were held by pure loving and powerful energy, which allowed an incredible transmutation and healing of my solar plexus. As it turned from faded yellow to radiant pure gold, I experienced a higher alignment of identity with my soul’s essence. The ripple effects still continue, and I am forever grateful for her guidance at a critical stage during my journey of wholeness." - ​​Lizete Morais
​“​​Natasha holds a very warm, nurturing high vibe container that is sacred and pure. I feel her beautiful light language gently touch inside me, transmuting the density, no longer serving me, powerfully penetrating, dissolving and expanding me all at once to new awareness and possibilities I get to now explore and play from. Natasha is the real deal. Thank you lovely Natasha for holding space for me, for my dolphins and my dragon in this way. You really spoke to my essence today and that feels great as I continue to unwind, integrate and own my power like never before to be of the greatest service to All. I really look forward to exploring the mystery and unfolding of what I'm birthing into now! Namaste." - ​​​Katherine Lia
​“​​​I just re-experienced our session from 2 weeks ago, and once again, it was so beautiful.  You are a Master Healer and I love feeling the dolphin energy!  So much wounding cleared in my belly and I
really loved hearing the messages from Source… So Empowering.  Forever Grateful!" - ​​​​​Susan Harvie Smith
​“​​​​My intentions for this retreat were to help me to improve my health, on all levels: having just been through some traumatic times,  I needed to reconnect with my own inner wisdom & strengths to overcome PTSD, anxiety, and physical unfitness. My shifts began as soon as I committed to the trip and retreat (as is the way of these things). This knowing of what a powerful, healing, heart-connection with the whales would be, pulled me forward into the actions, mindsets, and re-membering of healthier habits I so needed to embody - for the trip and for my life. During the retreat I was able to completely focus on my wellbeing needs and this resulted in noticable shifts in better sleep, better energy, better focus, and better clarity on my path going forward. These were all goals I have been actively pursuing for some time, so to see clear shifts at the end of the week was certainly excellent! There were many further opportunities to see where my limiting beliefs were showing up, and where some were more the issue than physical limitations.Natasa has a wonderful talent with her Light Language activations and guided meditations. One meditation in particular, mid-week, became a very strong energy healing session for me, I am extremely grateful for these results! She holds up 'mirrors' to see old patterns too, and this is very helpful in moving forward, free of past conditionings. Natasa holds open a portal, an invitation into possibility, for your self & your growth that I encourage you to step into! It is certainly a magical retreat in a unique setting with beautiful souls all around. With much gratitude!" - ​​​​​​Tracey Willms Deane - Artist, Author, & Transformation Navigator
​“​​​I the feel prepared to walk my path and be the light I am, to share my gifts. I am prepared to powerfully be me.
 Thank you Natasa from the bottom of my heart." - ​​​​​Claudia Sasse, New Earth Leadership guide
​“​​​I the feel prepared to walk my path and be the light I am, to share my gifts. I am prepared to powerfully be me.
 Thank you Natasa from the bottom of my heart." - ​​​​​Claudia Sasse, New Earth Leadership guide
​“​​​Through our sessions I could release my trauma, which I could not do in years of support from a psychologist. Due to her empathetic nature, Natasa has opened a huge oasis of trust for me, which gave me the opportunity to look deep within, to allow that which was so burdening to heal, to be joyful and aware of how I am treating myself." - ​​​​Andrea
​“​The session with you was very valuable to me. My fear of bears, which I had after witnessing the Accident at the bear park is gone. 
 I wish you a lot of success with your work and hope that many people will be able to benefit from it." - ​​​​​F.G.

​​Natasa Stojanovic

​Natasa Stojanovic is a Channel of the Ocean Light, Whale Retreat Leader, Frequency Healer, Speaker, Mentor and Mother. Deeply connected to her ancient heritage of Galactic Ocean Consciousness, Natasa is masterful at transmitting divine frequencies of Ocean Light, Whales and Dolphins to help leaders, lightworkers and wayshowers transcend their experience of limitation and truly live as the light that they are–while being grounded in this physical expression of reality.
Natasa empowers her clients through mentorship and Ocean Light Retreats to activate their DNA and soul’s gifts, so that they share their calling by embodying the expansion that they bring to the world.

Her life-changing Whale Magic Retreats provide the experience to swim with the sacred humpback whales, be immersed in their frequency and the Ocean as a conduit, and receive their transmissions first hand. Having over 20 years of experience in leadership-, team-, personal and spiritual development, Natasa is trained in various modalities of Energy Psychology, Energy Healing, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Coaching, and Experiential Learning. She believes that we are here to live as infinite divine love embodied, which not only is the truth of who we are, but the way we shift our personal and collective experience. Her mission is to support humanity in awakening and co-creating New Earth through expanding consciousness and activating our hearts and unlimited potential stored in our DNA. When she is not expressing herself as a mentor, speaker, retreat leader or mother, you have a good chance to find her enjoying her many passions - you guessed it -  in, on or by the ocean.
  • ​​45 minutes 1:1 Quantum Leap Ocean Light and Whale Frequency Activation & Healing Session
  • ​​Releasing the fear of being seen, heard and fully expressed (Pre Recorded Audio)
  • ​​60 minutes 1:1 Quantum Leap Ocean and Whale Frequency Activation & Healing session
  • ​​Releasing the fear of being seen, heard and fully expressed (Pre Recorded Audio)
  • ​​25 minute Guidance and Integration Session
  • Bonus - ​Transmute overwhelm and stress into flow, peace and calm (Pre-​Recorded Audio)
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali(Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

© 202​4 ​Shefali (Alara) Burns - All Rights Reserved. IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Awaken To Happiness Now & ​Shefali (Alara) Burns have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. REFUND POLICY: Awaken To Happiness Now & ​Shefali (Alara) Burns appreciate and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30 day, no questions asked Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90 day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session or a no-refund policy, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30 day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.