​​​​​​Authentic Visibility: ​​Step into the spotlight & be deeply nourished (impact, income & connections) Masterclass with ​​​​​Catherine OConnor
Please join ​​​​​Catherine OConnor and me as we talk about ​​​​​​Authentic Visibility: ​​Step into the spotlight & be deeply nourished (impact, income & connections)​.
In this experiential conversation, you will discover and receive energetic frequency and information supporting an exploration of being authentically visible.
This conversation will explore key concepts;
  • Developing a secure sense of self, enables you to create that which is aligned and perfect for you. You may discover that you are powerful beyond measure. 
  • Through anchoring your authentic self you open the doors to empowered speech, thoughts and action. The higher mind is a natural state of being  Thus you access your ability to naturally create an abundance of nourishing resources like money, inspiring relationships, success, and time with your loved ones.
  • And through connecting with your heart, you will act with potency and love upholding the integrity of your values. 
  • Common fears and the root of these fears that may prevent you from being authentically visible to yourself, others and the multiverse.
We explore the idea that as you embrace being visible to yourself and others you reveal your fears, the aspects of your being that leave you feeling overworked, frightened to be seen, rejected, and depleted. With compassionate understanding, we discuss the process of loving all aspects of yourself, and through love unlocking the power to be an authentic leader.
  • ​Step into the spotlight;  Live 90-minute Masterclass
  • ​Stepping into the ​Light of YOU;  ​60 minute 1-2-1 Session with Catherine
  • ​Everything in Package A
  • Everything in Package B
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE A - Value $​​​​​​​​​​197

​​​​​​65% Off - Special Offer $​​​​​​​67

Step into the spotlight;  Live 90-minute Masterclass

Step into the spotlight;  Live 90-minute Masterclass
Release fears of being seen and step into the light being authentically confident

Do you,  Divine creator, deeply desire to be authentic? Do you want to know and speak your truth with confidence? Do you long for aligned relationships calibrated to respect and love? Are you thinking about shifting your “work” towards a True expression of you? Does magic, synchronicity, and flow sound like an attractive match?
Are you hiding your unique genius from yourself or others? Are you dimming your light to fit into your family system, culture, or work environment? Are you covering your true desires from yourself or the world? Are you, cosmic citizen, feeling sad, anxious, or overwhelmed?

Then this master class may be your next powerful step towards being authentically visible.

You know you are here to contribute, voice your spiritual truth, and actualize your heart's desires with confidence.

In this ninety-minute live group masterclass you will;
  • Discover the root of one core ancient visibility fear 
  • Clear this fear
  • Unlock codes of happiness and confidence
  • Unlock a code of authentic visibility
  • Align to a profound sense of internal freedom 
  • Discover your power to create your happiness through you being you
  • Unlock the potency of love residing within your heart.
Catherine will be partnering with Thoth and beings of light in light of the ninth dimension and higher. 
Date: June 20 at 8.00am NZT
June 19 at 4.00pm EDT; 1.00pm PDT

PACKAGE ​B - Value $​​​​​​​​​​​​400

​​​​​​​75% Off - Special Offer $​​​​​​​​97

​Stepping into the light of you;  ​60 minute 1-2-1 WITH CATHERINE

Stepping into the light of you;  60 minute 1-2-1 WITH CATHERINE
1-2-1 Alignment transmission with Catherine, Thoth, and beings of light in light.
Are you ready to; align to your Truth and authentic expression of Divine you, clear mental and emotional patterns that may be standing in the way of you fully incarnating you, and activate a deeper sense of your true self?

If you are deeply desiring to step into your Truth and have the relationship, career, home, holiday, and magic you are here to create.

Then this potent collaboration may be your next powerful step.

In this customized 60 minute 1-2-1 we will focus on one area of your internal landscape and/or outer physical reality; exploring together how you would like this area to feel and be plus what is asking to shift: Diving deep to re-calibrate your inner world towards greater states of love, so you may create more of the life you are designed to experience.

Catherine will be working with her unique mastery as a sacred architect whilst partnering with Thoth and other masters in light.

PACKAGE ​​C - Value $​​​​​​​​​​​​597

​​​​​​​7​8% Off - Special Offer $​​​​​​​​​133

Step into the spotlight;  Live 90-minute Masterclass

Step into the spotlight;  Live 90-minute Masterclass
Release fears of being seen and step into the light being authentically confident

​Stepping into the light of you;  ​60 minute 1-2-1 WITH CATHERINE

Stepping into the light of you;  60 minute 1-2-1 WITH CATHERINE
1-2-1 Alignment transmission with Catherine, Thoth, and beings of light in light.


​"​Catherine is a magical Sacred Architect. The energy she brings through with her light language and activations is of such a high vibration; I feel somehow both more peaceful, expansive, and more of the Truth of myself just being in her presence."
​"​I am in deep gratitude for Catherine’s robust transmission. Through her voice, light language, and the energy she transmits, I am filled with a deep, soul-level remembering of Divine Love. It awakens the cells of my physical body and consciousness to many profoundly beautiful forgotten Truths. If you would like to connect to the Truth of who you are and how loved you are by the Divine, I HIGHLY recommend exploring Catherine’s offerings."
​"​​​​​​The transmissions of Catherine are such a Divine gift. When she channels her light language, it nurtures your system and unlocks the potential that is ready to be revealed from the depth of your being. The Crystalline frequencies she transmits come from the stars. They connect you with your Star origin. It is such a gift and a blessing to work with Catherine, and I am so thankful she is sharing her gifts with the world."

​Catherine O'Connor

Catherine is a sacred architect, and channel of infinite knowledge and Divine love magic. Working with sensitives, creators, healers, leaders and change makers who want to connect to their Truth, amplify their mastery bringing their unique voice forward, she creates sacred-committed-nourishing environments, deactivating  separation patterns to expansive-multidimensional-authentic Self expressions empowering efficient light embodied connections, impact and resources Integrating psychotherapeutic understanding with a refined connection to Thoth aligning and activating an experiential sense of the inner god/dess; 
Catherine has a Post Graduate Diploma in Drama and in Child Mental Health, Certification in Quantum Light, training in Arcturian healing, aromatherapy, spontaneity, yoga, anthroposophy, and psychodrama. Catherine loves the ocean, mountains, and forests. She has three grown children and continues to enjoy spending time with each of them.
  • Step into the spotlight;  Live 90-minute Masterclass
  • ​Stepping into the ​Light of YOU;  ​60 minute 1-2-1 Session with Catherine
  • ​Everything in Package A
  • Everything in Package B
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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