Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Control” From the Brain and Body Masterclass with Cathleena Hailley
Please join Cathleena Hailley and me as we talk about Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Control” from the Brain and Body.

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Restoring the Original Soul Fragmentation and Releasing the Imprint of “Control” from the Brain and Body 9 Week Series
A 9 week activation series to align your Soul’s essence to interact with your brain and physical body in pure unity consciousness with all things.
Restoring the beginning Soul fragmentation imprint
Because of the indoctrination of false frequencies, we have experienced Soul fragmentation or quantum entanglement, which has caused humanity to become a story instead of the amazing Source sovereign creator that we are. Through false light and sound signatures there has been an imprint of certain false frequencies of which consciousness has aligned itself to, through this quantum entanglement.
The brain chemistry is malleable, that is, its composition to matter is easily changed. Through an understanding of how matter is influenced by brain waves or frequencies will allow for the creation of brain waves of your choosing to exist.
We will step into the brain as frequency, as sound and light, to bring the brain itself into a synergy with all body systems, as divine union of self with self, divine Hieros/Gamos with divine creator or source as consciousness.
This is the main frequency to engage with the brain as a pathway of grace and ease for the brain to understand and interact with consciousness as source consciousness.
To bring the brain in synergy with the body systems and all matter is to begin the zero balance point or opening, like a portal, of divine information (consciousness) easy access.
We will be stepping into the brain and body systems with a zero point of brain function as understanding. An understanding of self to your body, your relationship to the body, to call back home the original fragmentation or Soul fragmentation imprint of specific emotional responses. This will free up the story they carry that has been the unconscious Director of your life experiences.

9 Week Activation Series

Week 1 - ​Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Control" from the brain and body-Cardiovascular system

To allow for control to engage into this system allows for the separation of all that you are to exist. The idea of controlling a system which is your divine essence is the game being played on this planet. All that exists is created through methods of control. The illusion that there is something to protect or be afraid of.

This mechanism of using your light as that which you do not choose, is a mastermind method of control itself. To allow for further control to exist within this system, allows for the greatest separation of self from that that you are, pure source consciousness, all there is.

As we move into this frequency there may be many distortions that appear to be of use to your system, the idea of controlling your diet for instance, is one you are given, yet this idea based on control as an outside energy is further using your light.

To allow for the heart to rest in a place of release or forgiveness or surrender, will allow for the natural flow or rhythm to occur through a natural synergy of this body functioning, through this letting go and allowing you, as source, to experience this rhythm. You will have a natural knowing of that that will continue the harmony and flow within this body and thus within the earth experience.

As we disengage the frequency of control, the entire experience of this paradigm begins to come alive with opportunities and experiences most have never known to exist. We will dive deep within the cardiovascular system to release all substance of control as to revive life itself as an authentic experience. Allow divine flow and learn to receive your true essence as the guiding force of your human experience.

Week 2 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Control” from the brain and body-Digestive and Urinary systems
To allow for control within these body systems allows for your identity as self to be reduced to that of your ego self. The one who digest life itself and sends it self out to the world. The frequency of control enables the frequencies of doubt, worry, fear, self discouragement, to exist within your being.

To allow these frequencies to exist within the digestion of the body or the digesting of life as you know it, will only lead to confusion and despair as there is no control to creation as creation, as self, as creator of being.

The idea of control, ingesting, means you are allowing other forces,entities, energies to dictate your existence as self, as a person or a body and, to allow this within the urinary system means you are digesting or eliminating this person back into the world. Can you see how this does not allow for creation, but instead only and Image of that which you are holding in place of your self.

To release the frequency of control from the digestion or ingesting and processing, allows for life to exist. To begin true living from a place of true creation, as to ingest and digest, light, life, truth or the absence of control or holding or shrinking your light, allows for the flow of your light into your existence and then to allow this light to be given back to that that you exist upon and with, through the elimination of the urinary system.

As we remove control from the systems the idea of pure presence exists and a true experience of emotional frequencies as self is experienced.

Week 3 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Control” from the brain and body-Endocrine and Lymphatic systems
To allow for control within these body systems allows for life force energy to be controlled or used by those who know this process. In other words, to allow for the frequency of control is to shrink your light so to speak, to disengage that that you are from the physical experience.

All that you exist within the parameters of this earth experience lies within the physical body, although you as soul or energy is much greater than this, your experience of the earth is through this vessel we call a body.

As we enter this body, our light or source flow self, moves and communicates with all that exist has the physical body. As we enter into this human paradigm and experience, self control, we are in fact allowing our light to be used by others, as this process of self control, is in fact a shrinking of your light. This is what is referred to as soul fragmentation.

As we allow for our truth, our true essence, to guide us, instead of the human dialogue of self control, given by the beliefs of the collective, we have a greater expansion of light or our life force energy, to be the guiding force within our physical bodies.

As we expand our own truth and the light, we allow for the truth of human experience as source to be felt and experienced.

Add control has entered these body systems, it allows for other frequencies to be engaged that are also about control or use Love your light, which causes disease as you know them. Many auto immune disease is are formed this way.
To disengage control from the systems, will allow for your essence or source light to be the driving force of your physical experience.

Week 4 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Control” from the brain and body-Muscular and Nervous systems
To allow for control to enter into these body systems, allows for all that you are, moving around this world or existence, to be that of a puppet so to speak; to control all movement both physically and energetically, as these systems represent both of these elements. The muscular as the physical body movement through space and time and the nervous as energetic movement of emotions and frequencies.

These systems are being controlled through the frequency of dominance, separation, illusion of needing to keep moving in order to produce, create.

To allow for the frequency of control to engage within these systems creates an energetics control of all other systems, as movement or creation within your physical experience.

As we disengage this control from these systems we allow for all systems to release their illusion of control, that is, we allow for movement as energy of universal law to exist. That which creates life allows life to exist.

This means that the function of movement as energy of creation itself follows a movement of its own based on universal principles or its own unique frequency. As control is disengaged, this movement will move as creation naturally. This idea of natural is the law of one, all things move in synergy to all things.

Humans when engaging control within these systems, take out the natural rhythm or flow of frequencies as their natural creative process. To allow for the release of control will allow for the natural flow of the creative ability of all frequencies to move in their harmonic synergistic rhythm. This will allow for a perfect health to occur within the system, greater awareness of what you are experiencing and a greater ability to know what physical movement is to be created next.

Week 5 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the frequency of “Control" from the brain and body-Skeletal system
To allow for control within the skeletal system, allows for the structure of your beingness or your creativeness to be that of rigid or stagnant form.

Add control creates a frequency of holding, of stagnation or a keeping of the natural flow of life force energy in an inauthentic rhythm. This within the skeletal system, the structural system of the body, keeps in unauthentic blueprint in place. This does not allow for a fluid masculine representation to exist as physical.

The overabundance of false masculine energy on the planet is further illustrated by this control within the physical structure of creation itself. The very systems playing out within you are society or mimicking the structural control within your skeletal system, as you are willing to become rigid, as your creator self not allowing a natural flow of your original blueprint to exist but instead allowing or dictating of structures to be formed outside of the natural rhythm all things moving as the law of one.

Structures as you know it is designed to keep humanity Limited to force parameters of structure itself, very forms of structure you see even as physical structures, only further enhance the false masculine control of limits and limitations.To remove control from these systems, will allow for the geometries of nature to engage as structure ,to create this process of creation as structure.

Week 6 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the frequency of “Control” from the brain and body-Respiratory system
To allow for control within this body system allows for the control of life in the physical to exist or not exist. This means the breath of life, the movement of spirit through time as physical as life.

To allow for control of the breath, takes away the natural flow of life force energy as its natural rhythm as breath itself or as the air you breathe, the element of air as a frequency or energy as life force of movement and flow.

The false matrix emphasizes the use of control through breath by activating many other frequencies that interfere with breath itself as well as engaging many harmful chemicals to the distort the mechanism of breath flow as physical, as the lungs and respiratory system itself. This further emphasizes the emotional frequencies engaged in the control of breath of fear, fight or flight, worry, anxiety and many many others, all designed to siphon life force energy.

To released control from the breath as a frequency and engage an element of connectedness to breath as awareness of life force energy and flow, will allow for the reconnection aspects of dormant DNA and the higher self or Oversouls blueprint of your Souls origination as source.

As creator beings, breath is a huge part of your creator/ creation in physical form. To reclaim your natural ability to flow breath, will reclaim Soul fragments far beyond what you may be aware of. Aspects of self are constantly shifting through the whole thing of breath.

Week 7 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of ”Control" from the brain and body-reproductive system
To allow for control within the reproductive system allows for the manipulation of the creative process to occur. The reproductive system house is the creator/creation center of your being ness as a human being, even men have this creator center as the divine womb of all creation.

The control of the system has caused many of the distortions of humans capacity to feel compassion for all others, as this system carries the emotional frequencies of joy and life force energy to the rest of the body. The distortion has caused this feeling of joy to be limited to that of the orgasmic experience of what you must now experience as sexual intimacy.

This is grossly distorted. The experience of this energetics experience is only letting go of your natural creating energy and life force energy. It is a way to allow the body to lose its life force energy and dissipate the creative life force itself.

To release control from this system, will reestablish the frequencies of true compassion, back to the souls journey as physical being and allow for a greater flow of life force energy two the divine womb or creator center.

This in humanity is a huge step toward the true recognition as self, as all or the authentic law of one, as creator beings.

To establish a sense of self within the system not as control, but as authentic energy, will allow for the true essence, as self, as source, to become the creator being, as the physical experience.

Week 8 - Restoring the original soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of "Control" from the brain and body-the integumentary system
To allow for control within this system allows for the moving around on this earth experience as experience itself to be controlled. The skin as an organ houses many emotional responses from what we feel as the outside world, to allow control to engage in this system allows for the shutting off or stopping of these emotional responses to occur.

This in fact causes a blocking or pulling away of your light to all that exists around you. As you experience emotions of others, especially lower frequency emotions like fear, the reaction of the skin to guard or pull away only reinforces the frequency or density of the fear frequency.

Instead, if the release of control is allowed, your natural frequency as source, which is a higher or faster frequency, will be allowed to match the fear and thus alchemize it to the zero point through natural law.

The hair as you know it is an antenna so to speak for frequencies to be engaged at a quantum level of beingness, to allow for your natural intuition to exist.

To allow control within this system allows for the emotional intuition to be stopped by the confusion of what the body is feeling as fight or flight or fear. This intern shrinks your light or life force energy to match those frequencies.

Releasing control from this system will reestablish the authentic natural ability to sense all frequencies as authentic, as your source self, this will further alchemize lower dimensional frequencies such as fear.

The release of control from this entire system will allow for the experience of the law of one as pure experience, with all there is, to be experienced, especially all that is connected to the physical earth experience as consciousness.

Week 9 - Restoring the original soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of "Control" from the brain and body-Brain
The brain is the main center of movement through this physical experience, that is, it's the go to place for your soul to find answers as to what feels safe, free, love, etc. The place to find the expression of emotions, this is because control has been the main frequency of human existence.

To allow for this frequency to be the dominant one in your existence is to never really live one with this earth experience or to never really experienced anything as authentic.

The journey becomes one of survival and trying to get out of something instead of experiencing that of your dreams and desires.

To release control from the brain its self will release the identity of self as controlled, monitored or limited. To free the souls experience to actually have an authentic experience and to discover authentic emotions.

The soul can only know what emotions feel like as the soul allows itself to experience these emotions as, emotions themselves or frequencies. This will give the experience to the soul.

The experience of emotions is only recognized when the soul is in the zero point of no thing, that is where the thing or feeling is allowed to be fully recognized.

To release the beliefs given by the collective of the emotions, which in essence is the controlling of the experience of these emotions, is the way to pure experience and recognition of self as source, sovereign and free.


“​​On my spiritual journey there are only a few humans that I have experienced and known that have the level of multidimensional awareness that Cathleena possesses in relationship to frequencies. During group energy work she can zoom in on and discern the most minute frequencies that are playing out within the individuals as well as in the collective of the group. She is masterful at matching the frequencies required to alchemize and integrate deep healing work both in the micro of humanity as well as the macro of Gaia. However, what allows Cathleena to stand out in my heart as a true Master healer of humanity and Ambassador of Gaia is that she shows up authentically everyday holding the mirror up and diving deep into her own shadows, while coming out on the other side embodying more of her true God Self. It’s an honor to be on this Earth journey together as a friend and fellow Light Colleague.” ~ ​​Brooklin Rayne
“​​Hello to everybody who has the great fortune to meet Cathleena. I came down from Bhutan with extreme pain in my knees. I went to the doctor when I came back and they took an MRI-scan of my knees. They found a tumor in my knee. they knew the kind of tumor and said it had to be operated as soon as possible. They send the pictures to the hospital and they would contact me. In the mean time I had a session with Cathleena. She guided me in a state where we cut loose the tumor and made it in smaller pieces so it could be integrated by the body. It all felt very good and tingling. A week later the surgeon and his specialist team phoned me and told me that they cold not find the tumor any more. And that an operation was not needed.But what I liked the most about Cathleena is how she embraces you into her heart energy. You feel so cared for. She easy taps into your energy fields and really connects with you. I felt so connected and cared for and somehow all by doubt melted away. I sincerely hope that many people may benefit from her extra ordinary gift and her warm personality. I feel extremely blessed to know her. Thank you very much dearest Cathleena.” ~ ​Bar-che Dorje, Buddhist teacher at Nyingma Aro gTÃ
“​​When I found out Cathleena was going to be in my hometown for a lecture, I immediately felt a strong nudge (push, shove!) to book a private session with her. At the time, I didn’t know a lot about Cathleena’s work but I was inexplicably drawn to her. I am so grateful I followed that inner wisdom to connect with her! I can honestly say that I left my session with Cathleena not FEELING like a new person – I WAS a new person. In the days that followed my clearing and reset, I felt surges of euphoria that I have never experienced before. The energy was palpable and electric. I have since come to realize my frequency did, in fact, change and my body was adjusting to the new energy. The feeling was profoundly liberating. I have met with many different practitioners over the years but my session with Cathleena was extraordinary. I’m so happy I purchased a Frequency Adjuster of my own so I can continue to attune and balance my energy moving forward. Thank you, Cathleena for sharing your tremendous love and light with others!” ~ ​​Kelly DiPucchio, Author

​Cathleena Hailley

Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint. As the lineage of the life Architect her Crystalline DNA signature not only carries the frequency of perfect pitch to align to the original Human templet, Earth templet and this Universes templet, but continually recalibrate this alignment.
Having incarnated as an Arcturian, Andromedan, and as a member of the Council of 9 Galactic Collective, Cathleena brings the knowledge of human patterns of existence, along with her extensive knowledge and work with interplanetary and galactic portals. Through this, she accesses human patterning with galactic information, technologies and energies to fully access their original soul’s blueprint. Cathleena has a business degree and has worked with many professionals and medical practitioners in her massage therapy practice for over 28 years, she has experienced layers of human patterning, personalities, and life expressions. Her background in massage, using techniques as Rolfing and Myofascial has allowed her to begin to access more subtle energies connected to the emotional patterning that creates an individual’s life. Through her understanding of sacred geometry, she has channeled a vibrational device from the Arcturian collective. Cathleena now uses all of her business knowledge and experience with sacred geometry to align with her resetting the crystalline DNA.
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