Your Divine Rights - The Only Way Forward Masterclass with Elizabeth Wood
Please join ​​Elizabeth Wood and me as we talk about ​​​​​​​​Your Divine Rights - The Only Way Forward​​.
Friends, the matrix has fallen. We have a special opportunity now to shift gears into a new level of conscious living which gives us more quality of life. This quality of life is an uplevel into Divine Natural Law, Divine Timing and your Divine Rights.

In this discussion with Alara, I’ll show you a new way of looking at -
  • How is Divine Law different than Human Law?
  • Living in Divine Law
  • How to reorient yourself from the 3D to a more Divine space (not the 5D!)
  • Why psychic development is so key now
  • And much more!
Being free of the matrix means we need a new blueprint for living on New Earth. It’s time for a better way of life, and a better society!
  • The Divine Rights Online Retreat - Instant Access
  • The Divine Laws Online Retreat - Instant Access
  • Psychic Playground - 7 Part Course
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.



The Divine Rights Retreat
The Divine Rights Retreat
Instant Access - 6 Hours

Well, I’m sure you’ve noticed that everything is changing… And fast! Honestly, if you’re paying attention, you’re probably tired of the tightening drama of being human by now. It feels hopeless, and like everyone is falling into darkness. Don’t fall for it! Don’t fall for the apathy! Despair is not your destiny!

Friends, I am not more advanced than you. I do think we’re all in equanimity in consciousness now, and that some people have more tools than others at this “edge”. You see, it’s all been orchestrated this way.

There is an actual Divine Order, and it has laws and special rules that are deeply natural… We might call this Natural Law. In this cycle to end all cycles, we are here to bring through the new version of the human being. Some call this being Homo Luminous. We’ve just come out of a dark cycle, and we’re headed full blast into the light. There’s even more factors to how this place really works with the galaxy and universe than that. You wanted a way out of the matrix - perhaps there’s a real way!

Let’s dive into the methodologies of navigating consciousness and Natural Law. In this retreat let me walk you through examples and methods in a clear way that will answer these questions -
  • What is Natural Law vs Matrix Law?
  • How can we really affect reality?
  • What are the Natural Laws?
  • What are the Divine Rights?
  • Who ARE YOU?
  • How do you create a better and happier life in the midst of huge change?
You are a Divine Being because you are able to work with all dimensions of consciousness and affect reality with your awareness. I will prove to you that this is a scientific path of thinking to understand, and that your capabilities to create real change for your health, family, land and animals will be immense. Join me to discover the truths about abundance (NOT manifesting!), vibration, surrender, karma (definitely not what you think!), suffering, love and intuition.

Are you ready for perfect self expression? Are you ready for the Divine Design? I sure have been… Let’s get to work.
The Divine Laws Retreat
The Divine Laws Retreat
Instant Access - 6 Hours
Friends, this is the second part to the Healing Retreat on the Divine Rights. In this special live event, you’ll receive another 5 hours of guided and deep healing that can stand alone, or pair nicely with the first retreat. Your wonderful body knows how to work within the Divine Laws, and this is a calibration into what we are meant to be. As a Divine Creator Being, you have the right to -
  • Work within the Divine Laws that govern our reality
  • Create and Receive all that belongs to you in your Divine Rights
  • Heal your relationship with the Divine and be in Love with Life
  • Face all challenges and opportunities with grace and ease!
Enjoy this special event and open your experience into what’s possible for humanity. It’s time to work with the Divine!
Psychic Playground

Psychic Playground
7 Part Course - Self Guided

Are you frustrated with your attempts to utilize your psychic abilities? Perhaps you have some limiting beliefs or other issues around using your special gift? Did you know that everyone is naturally psychic?
Originally taught at Awaken Academy, this series of classes helps you conquer the last obstacles keeping you from being able to finally use your psychic gifts. Learn from a respected seer and scientist Elizabeth about how to use your natural abilities to see other dimensions and spiritual planes. Expand your consciousness and the way you manifest your purpose into the 3D. learn to:
  • Reconnect imagination with intuition
  • Transmute energy and transform yourself
  • Create spiritual places and objects to support your 3D life
  • Hone your meditation abilities and support your emotional processing
Please note that these teleconferences were first available through Awaken Academy. Also note that, if you have dismantled the chakric system, any reference to a chakra should be replaced by “residue around the previous location of the chakra”.
"Psychic Playground is Not an Ordinary Class - Hi Elizabeth! Here is my review, and I would like you to know that I sincerely mean every word of it. After ten years on FB, I've met many people, and you are one of the more "real" and inspiring people I know on there, not to mention an awesome teacher. Thank you for that." ~ Maria Enaje
"The further I got into the Psychic Playground teleconference, the more I began feeling like I was not taking an ordinary class, but I was receiving a gift of vast wisdom. I would recommend this and any teleconference offered by Elizabeth Wood. She is an amazing teacher with a gentle, loving style. She is among my most respected and revered authorities on being a seer and on raising humanity's vibration.

As a seer myself, I was excited to learn new words and terms for my experiences on the inner planes. Some of these experiences covered in the teleconference included seeing with the third eye, creating magical objects, and protecting oneself in the astral realms. I was also delighted to discover information on our galactic history and the cosmology of the universe. I participated in all the guided meditations and exercises which gave me real life practice in increasing my skills. I was so inspired by the teleconference that in week five I successfully used remote viewing to find a missing object!

I would recommend Psychic Playground to anyone interested in discovering or increasing their psychic skills. This teleconference is fun, packed with information, organized well, and is presented by an amazing woman and teacher.



The Divine Rights Online Retreat
The Divine Laws Online Retreat
Psychic Playground 7 Part Course
EXCLUSIVE Group Healing and Preparation for Equinox

EXCLUSIVE Group Healing and Preparation for Equinox
Package B Only
3 Hour Event - September 13th, 11am ET

Friends, I want to support your continued Navigation of Consciousness. I’m doing a special event just for Alara’s audience. Let’s get together so I can help you heal and prepare for the Equinox shift. Many changes are happening rapidly, and we will cover many topics. I intend to also teach you the basics of how to help your local community thrive in the ever changing economy. We need to heal our abundance and economy too!


​​"​​​Happiness, Clarity and Breakthroughs! - I'm so excited! Elizabeth, you really spoke my language and really hit on many areas that needed healing, yet were difficult for me to pinpoint. Of all the work I have done, it seems I still had the shells around my body around my heart not letting people in.... I'm so glad they are dissolved! Each area of healing you chose really resonate with me! One week after your healing templates: I am feeling more happy, I am singing, I am loving myself and talking to myself in the mirror hahaha... I feel much more clear on what I want, and less afraid to exert authority when situations at work arise. I finally got my butt up to get some exercise in, I am practicing doing things that I'm not 'comfortable' doing! I felt myself stepping out into new territory. I went out on a 'date' and I was very open, very myself, and not afraid to express!!! That was new for me! Thank you so much for acknowledging all these parts of me through your work. Thank you for the healing. I'm so excited to continue working with you!” In Love and Light!" ~ ​Teresa T. Shen, L.Ac, CEO/ Lead Physician
​​"​​​Extraordinary! Outstanding! I was blown away. - An experience of a special kind is the personal session… Elizabeth not only looks after your 3rd Eye (and heals it) but scans the whole body. I have been searching for many years for the cause of some of my issues and was astounded that in a matter of minutes, Elizabeth identified them and helped me get rid of them. Extraordinary! Outstanding! I was blown away. And I have never felt better in my life! There is very good reason why people say, Elizabeth Wood is a world class seer and healer. She not only has a rare gift but a pure heart as well, and that makes her remarkably amazing in her field. If you have the chance to work with her, I highly recommend to take it. I loved every minute of it. Thank you for all that you do, Elizabeth." ~ ​Claudia
​"​​​For advanced practitioners too! - Elizabeth Wood, I LOVE your energy, your work, your clarity, your reach, and your grounded, secure and ego-less human-ness! You are one of a kind, in all positive ways, truly. I just KNEW, intuitively, that a session with you was needed, and Oh My was I right..!! You pinpointed pretty much every crucial part of my life circumstances/issues, bringing much needed confirmation, validation and clarity - and added some truly enlightening new information on top of that. In a situation where I no longer dared to trust my inner know-ing you brought every piece of information needed to restore my faith in myself, the Now, and, thanks to your unconditionally loving response, humanity. I highly recommend a session with Elizabeth! However well established, spiritually advanced or aligned with your heart-soul-source you may already be she'll still be able to bring something hitherto unseen/unknown to the forefront that will help you in ways you never even knew you needed. Thank you so very much, from my heart and soul!" ~ ​Johanna Hultin
​"​Increased Synchronicity and Light! - Elizabeth is in incredible seer and teacher. I am so very grateful for her and our session together. I feel more balanced than ever. Even though I have been an energy healer for over 20 years, there was something still blocking me from doing what I came here to do to share with the world. Now I do not have to work so hard to bring in the light through my body. There is a large column of light with me all the time. Since our session my prosperity has picked up.  My artwork is selling better. In addition since my time with Elizabeth after just one session, I am moving forward with writing books which I had had blocks with before.  My life is flowing better each and every day as my intuition is clearer than before. Her teaching has brought me joy and a clearer understanding of my body and the world beyond. My life has also had much more synchronicity. I look forward to learning much more from Elizabeth in the near future. Thank you Elizabeth!  I am blessed with you in my life." ~ ​Catherine, Artist, Creativity Coach, Energy Healer, Author

​Elizabeth Wood

Considered an advanced seer, Elizabeth Wood works on the cutting edge of galactic and quantum anthropology, trauma healing and futurism. With her lifelong ability to see into and work with all dimensions, her theoretical and psychic work has helped people all over the world. Called “Living Library and Oracle”, Elizabeth has spent her whole life studying anthropological theory, quantum physics, ancient and modern medicine. She has two science degrees, including a Masters in Applied Anthropology. Her philosophies and practices bridge science and spirituality to support real change in the world.
  • The Divine Rights Online Retreat - Instant Access
  • The Divine Laws Online Retreat - Instant Access
  • Psychic Playground - 7 Part Course
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

© 202​4 ​Shefali (Alara) Burns - All Rights Reserved. IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Awaken To Happiness Now & ​Shefali (Alara) Burns have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. REFUND POLICY: Awaken To Happiness Now & ​Shefali (Alara) Burns appreciate and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30 day, no questions asked Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90 day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session or a no-refund policy, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30 day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.