Unlock Positive Energy in Your Home Space - What is Blocking You? Masterclass with Marlenea Johnson
Please join Marlenea Johnson and I as we talk about ​​Unlocking Positive Energy in Your Home Space - What is Blocking You?
And unless you do something about it, Your life will never change.
Marlenea has never shared this on a summit before, but says, it is high time she did.
*Don't miss this Life Changing call
We will be Stepping Into The Magic Zone and experiencing Life Changing Shifts during the call.
*Plus Marlenea will bring us all into The Magic Zone, where "Magic and Miracles" are the Normal

Let's talk about....
  • What is Feng Shui and Why is it so important that we implement it into our lives now
  • How the energy in our Homes is impacting us daily
  • What are some of the signs that our Homes are not in Alignment and Harmony with our "Divine Purpose" and Inner Magic
  • What is geopathic stress and What are the signs that you have it
  • If you are living in a space that does not feel right, you sense something is off, what steps can you take to shift the energy
  • What can Feng Shui help You with in Your life?
  • and so much more
  • Feng Shui Beginners Course
  • Bonus Feng Shui Tips
  • Everything in Package A & B
  • Private Feng Shui Session
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.
Did you know that your house has everything to do with your success? Your home must be aligned with the vibration of success now!
When your home holds all of "YOUR SUCCESS" It becomes important to KNOW Exactly where any Blockages are. Then remedy them as quickly as possible.
We are all spending more time in our homes now due to all the life changes and world events that have happened.In 2024, we began our next 20 year Feng Shui cycle.This is the Year of the Wood Dragon. A year of fast movement forward and the letting go of the past.
There is a lot of the Fire element. (Hot, fast,destructive)Which produces “ashes” Earth element.So with that in mind, we see more “Earth” shaking,volcanos, war over land, more anger.(external) things we hear about that are happening around the globe.
When we take a look at the internal, we find a lot of fear, stress and anger rising up. All due to the fast sudden shifts happening within, causing us to go deep within and let go of the old emotional bondages, stopping us from progressing forward into the new timeline.
Now let’s look at your house. (It houses many different energies.) Which all must be properly aligned and in sync in order for you to experience positive outcomes.When it is out of alignment, with you, family members, and your goals, negative experiences are the outcome.
Some of the things that may happen, are sudden loss of income, loss of motivation, loss of energy,loss of clarity, loss of relationships, loss of drive for intimacy, can’t find a partner, non committal partners,heartbreak, aches, pains, feeling weak, sickness,injury, bladder and kidney problems, heart and blood pressure problems, headaches, eyes, teeth,weakness in limbs, feel exhausted, may have insomnia, nightmares, fear, anxiety, you may experience ghosts and entities, plants dying, things breaking, leaks, animals and children acting up,sudden urge to drink, gamble, eat foods you would never eat. These are just to name a few.


Special Offer $97

After years of working with Clients and Myself, I have put together a Feng Shui Beginners Guide.
Included in the Feng Shui Beginners Course:
1.) Bagua Map Layout of the Home and Office
2.) Chart of Feng Shui Elements and Cycles
3.) What each Zodiac Sign should know
4.) Setting up Your Money Corner
5.) Setting up Your Health and Vitality Sector
6.) Setting up Your Love and Romance Sector
2 HOUSE CLEANSING RECORDED SESSIONS (Just play-go about your business play anytime-anywhere)
1-Marlenea's Feng Shui Cleansing Gift
2-Clearing the Chi in Your Space

***BONUS FENG SHUI TIPS- MY ADVICE to Boost Up the Energy Flow and Vibe in Your Space
Receive My own Personal List of Feng Shui Do's and Don'ts!
Ok so there you have it. Yes!, it is a lot of information packed in this Feng Shui BeginnersCourse.
Priceless Information, I might add.


Special Offer $147

1. Feng Shui Beginners Course
2. Bonus Feng Shui Tips
*Access to My Magic Zone Group Calls*
You’re invited to 3 Private Calls(Saturday, June 15th, 22nd, 29th.)2pm est.
Will be recorded


Special Offer $297

1. Feng Shui Beginners Course
2. Bonus Feng Shui Tips
3. 3 Private Group Calls
Private Feng Shui Session
*I’ll send you a questionnaire before your session.
We will discuss your home and I’ll give you the solution(s) to any problems you are experiencing at this point.


"Dear Marlenea,I just bought your package. I absolutely love it!I began using it today and already I am feeling a lot better. I now have something to work with that is so easy to follow. I would recommend this to anyone struggling to get out from under financially. You just have to do something in your home environment to shift your life now.I already did so many clearings on myself that it makes sense to also clear and balance the place I'm living in. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Love," -  Mary
"I got 2 Sales Almost Instantly! Hey Marlenea,This is Tim, a very satisfied client. As you know I had struggled for years with so many issues. You helped me heal on every level. I did what you said and the results were almost instant. I had two new sales which just made my day!Thanks for Feng Shui assistance." -  Tim
"Real estate Agent had her home on the market for 7 years. She had a consultation with me and her home sold in Just 7 days! She was reunited with her spouse, as per their Agreement to get back together once that home was sold. "She was desperate.""
"Chair bound woman, Gets up and walks across the room! Home health aide- AT HER WITS END...After our initial consult, she got a job. After a few weeks, her patient could not walk, and her Dr. put her in a chair. We spoke, I asked a few Questions, gave advice, and her patient, actually got up and walked across the room! Miraculous,She said."
"This cleared negative energy from a condo! A wealthy gentleman, living in a condo put my Feng Shui Guide into action after going through several losses and having to deal with other people's energy in his space. He reported the negative energy vanished and his neighbor felt the shift too."
“Ghosts Left the Nursing Home. Marlenea, I am ever so grateful for your help. Working in the Nursing Home overnight was a nightmare! I saw ghosts going in and out of the rooms and the patients were yelling. Once I got ahold of your mp3 for Space Cleansing and played it on a loop, the ghosts disappeared and the patients all settled down.Thank you," - Marty (the orderly) in Chicago
“Dead plants come to life! Lady reported after using my mp3's at her work place, dead plants came back to life! Her co workers said, "That's impossible!, there's no sunlight in here."" Ever since you started working here, we feel more calm, what are you doing?" She giggled. Then told me that she has my recordings playing in her purse."
These people all had 1 thing in common. They had a Goal in mind. They took action. They all Experienced Amazing Results! Now it's Your turn! Start taking My Feng Shui For Beginners Course Right Now! I'm waiting for Your Testimony. Be Abundantly Blessed in Every area of Your Life, Marlenea

​Marlenea Johnson

Magical Marlenea, Your Prosperity Advisor. Self taught, Internationally known; Master Manifestor, Abundant Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Classical Feng Shui Advisor, Light worker, Intuitive Energy Healer, and a Clairvoyant Angel Channeler. Born with the innate ability to connect and commune with the Divine; she walks with the Angels. Helping thousands of conscious beings Manifest the life of their dreams through an array of "Her Golden Key" energetic processes. You will find her Speaking on Global platforms, Hosting Her own Radio show, Producing Music, Teaching and Training individuals and large groups of people daily.
She is the creator of her Own Universe! Marlenea has assisted over 35,000 people worldwide. She meets them on the level they are at and elevates them at the speed they are ready to experience. The goal is to empower them to easily "Manifest their hearts desires and Thrive" living a life of infinite possibilities. During a meditation and channeling session, she was instructed to Create several Rapid Life Changing Programs. Since then, Marlenea has used them primarily for her own use until several years ago when she went Global with her gifts. Which have massively helped her clients manifest their dream lives! If you can dream it, You can be it! Working with Marlenea, will be a life changing Magical experience! The Energy of Lakshmi, "The Goddess of Wealth" flows 24/7 wherever Marlenea is.  People have experienced high energy shifts just from being on calls or walking by her. She radiates an energy of pure radiant love which Magically flows out and Shifts the vibration to a Joy frequency. And as she says, Money follows Joy! And Joy follows Marlenea!   HER INITIALS SPELL IT OUT  "M.J." Marlenea's Joy.
  • Feng Shui Beginners Course
  • Bonus Feng Shui Tips
  • Everything in Package A & B
  • Private Feng Shui Session
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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