Activate Your Millionaire Mind Matrix!​​​​ Masterclass with ​​​​​Tarek Bibi
Please join Tarek Bibi and me as we talk about Activating Your Millionaire Mind Matrix!.
Join ​us to explore:
  • what is our ultimate purpose
  • how do we experience infinite freedom, empowerment and sovereignty
  • how do we align with the new earth
  • how to break free from the matrix and spiritual warfare
  • what is quantum jumping and how do we quantum jump to our ultimate timeline
  • with so much misinformation and changes how do we stay grounded
  • Module 1. Activate Your Millionaire Mind
  • Module 2. Discover The Secret To The Laws Of Attraction
  • Module 3. Understanding The Science Of Getting Rich
  • Module 4. Become The Richest Man In Babylon (or wherever you live)
  • Module 5. Manifest a Pocket Full of Money
  • Module 6. Break Free From The Money Matrix
  • Module 7. Think and Grow Rich
  • Module 8. Master The Laws Of Success
  • BONUS 1: 4 Agreements
  • BONUS 2: Celestine prophecy
  • BONUS 3: Special Exclusive to Manifest A Millionaire Mindset
  • BONUS 4: The 5 Love Languages
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

​TAREK'S PACKAGE - Reg Value $888  

​​Special Offer $​​​​​97

Attention: Healers, Light Workers, Coaches, Empaths & Spiritual People...

Finally, You Can Download & Become The Wisdom
From The Top Wealth Experts
For Over 10 Years, People Just Like You Have Been Getting Their Investment Back And Even Making 10X Within Weeks (If Not Days) With Tarek’s Infinity Healing!

If you’re a spiritual person, then chances are you’re struggling with money issues.

And it's easy to say that “money isn’t that important to us”...

But the reality is that until you conquer your subconscious money blocks that are holding you back, you’ll never be able to play a bigger game and have the impact that you desire.

And WE NEED YOU to help change the world in this desperate time of need!

Are You Experiencing Any Of These Challenges?
  • Constantly feeling broke
  • A disappointing bank balance
  • High amounts of debt
  • Unfulfilling job or career
  • Not doing what you love
  • Financial stress and worry
  • Not charging enough for services
  • Low self esteem and self worth
  • Lack mentality
  • Settling for less in life
Imagine what it would be like to feel financially stable and safe. Or more importantly… 
to have an abundance of money in your life so you can achieve all your goals and dreams!

If You’re Ready To Download And BECOME The Wisdom From The Top Wealth Experts The World Has Ever Seen, Then The Millionaire Mind Matrix Is For You!
Module 1. Activate Your Millionaire Mind
In this module you’ll learn to:
  • Master your mind for success
  • Overcome fear
  • Think and Become a Millionaire
  • Become Bigger than your problems
  • Know what you truly desire
  • Manage Your Finances
  • And so much more...
Module 2. Discover The Secret To The Laws Of Attraction
In this module you’ll learn to:
  • Master the laws of attraction
  • Practice more Gratitude
  • Manifest Your Desires
  • Attract your soulmate, soul tribe
  • Manifest Financial Abundance
  • Experience your ultimate career
Module 3. Understanding The Science Of Getting Rich
In this module you’ll learn to:
  • Maximize the value you offer others
  • Have a definite Vision
  • Activate your Creativity
  • Use the power of your Imagination
  • Increase your belief in self
  • Take Inspired action
Module 4. Become The Richest Man In Babylon (or wherever you live)
In this module you’ll learn to:
  • Bring your desires into fulfillment
  • Learning the 7 Laws Of Money
  • Increase your ability to earn
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Commit to your mission
  • Attract more money and opportunities
  • Manage your finances
Module 5. Manifest a Pocket Full of Money
In this module you’ll learn to:
  • Bridge spirituality and money
  • Manifest financial abundance
  • Master Your Energy
  • Become a money master
  • See the game of money from a spiritual level
  • Play the money game to win
  • Master the laws of money
Module 6. Break Free From The Money Matrix
In this module you’ll learn to:
  • Play the money game to win
  • Consciously create your financial reality
  • Be the director of your life
  • Inspire others to be their best selves
  • Dream Bigger than ever before
  • Grow and expand outside of your comfort zone
Module 7. Think and Grow Rich
In this module you’ll learn to:
  • Have a specific aim and a burning desire to achieve it
  • Create a mastermind to help you achieve your dreams
  • Increase your level of faith
  • Commit to your decisions
  • Learn to be persistent
  • Act on your intuition
Module 8. Master The Laws Of Success
In this module you’ll learn to:
  • Learn to sit quietly daily
  • Give from your overflow
  • Create positive karma
  • Learn to be detached from the outcome
  • Align with your passion and purpose
  • Let go of the past
BONUS 1: 4 Agreements
In this bonus audio you will learn the 4 agreements that will change your life:
  • How not to take things personally
  • How to always be impeccable with your word
  • How to do your best
  • Don’t make assumptions
And this includes a special bonus of the 5th principle.
  • Be skeptical but learn to listen
BONUS 2: ​Celestine prophecy
This includes:
  • Seeing the synchronicities around you
  • Activate the power of giving
  • Knowing your life mission
  • Following your intuition
  • Feeling the divine inside you
Including an extra bonus for Clearing Control Dramas:
  • Clear your childhood traumas that keep you stuck in old ways of giving and receiving energy
  • Learn evolved ways to give and receive energy
  • How to break out of unconscious cycles
  • Overcome triggers that used to make you shut down
BONUS 3: ​Special Exclusive to Manifest A Millionaire Mindset
You can play this silent audio on repeat all day and night as you:
  • Manifest infinite opportunities to make millions
  • Think, act and feel like a millionaire
  • Receive the perfect million dollar idea
  • Follow your intuition toward a million dollar idea
  • Take inspired action to manifest millions of dollars
Within it are encoded the millionaire codes and activations because it’s easy to manifest money… but to have a Millionaire Mindset means you are also able to keep it.
BONUS 4: ​The 5 Love Languages
Learn what is your love language and what is the love language of your loved ones.

This will change your way of interacting with your loved ones so that everyone involved will feel loved.
  • Learn how you receive love the best way
  • Learn how to give love to others in the best way
Here’s What Others Have Already Experienced With Tarek...

"Anastasha manifested $20,000 in only 2 months!”

“Shannon manifested $50,000 the NEXT DAY after her one-on-one session!”

"Sonny Manifested $70,000 in less than 2 months!"

“Claire cleared $100,000 in school debt 2 days after session”

“Wow, you helped me save $150,000 in attorney fees with a quick resolution to a case that had been dragging on for over a year!” ~ Claudia

“Liz Manifested an extra $7,000 in 30 days!”

“Regina manifested $4,000 in 2 weeks!”

“An unexpected $5,000 landed in my lap!” ~ Ron

"In less than a month, Jean manifested $5,000 AND a Fully Booked Practice"

"Stef from Austria manifested more clients, full workshops and even received 6,000 Euros Out of the Blue!"

“Jillian’s Income Doubled!"

"Kris sales boomed to $10,000 after only one month!"


“I was really resistant to joining Tarek's "6 Figure Spiritual Entrepreneur Program. I interviewed over 12 different business coaches and Tarek was completely different. Before the program I was earning $2,800 per month with my business AND working for someone else. Money didn't seem to stay in my pocket, and I was even worried about feeding myself and my cat! But since joining the program, my life has completely changed. Within 3 months of the program, I quit working for someone else and was already earning $6,000 in my own business! I recommend Tarek's work to ALL my friends. His healings clear the way for you to receive massive abundance in a short period of time! This is the BEST investment I've ever made in myself” - Jillian
"I have purchased many packages over the past year and a half to raise my vibration for more financial abundance and just more joy in my life. They have all helped me in some way, but nothing has given me the profound and fast results that your energies have. Within three weeks, I had amazing results that netted me nearly $10,000 the first month of effortless sales when I had been struggling for many months! It has been so exciting to see what each day will bring. Thank you for bringing joy and peace back to my life. Love Your Work! Love You!" - Kris Olson
"I was having self-destructive tendencies, had major financial obstacles, and was living in fear… Two days after I had my one on one session with Tarek, I received a call telling me that I had been accepted into a special program for graduate school loan repayment. Essentially, they told me about an incredible repayment program and enrolled me on the spot. I had so much fear and denial about repaying my school loans and suddenly they were not an issue. Over $100,000 in school debt disappeared. While I have had a lot of help from many spiritual healers over the past few months (even my immediate financial situation has changed with random reimbursements in the mail), Tarek’s work speaks directly to my soul. His energy work is consistently potent and powerful. His compassion is inspirational. The last time l listened to one of Tarek’s healings, I saw the biggest dragonfly of my life flying around me. If you want your life to shift, then buy his program!" - Christine (Medical student) - USA
"I have listened to all of the mp3, these calls are absolutely amazing! I have gained so much beautiful energy, wisdom, peace, calmness from these calls. I can't thank you and Tarek enough for this opportunity." - Elena
"After listening to Tarek's Audio program, it has just given me the busiest and most profitable week of this year. I am now making good money again. I'm happy and my customers are happy too. The work keeps coming in. I have excellent ideas to grow my business." - Blair - England
"With Tarek's healing and guidance. I've had so many clients reach out to me. I've made over $70,000 in just a few months!" - Sony
"I've experienced an over 300% increase in clients over the course of the year! I've tried many programs, but with Infinity Healing, There are powerful inner shifts and tangible results started to happen so fast!" - Stacy, Chicago, IL
"I manifested $5,214 in commitments for my services today! Thank you so much, Tarek, for giving me such a great reference for what we can accomplish when we work together for our highest good!!!" - Jill Borsos (Life Coach) - United States
"Well I Did The Money Audio And Less Than A Week Later $5,000 Dollars Landed In My Lap. It Came At The Perfect Time!" - Ron - Las Vegas
"NEXT DAY the bank calls, apologizing for “the delay” -and giving a precious answer to an important question (even with the ombudsman’s help, they had ignored me for a year). Today their lawyer wrote that the convention would be ready in a couple of days… pre-approved by all of his clients. I'm still waiting for it, but the way it is looking, this program will have saved me around $150,000 USD!! Here’s the latest miracle: I also found two properties this week for the price of one. Thank you Tarek. I really WAS at the end of my rope." - Stacy, Chicago, IL
"I've experienced an over 300% increase in clients over the course of the year! I've tried many programs, but with Infinity Healing, There are powerful inner shifts and tangible results started to happen so fast!" - Claudia Calvo - Costa Rica
"I was able to refinance my house, which I have never been able to do because of my credit score or income problem. I have got it at a very low interest rate, from 6.75% to 4.375%. This morning when I woke up, I received a package full of checks so I paid off $53,000 worth of debts. I paid off two car store credit cards. I paid off all debts and was able to deposit some money into my savings account. I am a very happy person now. I have only one mortgage payment now. That is even less than what I used to pay for the mortgage before excluding all other payments. Thank you thank you!" - Jalata Abdo
"Tarek is the real deal. Everything is energy. It makes sense that if your desire is to change your life in any way, it needs to occur energetically. Our issues and blocks are deeply imbedded in layers like an onion. Tarek assists you to release as deeply as your subconscious allows with every healing. I have tried reiki, eft and other energy work, but Infinity Healing is like energy healing with turbo power. If you wish to change your life, you do not want to miss Tarek’s program." - Barbara Patterson (Body Breakthrough Coach)

​Tarek Bibi

Tarek "Bliss" Bibi is a rising star who has already changed the lives of over one million people worldwide. Tarek works with business women and men on the spiritual path to help them "Thrive Doing What They Love!" Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have not been able to achieve their results elsewhere. Tarek Bibi, aka. Mr. Miraculous, is a facilitator of inner transformation helping people on the spiritual path around the world transcend all their emotional and psychological blocks at their core level. In an instant Tarek is able to help people release years of pain and problems to Live Life Miraculously!
A very sought after speaker on telesummits and festivals, Tarek's warm, sincere and loving heart-centred presence helps and heals all who are inspired by his own journey from abuse and trauma to living an inspired life. Tarek is a sensitive, gifted poet, musician and artist with a commitment to helping people all around the world become their best selves and learn to use their gifts and thrive in this new age of consciousness. He has been labelled an empath, indigo, a star seed, an earth angel, and a light warrior. He earns the name Mr. Miraculous because of the instant breakthroughs he has assisted his clients in achieving. Where nothing else has worked, Infinity Healing has made it possible in an instant.
  • Module 1. Activate Your Millionaire Mind
  • Module 2. Discover The Secret To The Laws Of Attraction
  • Module 3. Understanding The Science Of Getting Rich
  • Module 4. Become The Richest Man In Babylon (or wherever you live)
  • Module 5. Manifest a Pocket Full of Money
  • Module 6. Break Free From The Money Matrix
  • Module 7. Think and Grow Rich
  • Module 8. Master The Laws Of Success
  • BONUS 1: 4 Agreements
  • BONUS 2: Celestine prophecy
  • BONUS 3: Special Exclusive to Manifest A Millionaire Mindset
  • BONUS 4: The 5 Love Languages
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

© 202​4 ​Shefali (Alara) Burns - All Rights Reserved. IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Awaken To Happiness Now & ​Shefali (Alara) Burns have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. REFUND POLICY: Awaken To Happiness Now & ​Shefali (Alara) Burns appreciate and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30 day, no questions asked Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90 day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session or a no-refund policy, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30 day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.