Living Your Mission Masterclass with Roshney Mistry
Please join Roshney Mistry and me as we talk about Living Your Mission.
Join us to explore:
· The difference between mission and purpose
· Your current job is preparing you for your mission
· Your body will tell you when it’s had enough
· The thoughts and energy you give your current job
· Small steps are better than no steps
Roshney will be doing a live meditation called “Your Golden Heart”. In this meditation using the beautiful light within your heart we will be cleansing the Chakras so that you feel more inspired and aligned to your mission.
  • Audio recording of Intro to the Akashic Records Workshop
  • The Golden Tree Meditation (Zoom Video)
  • The Golden Ball Activation by Archangel Michael (Zoom Video)
  • Everything in Package A
  • 3 X 121 Personal Sessions with Roshney - 45 Min each
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.
PACKAGE A - Value $52.21

Special Offer $35.55
Audio recording of Introduction to The Akashic Records Workshop normal price $22.22

This workshop entails in depth information on what the Akashic Records are and how they can help you. There are 2 guided meditations within this recording, one to ground you and the other one takes you through the journey to your Akashic Records.
​The Golden Tree Meditation – normal price $11.11

The Golden Tree meditation will help you feel more grounded and relaxed. It will also help you to connect with your higher consciousness and spiritual guides. By doing this meditation first thing in the morning, it will help you get through the day with ease and grace.

In 2018, Roshney was guided to connect with the Golden Tree by a trance mediumship healer. Earlier last year, whilst connecting to her Akashic Records, she was prompted by Archangel Metatron to share the Golden Meditation with her clients.
​The Golden Ball Activation with Archangel Michael normal price $18.88

This is a beautiful and powerful activation with Archangel Michael. This process helps to release old unwanted trapped emotions using the Golden Ball. You will place a picture of your memory of where that particular emotion came from onto a postcard and give it to Archangel Michael to transmute to unconditional love. You will also receive beautiful unconditional love and healing light from Archangel Raphael and Archangel Chamuel. This will make you feel free, lighter and brighter.
PACKAGE B - Value $163.21
Special Offer $88.88
Everything in Package A
Audio recording of Introduction to The Akashic Records Workshop
The Golden Tree Meditation
The Golden Ball Activation with Archangel Michael
In this package you will receive all of package A and 1 x 45 minute session with Roshney. During your 121 with Roshney she will use a variety of modalities to clear energy blocks you are holding. This could be anything from Cord Cutting, Rahanni Celestial Healing, Inner Child Healing or an Akashic Records reading. Whatever your soul needs will be just right for you.

By understanding what blocks and obstacles are affecting your current energy, you will be able to take action to work through these issues. Such action will allow you to step into the best version of yourself; and live your destiny life in joy, gratitude, love and abundance. After Roshney's session, you will feel lighter and more positive, as if a ton of bricks have been lifted off your shoulders.
PACKAGE C - Value $274
Special Offer $122.22
Everything in Package A
Audio recording of Introduction to The Akashic Records Workshop
The Golden Tree Meditation
The Golden Ball Activation with Archangel Michael

You will be able to book 3 private sessions with Roshney over a 6 month period.

During your 121s with Roshney she will use a variety of modalities to clear energy blocks you are holding. This could be anything from Cord Cutting, Inner Child Healing. Rahanni Celestial Healing or an Akashic Records reading. Whatever your soul needs will be just right for you.

By understanding what blocks and obstacles are affecting your current energy, you will be able to take action to work through these issues. Such action will allow you to step into the best version of yourself; and live your destiny life in joy, gratitude, love and abundance. After Roshney's session, you will feel lighter and more positive, as if a ton of bricks have been lifted off your shoulders.


"There is something magical about what Roshney can do, she is naturally intuitive and was able to help where I needed it the most. Since our session, I have felt energized and I feel my mind is in a more positive light. I was relaxed as well as emotional through our time together. With Roshney’s guidance I was able to access parts of me I didn’t know existed! I highly recommend the cutting of the cord’s session and the inner child healing. It was very very informative and enlightening. Believe it or not, I saw results within less than 24 hours. Thank you Roshney, truly gifted." 
“I highly recommend Roshney. This is why; during my Akashic records session she held a beautiful safe space with guidance to step into my own records accessing the guides and angels along the way. We opened two books during my time, two different subjects in my life. I gained clarity, received healing and felt uplifted. Roshney is a pure clear channel and could see what needed to be healed and cleared. She then took time to recap on the session, which was lovely as it’s hard to remember everything.” 
“The Rahanni healing you performed was magical. I felt a level of calmness and serenity that I have not felt for years!!! Physical pain went from a good 7-8 down to 0-2. I was sceptical about remote healing working because I have had it before and felt nothing. But this went above and beyond anything I have experienced before. Not only do you have a gift…. you are a gift!!!”
"The session with Roshney was around healing an inner child and cord cutting. The best way to describe it is: emotional, healing and freeing. I was able to heal my inner child and come out of the session with unconditional love for myself now and me as a child.
At the end of the cord cutting, I felt free and light. I was able to let my parent go with unconditional love, something I thought will happen when he'll freeze over. I was able to let it go of the past. I am happier and calmer. I feel like the session "opened up" my heart."
"Thank you so much for healing Roshney. The illness anxiety that plagued me for many, many years has disappeared. I can feel unwell and not equate it with death or feel anxious about it. This is life changing for me!"
“I took the Akashic Records training because Roshney is an extraordinarily loving Being of Light and I want more of that. The training was thorough and all the students easily connected to the Akashic Records.The Akashic level is a field of wholeness. Learning to read the Akashic Records opens my soul to the experience of connection with All That Is. I believe this is the goal of all spiritual practice. Getting to read for others is a great blessing for both parties. Thank you Roshney and ArchAngel Metatron for this amazing gift.”
“I was guided to book a session with Roshney - and, I did so without hesitation (which, I normally never do!). I felt completely safe and welcomed from the first moment with Roshney, and allowed her to do the necessary work - Inner Child Healing, and Akashic Records. This was the FIRST time that I have touched Akashic Records. How Absolutely AMAZING! Roshney was able to completely immerse me in this, pinpoint the situation, and heal/re-write it. Inner Child work is always very uncomfortable for me, but, Roshney was gentle in guiding me on the healing that was required, and explained the meaning of the details I was working with. I completed the session with a shifted energy, and have not stopped smiling since.”

Roshney Mistry

Roshney is a spiritual energy coach whose name means light. She is trained in NLP, Rahanni Celestial Healing, Inner Child Healing, Counselling and Akashic Records Healing. She is an Akashic Records Teacher. She worked for the corporate government for the last 34 years. Working in a stressful environment has taught her many skills especially on how to heal relationships. She has learnt through her experiences that your body will show you signs on a physical and mental level when something is not right for you. Roshney uses powerful inner child healing and cord cutting modalities to help others to remove emotional blocks to relationships, career and good health. She runs online spiritual workshops which are open to everyone and anyone. whether you are just new to spirituality or very experienced. Roshney is sharing her light with you so that you can shine your light too.
  • Audio recording of Intro to the Akashic Records Workshop
  • The Golden Tree Meditation (Zoom Video)
  • The Golden Ball Activation by Archangel Michael (Zoom Video)
  • Everything in Package A
  • 3 X 121 Personal Sessions with Roshney - 45 Min each
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali (Alara). ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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