Energy Healing - Shifting from Lower Densities to Shining Your Light with Amanda Kish
Please join Amanda Kish and me as we talk about Energy Healing - Shifting From Lower Densities to Shining Your Light.
Join us to explore:
  • What are healing codes and how do they work? What is included in a reading that accompanies a healing code?
  • What is energy healing to you? How has your path and life led you to energy clearing and healing?
  • How was your experience with the dark night of the soul and how do you assist those going through this stage?
  • What suggestions or ideas do you have for people who are triggered by "Meditation"?
  • Guided Process (20-25 minutes) - will include light language and receiving a gift
  • Mini Quick Energy Readings - no questions required just for who wants a quick reading when Amanda taps into their energy.
  • personalized healing code unique to you
  • 45 min reading & guided process to dragon realm
  • Bonus - Channeled Protection Statement pdf
  • Bonus - Abundance Tips pdf
  • Everything in Package A
  • 2hr energy healing and clearing session
  • Bonus - Channeled Protection Statement pdf
  • Bonus - Abundance Tips pdf
Payment Plan Available
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Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Special Offer $97

Package A
Included in Package A:
  • personalized healing code unique to you
  • reading
  • guided process with Amanda to the dragon realm
  • 45 minutes on zoom
Amanda will check in to your energy and create a healing code specifically for you. The symbol is encoded with light language, healing, protection and tones. The healing code can be used as a screen saver or background on phones and computers, made into wearable jewelry, kept in a purse or car, put up in your home or to focus on during meditation. Amanda will meet up with you on a zoom call for your reading and the process. Along with the healing code you will receive information on what the code will help with, information on your guides or starseed origins. Often power, totem & spirit animals are revealed. A channeled message or a mediumship message can come through as well. You also receive an oracle card message.
Amanda will guide you on a journey to the dragon realm where you will feel the energy of the space and return with a dragon that will be with you for the next 6 months. The dragon may stay with you for longer depending on both of your free wills :) The session will be on zoom and can be recorded and sent to you if you choose.

Special Offer $197

Package B
Included in Package B:
  • includes everything in Package A
  • a personal energy clearing and healing session for a 2 hour session on zoom which will be recorded if you choose and sent to you
Have you ever felt like there is a cloud over your head? Is there someone in your life who seems to drain your energy every time you are around them? Maybe there are repeating patterns in your life that keep showing up in different ways? In an energy clearing session we go through processes to clear your energy field, repair soul tears or fractures and go into the Akashic Records to clear limiting vows and contracts that are no longer serving you. We clear programming and any densities that are restricting you.
In a session we bring you into alignment with your missions and what you came here to do and be. Energy clearing sessions can be life changing and can really assist your spiritual Ascension.

*Please drink lots of water before, during and after the energy clearing session and try to have a restful day following an energy clearing.

Disclaimer - I am not a doctor and do not claim to heal or cure.


"Amanda Kish! What can I say about her? If you meet Amanda you will love her instantly. She has the presence of a kind. compassionate and empathetic soul. It was quite by a unique sequence of events that I truly believe was orchestrated by my guides that we met. Learning about her and the gifts she was born with made me eager to experience them. Amanda’s work with my Akashic records, cord cutting, releasing me from karmic contracts, and energy protection has healed me in so many ways. I was completely trapped in past life contracts that I was stuck in neutral most of the past 15 years. Losing my parents and receiving a message from them that only I would know was life changing for me. I no longer mourn them and have no worry of death. I have a new outlook on my future which I owe all to the amazing gifts that she has shared with me. I owe my newness to Amanda. She is forever in my life as a guide and confidant." -  Theresa H.
"When Amanda takes a clearing project, I can exhale and let go, knowing it’s in the best possible hands. Her ability to bring a sense of calm and alignment is amazing. It’s rare to encounter someone who blends mastery with compassion, care and purpose. I cherish and respect her and can’t recommend her enough." - Taylor T.
“ That can’t possibly happen to me again.” I have uttered different versions of this statement many times throughout my life. I believe it each time I say it. Amanda has changed my life! She listened, felt and cleared my energy and ultimately that of my entire family. Amanda helped me to get my life back. I continue to work with Amanda beyond energy clearing and I’m always grateful for every session!" - Jordana S.
Dearest. thank you. The Phoenix is the perfect identity for the new Gianna at this time in my life. I had a 1:1 with my mentor and she found a contract on my left shoulder/ arm and underneath some chords to my mum (she died almost 10 years ago) which came forward in your reading. My card is also perfect. Much support and love." - Gianna V.
Amanda your healing code reading is just what I needed. Thank you so much. It all resonates with me and I love the different aspects of your work, ie symbols, codes, energy check and profound card reading. You are amazing xx." - Roshney M.
Amanda generously shares her gifts in ways that deeply support my healing and journey forward. My first reading via text was spot on about where I was and what I needed. The joyous celebration encoded symbol that she created for me felt like an added layer to
help me remember who I am and to regularly connect with joy. My second experience was on a zoom call where Amanda answered my questions and continued to clear unwanted energies from my home and neighborhood. She also shared my animal totem, power animal, spirit animal, my galactic guides and relationships with higher frequencies. She helped me see, clarify and affirm the ways that I was already on my mission that I had not realized. Her loving and gentle presence sharing her deep knowing felt like home. Thank you Amanda.
" - Anne J.
I received a very nice reading from Amanda. She was able to provide me with my symbolic animals which I really resonated with as I have always felt these were the animals watching over me. She told me of ancestors who are helping and supporting me on my mission here which has provided me with a sense of ease and comfort. The guides she had visions of for me connected me to the Native Americans who have always felt a connection with. She saw a tree Spirit near our home as a portal and we actually have a tree in the park near us that we connected to as 'our' tree. She was able to tune into my wife and I and see that we are twin flames which I couldn't agree more with. Amanda provided me with & healing symbol that I have put up on the wall as a reminder of all who are providing me with support on this journey. I would recommend a session with Amanda to help support your journey as well." - Chuck
I just received an amazing reading from Amanda. She was able to tune into me energetically and provide me with a healing symbol and code to activate and deepen my gifts. I could feel the energy: from the symbol right away and I have hung the symbol over my bed to help infuse these gifts during my sleep. I also placed the symbol on my computer screen SO that the energies can be with daily basis. She was able to see that I am connected to elementals and angels right away and confirmed my knowing of being a shaman. Her ability to hear the rhythm of the drums in my field along with connecting to my Divine Spiritual Team was profound. This reading provided me with SO much insight and inspiration to deepen my gifts and learn more about myself. If her work resonates with you, I encourage you to get a session with Amanda. You will not be disappointed." - Jennifer N.
The healing code and other intuitive guidance I received from Amanda resonated with me immediately. But it was after meditating with the code daily (I have it printed out on my desk) and as I fell asleep at night that the layers of deeper meaning started to arrive. Within the next couple of weeks, I received additional insights and synchronicities that have really helped to shift an area related to my physical wellbeing where I was stuck; as well as to clarify and deepen the understanding of my life purpose and mission. And I know this healing code will continue to do its beautiful magic, Thank you SO much Amanda! You have a rare and beautiful gift." - Keren B.
Thank you for the code. Everything you said resonated . I love the extra bits you added in
afterwards. Just to say on Thursday I spoke in a seminar, it didn't go to my plan but was good apparently and I got sign ups. Friday I was in a networking meeting and met lovely people who signed up for the enhance you online presence Masterclass on Tuesday Saturday I was interviewed on a recorded podcast , it went so much better than Thursday and the one a week ago!
" - Tessa G.

Amanda Kish

In 2020 after finding out I would be losing my Dad to incurable brain cancer - I began my journey by acknowledging it was time to do things differently. I went through 7 years of dark night of the soul and I had shut my gifts off multiple times in my life. I was a Mom to 3 beautiful girls: 1 neurotypical empath and nonverbal twins diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. I began to begin to remember who I was with a Reiki Level 1 Course, took more classes, connected with others and finally met a soul family member after booking a session about mediumship when she hadn't advertised she was a medium. After receiving beautiful messages I also received clarity on my journey and began to meet more soul family.
I own a Cafe in Redvers where I grew up called, Rising Phoenix Cafe, where I weave love into my food and offer "Nights with Spirit" and "Activation & Meditation Nights". The Cafe is a beautiful space filled with high vibrational energy where I offer sessions in my office in person, classes in the Cafe or online classes, readings or energy work through zoom. I am a Kundalini Reiki Master, Certified Akashic Records Reader, an Energy Healer, Rahanni Celestial Practioner Channel, Medium, Mentor, Teacher & a Wayshower offering Healing Codes that are unique, downloaded and coded for individuals, provide readings and assist with healing. I offer readings, classes and have the gift of clearing & shifting energies honed over many lifetimes.
  • personalized healing code unique to you
  • 45 min reading & guided process to dragon realm
  • Bonus - Channeled Protection Statement pdf
  • Bonus - Abundance Tips pdf
  • Everything in Package A
  • 2hr energy healing and clearing session
  • Bonus - Channeled Protection Statement pdf
  • Bonus - Abundance Tips pdf
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali. ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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