Crystal Allies, Star Friends and Solar Rays for Punctuated Evolution with Angie LaRue
Please join Angie LaRue and me as we talk about Crystal Allies, Star Friends and Solar Rays for Punctuated Evolution.
What you will learn on the show today:
  • Carbon Based Life forms - How Crystals see us
  • Recognize the coherence within your Auric Field as we connect with the life forms we throughout this universe.
  • We are functioning between the 3rd and 6th dimensions in this part of our evolutionary development.
  • Crystal Clarity and the suns role
  • Coherence is repairing and accessing our personal akashic to pull past knowledge into present incarnation
  • How crystals help us get coherent in an age of distraction and chemical issues in our tissues – harmonic resonance
  • Star Friends and higher understandings of physics
  • Light and Fractal frequency’s share similarities with crystalline energies helping our Mind, Bodys and Spiritual evolution in specific ways
  • What Pleiadean Codeums are and how they help us further along
  • The connection between, Crystals, Sun and Solar based Codeums for Evolution
  • Jupiter Crystal Array
  • Jupiter Crystal Array
  • Mercury Crystal Array
  • Jupiter Crystal Array
  • Mercury Crystal Array
  • Conscious Expansion Crystal Array
  • Pleiadian Codeums for Removing Toxifications
  • 55 Min Reading with Angie
Payment Plan Available
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Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Angie's Package A
Special Offer $49

​Jupiter Crystal Array
Jupiter Crystal Array

This Crystalline transmission of energy is presented with stunning videography, with lush soundscapes and gentle music and includes a guided journey by Rev. Angie through an ancient mystical forest in search of a mythical fairy mushroom. This setting allows your body and energy field to open up for maximum absorption of the crystalline energies which are embedded in the soundscapes.
The Jupiter Crystal Array Transmission is a transmission of energies in a video format with stunning videography, soundscapes and light gentle music for deep states of consciousness for maximum absorption of the energies.
The Jupiter Array engenders expansion of the mind allowing for ease of quests towards broader knowledge, experience and spiritual development leaving one with blueprints and experiences of being limitless and the realization of freedom. It assist one in seeking the Absolute and in participation of ‘ultimate’ experiences. It assists one to find ‘other doors’ when current obstacles seem to block one’s path and gives one insight as to why there were obstacles in the path and gives inner insight into the paths which are available.
Additionally this energy transmission can help with writing and lecturing, sharing knowledge while maintaining both confidence and openness. It opens, balances and energizes the throat chakra and can further provide connection with benevolent universal forces bringing insight, and intuition to one with respect to information which is not physically accessible on the physical plane.
Physically: this Jupiter Energy Transmission assist to reduce adipose tissue, in the treatment of glycogen depletion in the liver, the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, arterial organs, arterial circulation, degeneration of muscular structure, tumors, enlargement of organs, diabetes, hyperaemia, blood-poisoning, imbalance of blood pressure, disorders of the blood, and apoplexy. It can also be used in the amelioration of fatty tumors, infertility of males, pneumonia, headaches in the temple region, insulin disorders, dizziness, sleeplessness, thrombosis, gum dis-ease, lung congestion, depression, growths, nosebleed, pleurisy, pulmonary circulation, rheumatism of the hips and thighs, jaundice, lethargic actions of the kidneys, gout, skin dis-eases, swelling, and in disorders of the teeth, pancreas, heart, upper legs, bone marrow, posterior pituitary gland, nose, and the adrenal glands.
It enhances one’s Recuperative abilities and helps the body assimilate zinc.
Increasing results with replaying from a mediative state every 9 days.

Angie's Package B
Special Offer $89

Package A - Jupiter Crystal Array
​Mercury Crystal Array
Mercury Crystal Array
This Crystalline transmission of energy is presented with stunning videography, with lush soundscapes and gentle music and includes a guided journey by Rev. Angie on a Gondola Car high in mountains to a temple high on a summit, with matching visuals. This setting allows your body and energy field to open up for maximum absorption of the crystalline energies which are embedded in the soundscapes.
The Mercury Crystal Array Transmission is a transmission of energies in a video format with stunning videography, soundscapes and light gentle music for deep states of consciousness for maximum absorption of the energies.
The Mercury Array facilitates communication and connections. It assists in rational thought, mental concentration, and in the refinement and understanding of information.
This is the array of the Seeker, supporting one on the many paths which may be explored. It assists one in astral travel and enhances psychic awareness. It has been employed to stimulate rapid thought transfer, providing the sender with energies to expedite the mental transmission of messages.
It kindles the intellect, and stimulates intelligent articulation and assists in comprehensive understanding during listening, bringing cognitive processes forward to maximum proficiency.
Can be used to open, activate and energize throat and crown chakras. It stimulates Right Brain creativity and receptivity. It is excellent for reinforcing public communication and interaction, introversion is diminished, and the balance of interactive-ness maintained.
It further pursuits in mystical, alchemical, theosophical, and astrological fields, sharpening the senses and perception.
Physically: Mercury Array assist in the relief of bronchitis, pulmonary and respiratory dis-ease, afflictions of the right cerebral hemisphere, the nervous system, the vocal cords (including dysfunctional speech patterns) the ears, arms, manual dexterity, and motor skills. It can also be used in the treatment of headaches, neuralgia, the thyroid gland, lumbago, hoarseness, gout, asthma, pleurisy, less than adequate oxygenation of the lungs, gastro-intestinal disorders, back pain, fainting, urinal bladder and genital pains, rheumatism, skin disorders, depression, varicose veins, and impurities in the blood.
Nervous orders associated with lassitude, heart palpitations, neuralgia of the heart, nervous indigestion, debility, kidney control, urinary and digestive conditions, general aches and pains, it can stimulate the health of vital fluids which control and interact with the nervous system.

Angie's Package ​C
Special Offer $199

Package B - Jupiter Crystal Array & Mercury Crystal Array
​Conscious Expansion Crystal Array
Conscious Expansion Crystal Array
This Crystalline transmission of energy is presented with stunning videography, with lush soundscapes and gentle music and includes a guided journey by Rev. Angie on an old fashioned train through the country side of fall foliage, onboard is a Meditation and Shrine car in a lush intimate setting. These rich visual, sound and musicscapes allows your body and energy field to open up for maximum absorption of the crystalline energies which are embedded in the soundscapes.
The Conscious Expansion Array acts to stimulate benevolence, integrity, inspiration, enthusiasm, optimism, and physical/emotional stability. It promotes second-sight, opens and energizes the third eye, and further promotes the pursuit of Truth. It stimulates the quest for growth both mentally and spiritually.
It can be used to assist one in realizing the self within the self instead of approval and realization from external sources. It also gives one permission to enjoy the positive sides of self-indulgence. It can facilitate automatic writing/verbalization. Use near writings to stimulate successful publishing or publicity.
The movement of Kundalini can be facilitated gently with this array. It also facilitate contact with those having American Indian guides with advanced understanding of medicine practices. It also helps those with Vedic Guides tap into deeper knowledge of the body, health and nuances of healthy food combining.
Physically: The Conscious Expansion Array assist in the relief of fevers, sciatica, degenerative dis-ease of the spinal cord, lumbago, baldness, rheumatism, and inflammatory disorders. It promotes the regulation of cholesterol and the metabolism of fats. It can also be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the feet, hands, sacral region, and coccyx areas of the spine, the full range of spinal vertebrae, thighs, hips, the liver, the hepatic system, the blood, arteries, bone fractures and separations and eye sight.
Use every 9 days for increased results 

​Pleiadian Codeums for Removing Toxifications
Pleiadian Codeums for Removing Toxifications
This Pleiadian Codeums transmissions of energy are presented with stunning videography in themes of blue, waters, flowers and old-world settings, with lush soundscapes and gentle music. This set does not include a Guided Journey as you will be periodically saying activating words with Rev. Angie and the Codeum Chanters to activate these energies in your own system. The lush visual and soundscapes allows your body and energy field to open up for maximum absorption of the Pleiadian Codeums energies from our Star Families which are embedded in the video.
These are detoxifying energies and you will want to follow this video, each time you do it, with two things:
1: Drink as close to a gallon of water during the day as possible.
2: Use a method to finishing pulling out dislodged toxins in your system, such things as ION footbaths, or hot Epson salt baths for 40 mins, or far infra-red sauna, or steam sauna, or ginger packs on the feet over night (look on Amazon) drink liquify in a blender one bunch of cilantro and follow it in 30 mins with Pasculite clay mixed into 6-8 oz of water, exercise to sweat point for 30 mins and then rinse off, or other cleansing method of your choice to remove the physical items not passed out through urine or fecal matter.
Can be done as often as every 9 days, regular use increasing detoxing levels.
Includes Pleiadean Codeum energy for:
  • Setting the body and auric field to receive multiple codeum formulas 
  • Dissolve Bio-films from Outside Sources
  • Rid Body of all non-beneficial Parasites, All nano plastic fibers coalesce and move out of the body (Morgellons)
  • Remove non beneficial Vaccines and adjuvants, Clean and Clear Covid Vaccine and all negative symptoms
  • Break up and flush out plastic filaments (Morgellons’s)
  • Break up and flush out non beneficial synthetic life forms, Break up and flush out Graphene Oxide
  • Disconnect from Surveillance technology networks that influence and interfere with the body and mind
  • Hamper SMART Dust, Remove Foreign Tech from the body and metals
  • Repair damaged DNA, Clear DNA Mishaps, Awaken DNA Upgrades, Integrate DNA upgrades
  • Codeum to close session and seal the field
​55 Minute Reading with Rev. Angie
55 Minute Reading with Rev. Angie
Psychic Readings with Rev. Angie
How many of you would like some guidance for tough decisions in your life? You’d like to know that there is hope, there is a good plan for you? What is your next best step forward for your Spiritual Journey?
I provide accurate, detailed Psychic readings that can change your outlook and your life. Along with a look into your future, I have also delved into Mediumship with loved ones who have transitioned, advice and release thru past lives regression to find the root issue. These readings can be done in person or via Zoom sessions.

Your session can include a few tailored Pleiadian Codeums transmissions specifically for your Journey, Health or Healing if you so desire. Please Ask in your session.


“Angie LaRue has opened my eyes and heart to the true potential of my soul, what it can do, and who I really am. Her energy is full of love and bright lights, she is truly a mystical person.  She has performed reiki on me from thousands of miles away, and has done energy work on my late dog which I believed prolonged her life just long enough for her to say goodbye to me. The people Angie loves and cares about all feel her energy flow through them every time they think of her. She will always be very dear to me, and she has a lot to give to the world with her talents.” - Arthur Nguyen
“Angie LaRue is very personable, caring and compassionate.  Her desire to help people has been priority over making money.  She is always seeking to provide information that will help someone get to the root cause of a situation.  Her readings are clear, detailed and accurate.  She gives encouraging words regarding her readings and helps you to understand.  She has many experiences helping people become healed physically, mentally and spiritually.  She takes her work very seriously and speaks genuinely.
She knows how to lovingly explain things to people who are dealing with a sensitive situation.  I believe Love is her first priority when dealing with others.” ~Debbie Krasowski
“Angie is a very loving and gentle fairy who helps others to recognize their spiritual talents. I worked with Angie in energy healing, Animal Whispering/Tree and plant connections, and spiritual counseling using both Tarot and Angel cards.  One of the first one-on-one sessions was working with the mineral kingdom to cleanse and clear.  After the session I was able to better understand my loving crystals, their need for sunlight, and how to best interact with them.  I also learned the importance of programming clear crystal quartz because of their nature to intensify the energy around them.  Another of the most amazing gifts she possesses is the ability to turn learning into play, which makes the spiritual connection much easier to experience.  During one of our sessions, we were able to connect with plant fairies, and I was able to see energy flowing between the plant and trees.  Finally, she was able to provide accurate spiritual counseling using both Tarot and Angel cards during several of our sessions.  Angie is a great mentor and has been a critical part of my spiritual growth.  I highly recommend her as a spiritual counselor and reader.”  ~Erika Martinez
Angelia is a healer extraordinaire! I am so grateful.  She has been helping me tremendously on so many levels to heal my body, mind and spirit!  I bought her Selenite Elixir, which is good for skin issues and put a few drops of it on a boil I had in my ear that I had for years, and it disappeared! I also had blistering on my face from a peel recently, and she asked her divine guidance if I could put the Selenite Elixir on it (in a coconut oil base) and she got a resounding “yes!”.  I took her advice and also washed my face using water ionized by an Orgone Generator I bought from her, and the blistering disappeared overnight!!  Angelia has performed three Crystal Array healing sessions on me, and they have lifted my spirits so much that I have been able to phase-out my medicine!! Now when I feel triggered by anything, I meditate holding her healing creations-Singing Stones, Selenite tower, Crystals, and I reach a state of Nirvana!” ~Miranda Ravin
“Over the past decade I have engaged the services of many established psychics, astrologers, and channelers. Angie’s abilities are on par with the best of them.  My experience with her has included several means of working with spirits and guides towards higher guidance and spiritual understanding. With each session I sense how she opens up to the energies around us and in the process she is moving her own ideas aside so that highest good can come through. As the sessions progress, the messages that come through have a clear tone and quality to them, and as with any such message there are various interpretations. Angie does well when offering the original message and possible meanings as it relates to me specifically. In each case, the messages offered feel directly in line with what I am curious about or questioning and resonate well with me, leaving me with more insight towards a path forward.” ~Jake Zmrhal
“It has been an honor and a privilege having Angie at my side as a friend and mentor for the past 22 years.  We have spent much of our time traveling and exploring the World.  We have always relied on Angie’s insight to direct our next movement or action.  Her ability to see the future, even before we formally recognized it as such, has always been dependable and therefore heavily relied upon.  In the past several years her gifts have taken a major upswing that can only be described as miraculous.  It is no longer a question in anyone’s mind whether Angie can see into the future or heal with focused energy.  I live a very active lifestyle and am injured quite often.  Whether it be a mountain bike crash, climbing accident, or common illness, Angie has always been there to facilitate rapid healings.  Angie is a kind and loving individual that always puts others before herself and has a temperament well suited for working with others in their quest for truths.” ~Jeffrey Johnson”
I have worked with Angie and seen her psychic talents for myself.  In my opinion, she is an amazing intuitive.  We have talked for many hours and she's done a card reading and a crystal healing for me.  She has educated me on many subjects relating to the etheric realms, and I greatly appreciate her wisdom and insight. She has been a wonderful coach during a painful break-up from a psychic vampire, and is an angel in general.” ~Holly Wilder
“During Angie's summer visit to our house in Sweden, she truly opened up my wife and my view of reality.  With Angie's guidance we were able to practice reiki, energy healing, cleansing, meditation, work with crystals, runes and Tarot/Oracle cards, spiritual counseling, connections to higher beings, animal whispering, and much more.  Many days were spent developing these skills, and testing them on ourselves and each other.  Card readings have repeatedly provided answers to our questions with almost painful accuracy.  I can say without a doubt that our family has now reached a much higher state of consciousness and well-being. The main reason for Angie's stay was to assist with my wife's medical condition, which had come to a standstill with traditional medicine.  The skills that Angie taught us have helped far beyond all expectations.  During Angie's visit we developed a very close personal relationship that will last many lifetimes.  We have fully opened up and helped each other deal with inner fears and the continuous journey to a higher life.” ~Magnus Engelbrektsson
“I had a potent crystal array session with the beloved and masterful Angelia LaRue.  During the session, I had full access and connection to super high fields and Universal Source energy. Amazing to feel so tapped in!! When I went to use my phone after the session, it didn't work at all. Techno fry. Cosmic power overrode human made power. I went to the Apple store, and they kept asking me what happened, they'd never seen this before. The phone and SIM card were totally dead and they gave me a new phone. Magic is alive and well, and impacting this physical reality all the time. I HIGHLY recommend a session with Angie...just leave your electronics at home!” ~Mandy Greenlee

Angie LaRue

Rev. Angelia (Angie) LaRue - Master Crystologist, Reverend, Healer, Medical Intuitive, Medical Innovator, Reiki Master, Spiritual Coach, Psychic, Founder of the Inner Passage Mystery School, & Manufacturer of Orgone Generators.
In 2011 Angie experienced a radical spontaneous Kundalini Awakening while on a business call. This caused a full explosion of psychic abilities, awareness of subtle energy, ability to communicate Beyond the Veil and more. She has been hired to find Missing Persons, record daily rituals of religions no longer practiced, view the use of artifacts in ancient times, take people to other worlds, and has done over 400 out of body trips.
  • Jupiter Crystal Array
  • Jupiter Crystal Array
  • Mercury Crystal Array
  • Jupiter Crystal Array
  • Mercury Crystal Array
  • Conscious Expansion Crystal Array
  • Pleiadian Codeums for Removing Toxifications
  • 55 Min Reading with Angie
Payment Plan Available
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Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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