Creating Your Foundation for 2025: The Relationship Key with Catherine O'Connor
Please join Catherine O'Connor and me as we talk about Creating Your Foundation for 2025: The Relationship Key.
​Relationships are pivotal in life on Earth. We are in a relationship; with ourselves, others and our environment.

In this conversation we will unpack the meaning and significance of relationships and how mastering these pivotal daily expressions of our Divine Self are a key to our spiritual life.

We will explore the following concepts:
  • Our relationship with ourselves; why the right relationship with ourselves is a key to loving relationships with others.. imbued with higher consciousness experiences
  • What do we mean when we speak of “Right relationship”: the energy of Ma'at
  • Why this stance of authentic loving sovereignty is vital to honest, harmonious and healthy relationships with others and our environment.
  • The creative third in a relationship
  • How are our Earthly relationships a spiritual super highway to embodying our Divinity.
  • Ninety Minute Masterclass - Right Relationship Keys - Embody the energy of Ma’at
  • Bonus 30-Minute One-on-One Call with Catherine
Payment Plan Available
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Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Special Offer $97

Right Relationship Keys - Embody the energy of Ma’at - Live 90-minute Masterclass
Right Relationship Keys - Embody the energy of Ma’at - Live 90-minute Masterclass
In this ninety minute masterclass Ma’at will bring her wisdom to support you to develop a deeper connection to yourself through the lens of a loving, honest and harmonious relationship to yourself.
Masterclass Date:

February 18, 2025 10.00 am NZT

February 17, 2025 1:00 pm PST/ 6:00 pm CST / 7:00 pm EST

Are you ready to:
  • Curate a loving relationship with yourself
  • Develop an honest relationship with yourself
  • Integrate fragmented aspects of your soul
  • Shift outdated patterns of over or undergiving
  • Create firm loving boundaries that sustain you and your relationships

So you can have:
  • A loving, intimate soul partnered relationship
  • Like minded community
  • Friendships that expand, nurture and stimulate your body and Soul
  • Dynamic healthy family life
  • Ideal clients flowing through your door
  • A vibrant mind, physical body and emotional field.
​Bonus: 30 Minute 1 on 1 Call with Catherine
Bonus: 30 Minute 1 on 1 Call with Catherine
​In this personalized 30-minute session, Catherine and the Guides will integrate the relationship keys. This is your opportunity to dive deeper, gain clarity, and receive tailored support as you align with a more loving, honest, and harmonious relationship with yourself.


Catherine and the Guides have opened the door even further to a personal awareness & existence of being enveloped within an all-encompassing auric cushion of unconditional lush love. I have come to feel that, indeed, I can embrace my essence. Surprisingly, it is quite ok for me to do that, after all. This realization was astonishing. I had always thought only others were able to do that. My heartfelt deep gratitude to Catherine and the Guides is truly never-ending.” - Kristin
Catherine and her guides invite you into a divinely safe space, filled with integrity, joy, clarity and light. The ease and grace within the experiences are all generously held in a kindness and compassion balanced authentically with a beautiful thread of gentle deepening into your inner truth and an invitation to express who you truly are—in your own time, at your own pace, with support in this dimension and beyond.” - Dawn
Catherine is a magical Sacred Architect. The energy she brings through with her light language and activations is of such a high vibration; I feel somehow both more peaceful, expansive, and more of the Truth of myself just being in her presence.”
I am in deep gratitude for Catherine’s robust transmission. Through her voice, light language, and the energy she transmits, I am filled with a deep, soul-level remembering of Divine Love. It awakens the cells of my physical body and consciousness to many profoundly beautiful forgotten Truths. If you would like to connect to the Truth of who you are and how loved you are by the Divine, I HIGHLY recommend exploring Catherine’s offerings.”
The transmissions of Catherine are such a Divine gift. When she channels her light language, it nurtures your system and unlocks the potential that is ready to be revealed from the depth of your being. The Crystalline frequencies she transmits come from the stars. They connect you with your Star origin. It is such a gift and a blessing to work with Catherine, and I am so thankful she is sharing her gifts with the world.”

Catherine O'Connor

Catherine is a sacred architect, and channel of infinite knowledge and Divine love magic. Working with sensitives, creators, healers, leaders and change makers who want to connect to their Truth, amplify their mastery bringing their unique voice forward, she creates sacred-committed-nourishing environments, deactivating separation patterns to expansive-multidimensional-authentic Self expressions empowering efficient light embodied connections, impact and resources Integrating psychotherapeutic understanding with a refined connection to Thoth aligning and activating an experiential sense of the inner god/dess.
  • Ninety Minute Masterclass - Right Relationship Keys - Embody the energy of Ma’at
  • Bonus 30-Minute One-on-One Call with Catherine
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali. ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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