Restoring the Original Soul Fragmentation and Releasing the Imprint of "Judgment" with Cathleena Hailley
Please join Cathleena Hailley and me as we talk about Restoring the Original Soul Fragmentation and Releasing the Imprint of "Judgment".

  • Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgment” 9 Week Series
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Restoring the Original Soul Fragmentation and Releasing the Imprint of "Judgment"
Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgment” from the brain and body series
A 9 week activation series to align your Soul’s essence to interact with your brain and physical body in pure unity consciousness with all things.
Restoring the beginning Soul fragmentation imprint
Because of the indoctrination of false frequencies, we have experienced
Soul fragmentation or quantum entanglement, which has caused humanity to become a story instead of the amazing Source sovereign creator that we are. Through false light and sound signatures there has been an imprint of certain false frequencies of which consciousness has aligned itself to,through this quantum entanglement.
The brain chemistry is malleable, that is, its composition to matter is easily changed. Through an understanding of how matter is influenced by brainwaves or frequencies will allow for the creation of brain waves of your choosing to exist.
We will step into the brain as frequency, as sound and light, to bring the brain itself into a synergy with all body systems, as divine union of self with self, divine Hieros/Gamos with divine creator or source as consciousness.
This is the main frequency to engage with the brain as a pathway of grace and ease for the brain to understand and interact with consciousness as source consciousness.
To bring the brain in synergy with the body systems and all matter is to begin the zero balance point or opening, like a portal, of divine information(consciousness) easy access.
We will be stepping into the brain and body systems with a zero point of brain function as understanding. An understanding of self to your body,your relationship to the body, to call back home the original fragmentation or Soul fragmentation imprint of specific emotional responses. This will free up the story they carry that has been the unconscious Director of your life experiences.

Week 1 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgement" from the brain and body-Cardiovascular system
The cardiovascular system is the houser of the heart complex, a complex network of intricate communication systems to all there is. This is in fact the place of originated as source to the physical experience. This network hits all aspects of being mental, physical, emotional and etheric. This is the foundation of human experience.

To allow for judgment here negates all of your source essence to be transferred through all channels of existence and instead sends it directly to the physical brain which is a closed container of limited information, most of which has been given to you by the false agenda.

This process bypassing all other networks of communication is far more vast than can be communicated here but to know that to bypass this has far reaching effects on not only your personal human experience but the collective of all humanity and all life itself.

As we move deeply into the cardiovascular system to release judgment, many emotions may surface to be released as well. This process is quite complex and unique as we will be moving through networks of multi dimensional communication. This communication includes your intuition or sixth sense so to speak. Many of your natural abilities have been lying dormant because of this judgment.

We will be moving swiftly but purposely through many of these pathways of communication to clear the distortions of confusion put in place by the negative agenda. Be gentle with yourself through this process.

Week 2 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgement” from the brain and body-Digestive and Urinary systems
The digestive system is the food storage area or the area where nourishment is given to the physical body. The idea giving what the body needs to sustain life or life force energy.

To allow judgment here negates the natural authentic intuition of soul nourishment to be given to the body, but instead to give those things that are life giving to others outside of self. The process of judgment here allows for the natural discernment of self, health and well-being, to be bypassed by others energies who influence the system to choose those items not in synergy with life force flow, but instead life giving to others.

What we are saying here is to allow judgment within this system leads to picking foods that are not life-affirming to the soul path of the individual,but instead to the soul path the negative or hidden agenda.

This agenda does not have life force energy to sustain itself so it requires you to give of yourself to sustain its own life force. This is the process of choosing from judgment which is the collective blindly follows.Instead if we remove this frequency from this system we allow for a greater awareness of true life force affirming nutritional elements to be engaged. 

This process switches off the addiction frequency put in place by the judgment frequency. In turn the urinary system brings back out to the world the frequencies one has ingested.

To allow for this judgment process to be the leader in these frequencies will allow for a cycle to continue, as the controllers now can further syphon your energy through the elimination of life force from the fluid systems of your existence that you are adding back to this collective.

All is energy, all you give, you receive.

Week 3 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgement” from the brain and body-Endocrine and Lymphatic systems
The endocrine and lymphatic systems house the master regulators and immunity of the body. Both create a matrix of synergy for the body to function at its most efficient way.

To allow for judgment within these systems takes away the natural understanding of the functioning of the system to the body as a whole. In other words if you apply judgment within these systems you allow for the natural synergistic ability of the system itself to communicate in harmony and synergy with all other body systems. To allow for the system which basically controls harmony to be interfered with by judgment takes away the ability for harmony to exist.

As we are energy in motion, as consciousness, this disharmony travels not only to all other body systems what far beyond into all of your life and the collective as well.

To disengage judgment from these systems will re-engage the natural communication of these systems back to the body. Because both of these systems create balance within the body, the endocrine for the metabolism and emotional well-being and the lymphatic as the physical health monitor,to release judgment from these systems allows for the greatest ability to engage the life force energy of your soul self within these systems. As this occurs Life-force itself engages at both the micro and macro level of all your existence.

Week 4 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgement” from the brain and body-Muscular and Nervous systems
These body systems represent the movement upon and within the body,as the muscular system holds the ability to move physically around the earth and the nervous system holds the ability to move or communicate within the body.

As we engage the frequency of judgment within these body systems we stop our natural flow or rhythm self within and outside of the physical experience. This is where we change our trajectory of self within our own hologram or within the time space continuum.

As we engage judgment with shift our awareness as source to that of the human identity of self within the body and thus within the entire human experience. This in other words, shrinks you to that of a person or separation of self as energy or source.

This is a mechanism to keep you small so to speak in driven or controlled by the ego and it's self identification.

As you disengage judgment you allow yourself to drop into the zero point of all possibilities or source, to lead your path upon and within the human experience. This will allow you to feel who you are and make decisions or discernment of physical choices within your environment that lead you in a synergistic pathway of your plan of ascension and to the path of joy,excitement and creation of love.

Week 5 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgement” from the brain and body-Muscular and Nervous systems
The skeletal system houses the movement ability within and upon Gaia and the physical bodies movement itself. As we engage judgment within the system we recognize the restrictions of movement as structure within and as our life existence.

As judgment engages with the system of structure, the structure itself becomes unmovable, that is it loses its natural ability to flow frequencies or emotions or feelings.

The whole human experience is that of movement or through frequencies or emotional expressions or experiences. Judgment changes, shifts and often stopped this natural flow of movement and thus expression itself.

As we disengage judgment from the system we allow for movement as structure to be fluid.

Imagine a structure that is fluid like many of your bridges. A bridge must have natural flow or movement as the natural influences occur or the bridge will not hold. It must flow with the wind or weather in order to stay as a structure.

If the structure were to be built rigid it would collapse with the wind pressure or frequency as we know it.

You too are like the bridge which needs its natural flow for the rhythm of life frequencies to interact as movement and flow to all other frequencies.This is to allow structure as frequency, as the law of one.

In essence it is the redefining of structure itself as something that is moving and shifting not something that is rigid or stagnant.

Week 6 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the frequency of “Judgement” from the brain and body-Respiratory system
The respiratory system houses the breath of life, the inhale and exhale vital life force energy to the physical body. The active inhaling life and exhaling that out to your existence is one of the most profound aspects of your physical reality. That is it is the breath of your expression of self being expressed out to your physical reality.

To engage judgment with the process of inhaling Life force and expressing this out to the reality causes your expression to be that of many other frequencies which may not even include you. That is as you engage judgment, this frequency aligned with breath, expresses many other frequencies all at once. These frequencies may not even include the authentic original nature of your unique expression.

This means you may never truly be adding you to your reality. The inhaling of this judgment means you may never be allowing your true source self to be expressed to that of your physical body but instead adding many frequencies that may not be a line to your physical health and well-being.

To disengage judgment from the system will give you the ability to express both within your physical body and outward to the reality, the pure nature of your own unique expression of self as source.

Week 7 - Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgement" from the brain and body-reproductive system
The reproductive system houses the creator/creation center of the body. It is the place of the divine zero point access through the womb technology.This is both male and female of the species.

As we engage judgment within this system the divine zero point access is shut down and moved to that of the physical brain. In other words when judgment is engaged within the creator/creation center there is no real creation taking place, only that of seeking from the mind choices already in the collective beliefs. This causes the zero point access to shut down and be limited instead to the mind and the mind matrix created by the collective beliefs.

To allow for true creation to exist we must allow for the zero point access.That is the place of no thing and all possibilities to exist. This place cannot be accessed through judgment.

To remove the frequency of judgment from this system allows for true creation to exist. This existence is not only for the collective as a whole as the macro but also for the micro of the physical body and physical life.

As we disengage judgment we allow for life energy itself to flow and be present within the creator/creation center or in other words we allow for pure source as the all and no thing to be access for full potential of the creative process and full potential of all possibilities of creation itself to exist.

Week 8 - Restoring the original soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of "Judgement" from the brain and body-the integumentary system
The Integumentary system consists of the skin, hair and nails, all communication systems within themselves. The skin communicates with all body systems, helps regulate temperature and conditions within the system as a whole. The hair is also a communication system, one of an antenna like. It communicates with higher level intelligence, to also regulate the body. The nails communicate the blood stream and digestive through color, texture and feel. This system is intricate to the health and well-being of the physical body.

To allow judgment within this system creates the first block so to speak of authentic communication of self to the physical body. As you engage judgment within this system you shut down the first opportunity of authentic communication to your Source.

As we disengage judgment from the system we allow for the first, what we feel is outside communication to be recognized. This is important because we are living in an inverted matrix of frequencies and emotions. As we disengage judgment, we begin to experience the frequencies that we have been feeling from our physical body and physical life.

As we recognize these frequencies and more so recognize the affects they are creating, we have the opportunity to enter the zero point.

As we continue to release all judgment, the zero point becomes filled with our own source presence two allow authentic frequencies to now engage with our physical body and physical experience. This is a beginning of truly living heaven on earth and beginning to become and authentic creator of your reality.

Week 9 - Restoring the original soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of "Judgement" from the brain and body-Brain
Allowing judgment within the brain negate all other emotions and frequencies from ever being recognized.

As the brain is the master computer of the systems of the body. It is the regulator of reason within all systems, this means it carries the reasoning of thoughts as energy and frequency to all body systems. This reasoning as frequency is a catalyst to all frequencies entering zero point.

As judgment enters the structure the reasoning changes to the frequency of judgment. As this happens the reasoning frequencies ability to create zero point is stopped. If the system cannot create zero point access, true creation can never be accessed.

As judgment is released from the brain it self the frequency of reason is restored and the bodies ability to maintain zero point is restored. This means your ability to embody as source as pure experience is restored. As this occurs true creation can occur.

The restoration of the brain itself to recognize the zero point is also restored. This allows for the freedom of emotional frequencies to move through the brain and find their emotional placement within the heart. A rhythm is restored for creator/creation to occur.


“On my spiritual journey there are only a few humans that I have experienced and known that have the level of multidimensional awareness that Cathleena possesses in relationship to frequencies. During group energy work she can zoom in on and discern the most minute frequencies that are playing out within the individuals as well as in the collective of the group. She is masterful at matching the frequencies required to alchemize and integrate deep healing work both in the micro of humanity as well as the macro of Gaia. However, what allows Cathleena to stand out in my heart as a true Master healer of humanity and Ambassador of Gaia is that she shows up authentically everyday holding the mirror up and diving deep into her own shadows, while coming out on the other side embodying more of her true God Self. It’s an honor to be on this Earth journey together as a friend and fellow Light Colleague.” ~ Brooklin Rayne
“Hello to everybody who has the great fortune to meet Cathleena. I came down from Bhutan with extreme pain in my knees. I went to the doctor when I came back and they took an MRI-scan of my knees. They found a tumor in my knee. they knew the kind of tumor and said it had to be operated as soon as possible. They send the pictures to the hospital and they would contact me. In the mean time I had a session with Cathleena. She guided me in a state where we cut loose the tumor and made it in smaller pieces so it could be integrated by the body. It all felt very good and tingling. A week later the surgeon and his specialist team phoned me and told me that they cold not find the tumor any more. And that an operation was not needed.But what I liked the most about Cathleena is how she embraces you into her heart energy. You feel so cared for. She easy taps into your energy fields and really connects with you. I felt so connected and cared for and somehow all by doubt melted away. I sincerely hope that many people may benefit from her extra ordinary gift and her warm personality. I feel extremely blessed to know her. Thank you very much dearest Cathleena.” ~ Bar-che Dorje, Buddhist teacher at Nyingma Aro gTÃ
“When I found out Cathleena was going to be in my hometown for a lecture, I immediately felt a strong nudge (push, shove!) to book a private session with her. At the time, I didn’t know a lot about Cathleena’s work but I was inexplicably drawn to her. I am so grateful I followed that inner wisdom to connect with her! I can honestly say that I left my session with Cathleena not FEELING like a new person – I WAS a new person. In the days that followed my clearing and reset, I felt surges of euphoria that I have never experienced before. The energy was palpable and electric. I have since come to realize my frequency did, in fact, change and my body was adjusting to the new energy. The feeling was profoundly liberating. I have met with many different practitioners over the years but my session with Cathleena was extraordinary. I’m so happy I purchased a Frequency Adjuster of my own so I can continue to attune and balance my energy moving forward. Thank you, Cathleena for sharing your tremendous love and light with others!” ~ Kelly DiPucchio, Author

Cathleena Hailley

Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint. As the lineage of the life Architect her Crystalline DNA signature not only carries the frequency of perfect pitch to align to the original Human templet, Earth templet and this Universes templet, but continually recalibrate this alignment.
Having incarnated as an Arcturian, Andromedan, and as a member of the Council of 9 Galactic Collective, Cathleena brings the knowledge of human patterns of existence, along with her extensive knowledge and work with interplanetary and galactic portals. Through this, she accesses human patterning with galactic information, technologies and energies to fully access their original soul’s blueprint. Cathleena has a business degree and has worked with many professionals and medical practitioners in her massage therapy practice for over 28 years, she has experienced layers of human patterning, personalities, and life expressions. Her background in massage, using techniques as Rolfing and Myofascial has allowed her to begin to access more subtle energies connected to the emotional patterning that creates an individual’s life. Through her understanding of sacred geometry, she has channeled a vibrational device from the Arcturian collective. Cathleena now uses all of her business knowledge and experience with sacred geometry to align with her resetting the crystalline DNA.
  • Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Judgment” 9 Week Series
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