Activating Your Monadic Container with Elisa Pitt
Please join Elisa Pitt and me as we talk about Activating Your Monadic Container.
Join us as we discuss:
  • What was your childhood like and how did it support your awakening?
  • What is the Monadic Container?
  • How do your transmissions assist with facilitating Christ Consciousness?
  • What are some practices we can use to disentangle from many of the consciousness traps and fear present on the planet today?
  • What is the role of entities in all of this?
Elisa will offer a channeled activation and transmission with Divine Mother and the Sophia Christ Collective that includes a crystalline DNA activation.
  • 7 Week Live series - Activating Your Monadic Container
 transmissions with the Sophia Christ Collective to assist the embodiment of the Oversoul, replays included

  • 7 Week Live series - Activating Your Monadic Container
 transmissions with the Sophia Christ Collective to assist the embodiment of the Oversoul, replays included

  • 60 Minute Private Session with Elisa
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali. ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

PACKAGE A - Value $​2​22
Special Offer $147

Activating Your Monadic Container
Activating Your Monadic Container

Transmissions with the Sophia Christ Collective to assist the embodiment of the Oversoul

7-week Live Series
Join us to masterfully disentangle conscious traps at a DNA level that have long held us in a state of separation from the full integration and awareness that we are God Sovereign Free beings. Additionally, there will be a potent and consistent crystalline vibration held within the sacral chakra that will amplify our ability to consciously co-create the New Earth. Free of fear, illusion and suffering. Together we will activate our crystalline DNA to express its highest potential, assisting us with transitioning into timelines of greater peace, love, beauty, infinite abundance and more. Each transmission will meet each participant uniquely where they are in the present moment of their journey to facilitate transformation by activating their monadic container and embodying the highest expression of their Original Divine Blueprint. The 7th dimensional monadic container acts as a bridge between the soul and the oversoul. When activated, it brings forth the opportunity for the oversoul to integrate into the physical body in accordance with the highest expression of one’s blueprint. The restoral of the Original Divine Blueprint facilitates the ability to see beyond the veil, activating the embodiment of the 12-strand crystalline DNA and God consciousness. Join us to activate your highest crystalline potential, integrate your Oversoul, and return the I AM Presence once more within and upon Sophia Gaia and all of her Earthly incarnates.

Live transmissions are 75-minutes and will be held over zoom on Wednesdays at 12pm PDT beginning February 26th to April 16th, 2025 (March 19th is a skip week). Each transmission will begin with conscious channeling followed by a Live activation of spoken words, breath, light codes and toning. There will be a brief question and answer period to conclude our time together. Whether one participates in the live transmission or the replay, transmissions are light encoded to meet each participant where they are in the present moment of their journey. All participants will have access to the replay. An ‘Activating Your Monadic Container’ group chat has been created in Signal with the intention of offering a high vibrational judgement-free container where we can further connect and authentically share our experience within this series. You’re invited to join the Signal chat within the membership portal. For support questions, please email admin@elisapitt.com.

Week One - Accessing the Container of the Original Divine Blueprint

Wednesday, February 26th @ 12pm PT via zoom
We begin this series by going within the infinite wisdom centre of the heart. Together, we will open and access the original Divine blueprint within the heart centre so it can reveal itself in our unique individual realities in new ways, supporting us in our transition to our Highest Self and the New Earth.

Week Two -
Amplifying the Great Central Sun within and through the Solar Plexus Chakra

Wednesday, March 5th @ 12pm PT via zoom
Together we will dissolve consciousness traps and illusions of the victim victimizer matrix, self sabotage, and low self worth. We will amplify the light of the great central sun throughout the solar plexus chakra and activate the crystalline DNA to express its highest potential. Divine Mother assists us with amplifying our solar hearts throughout our energetic field to further harmonize and align with our crystalline blueprint.

Week Three - Restoring Access to our 12-Dimensional Christos Lineage
​Wednesday, March 12th @ 12pm PT via zoom
We clear the third eye technology. Clearing and cleansing all that has held us in a state of illusion and fear from the full integration our monadic body. We will restore access to the 12 Dimensional Christos Lineage and diamond grid system.

Week Four -
Opening the Crown Chakra to further Integrate the True Self 

Wednesday, March 26th @ 12pm PT via zoom
Opening the crown chakra and integrating our connection with our monadic bodies, while further restoring and expanding our 12 dimensional christos heart. Feeling the unconditionally loving Divine Essence of our True Self flowing through us, nourishing and filling us with our pristine core essence. Our crown chakra amplifies and shimmers like a brilliant lotus as our double diamond sun body returns.

Week Five - Restoring Divine Harmony within the Throat Chakra
Wednesday, April 2nd @ 12pm PT via zoom
We will spiral open the throat chakra and fill it with immaculate diamond light. The consciousness traps long held within the throat that are ready to be released will be revealed to us in greater ways. Together we will restore divine harmony within the throat chakra, clearing belief systems of separation, not enough, unworthiness and more. We will amplify the frequencies of perfect peace, igniting the full restoration of our Christos template within throat.

Week Six - Stepping into our Fullest Expression as co-creators of New Earth
Wednesday, April 9th @ 12pm PT via zoom
Together we will ground and anchor in all that has been brought forth during this series. Further amplifying the frequencies of our Christos Lineage within the root chakra, reestablishing the communication pathways between our christos heart, our original Divine Blueprint and our physical, mental, emotional and spirit bodies. Amplifying the frequencies of conscious co-creation, allowing us to step into our fullest expression as co-creators of the New Earth.

Week Seven - Live Channeled Q&A
Wednesday, April 16th @ 12pm PT via zoom
This is a time to ask questions related to ‘Activating Your Monadic Container’. Questions may be brought forth during the Live gathering or emailed in advance to admin@elisapitt.com.

PACKAGE B - Value $44​4
Special Offer $197

​Everything in Package A
​60 Minute Private Session with Elisa
Together, we will begin in conscious conversation where we tap into higher realms of consciousness to explore all that you desire to understand, activate and potentialize. Next, we will enter into a transmission to access the container of your Original Divine Blueprint to allow its frequency to flow into your reality and express itself to you in new ways. This is a key that unlocks your conscious awareness to reflect back to you the adjustments that can be made to further align yourself with the highest expression of your blueprint. During this transmission, we will dive deeply into your chakras, portals, meridians and gateways to clear distortion programs and frequency patterns that are blocking the fullest expression of your 12-strand crystalline DNA and most authentic self. Together, we will enter the Divine Womb of All Creation to ground and anchor in the highest expression of your crystalline potential. 

This is a time to bring forth ideas and desires that you wish to experience more of in your life as well as what you wish to release and let go of. Every session is unique to the individual and meets each person where they are in the present moment of their journey. Some of the things that may take place are akashic recall, activation of the crystalline DNA and chakras, clearing of entities, clearing of inorganic technologies and frequencies, dissolving program densities, integration of soul fragments and Divine gifts, timeline regression and integration work. Timeline potentials may be brought forward as a road map within your blueprint.


“Working with Elisa has been life changing for me. I have had the privilege to have sessions with her for many years and they always leave me feeling energized, connected to my higher self and vibrationally aligned with source energy. Her kind and loving nature makes every session special and welcoming and she can truly hold space for you wherever you are in your journey. I loved connecting back to source energy and the zero point. Getting a reset is crucial for me to get back on track spiritually and that is what she provides me. Elisa and her work are incredible. She is a very special person with a very special gift.” - Jenn Pickering
“During our time together I experienced profound shifts in both energy and vibration. Key areas of my body became heated and the light field within and around me expanded in all directions. Elisa’s angelic toning dissolved blockages in certain chakras, bringing them back into harmony. As Elisa spoke to a specific traumatic past life experience I had endured, I was able to gain insight into my current life path. The conversation that followed provided an opportunity for reflection and inquiry into life’s bigger questions—a deep dive if you will- into timeline loops, the cycle of samsara, the true nature of reality and the Soul's purpose in this lifetime. What I loved most about our time together was being held in a sacred container of presence and connection. We traversed timelines and timelessness as time both stood still and flew by. I felt witnessed, encouraged and uplifted. It was a truly needed and enjoyable experience! Highly recommend!” - Carolyn Manhas
“I had yawns of confirmation during the session and my head was nodding in agreement the entire time. I believe my soul on some level was recognizing truth during the session. I loved the flow of it. Elisa connected in the beginning, shared the channeled information and ended the session in a way that made me feel very comfortable. It was interesting, exciting and informative. There were guides and deities that I thought were around me previously and this session confirmed that as they came through. After my session, I tried channeling on my own and noticed that a lot more information was coming through than when I’ve tried it in the past.” - Staci Newring

Elisa Pitt

Elisa Pitt is an ascension guide and cosmic waysharer. As a teacher of the soul’s journey as it relates to universal law and manifestation, her transmissions create an access point that activates and supports the soul’s transition to its original Divine Blueprint. Through her Christos Architecture, she channels Divine Mother, Hathor, Isis, Shakti, Quan Yin and other Ascended Masters to create physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realignments. Together with her team of guides, she uses light, sound, breath and mudra to clear distortion fields that exist in the way of a soul’s perfect blueprint, accessing the blueprint’s container and letting its frequency out, like Sophia herself rebirthing. This Divine Feminine Sophia Presence is an immaculate conception of the Divine Womb of all Creation. It offers us an opportunity to reconstruct our lives in the same body in a higher frequency bandwidth, supporting our transition to the New Earth.
Additionally, Elisa’s vibration allows the process of crystalline DNA to transform the carbon-based DNA, creating a fuller embodiment of the I AM Presence and Unity Consciousness. This process meets each individual uniquely where they are in the present moment of their journey. Elisa has a background in customer relations within the telecommunications industry. A significant spiritual awakening inspired her to leave her corporate job and use her skills to become a virtual administrative assistant to spiritually aligned entrepreneurs. In this role within the spiritual community, she experienced greater bandwidths of Self Realization that assisted her with transitioning to the highest expression of her Original Divine Blueprint as a teacher of Universal Law and Manifestation. Today she uses her gifts and abilities to assist others in their transition to their Original Divine Blueprint, activating and embodying the I AM Presence and Unity Consciousness, and anchoring in the New Earth.
  • 7 Week Live series - Activating Your Monadic Container
 transmissions with the Sophia Christ Collective to assist the embodiment of the Oversoul, replays included

  • 7 Week Live series - Activating Your Monadic Container
 transmissions with the Sophia Christ Collective to assist the embodiment of the Oversoul, replays included

  • 60 Minute Private Session with Elisa
Payment Plan Available
*** Use your Inner Circle Membership Gift Code to receive a special 10% or 25% discount from Shefali. ***

Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!
If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

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